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The 2000 US Census found that 2.4 million grandparents are the primary caregivers for the children in their families.

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A good book can inspire it's reader to expand their thinking and ingite those creative juices. Many of us have joined online groups in order to find people to speak with, to help us to sort out the mess we find ourselves in, only to find bickering and contention.

While talking or chatting can often provide help, it's not always the best avenue of help. I've found that often, I need to create my own solutions. Creativity is key when problem solving. Being able to think outside the box, can make a huge difference to your family.

Visit your local library to check out some of the titles below or better yet, add these books to your home library. Learn all you can, to win your fight against the courts and child welfare agents. Save money with Amazon books too. Don't forget the free shipping option on many items.

Education is the key to success, the more you know and understand, the more powerful you will become in your fight for your children's future.

Kids For Money

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"Warning! The Truth About
Child Protective Services"

Instant Access

These reports are available instantly for download as pdf files, making them not only easy to obtain but they are also earth friendly, since you aren't required to print them out, unless you wish.

Child Custody Issues

  • Child Custody Strategies
    Dr. Barry Bricklin and Dr. Gail Elliot, two of the country's most famous and respected child custody experts, have developed a unique program that gives you the best chance of winning a favorable custody arrangement.
  • Divorce Advice for Women
    Divorce expert exposes the tips and tricks every woman must know to confidently face divorce & make the best decisions for the future.
  • 200+ Child Custody Publications!
    The most complete library of expert quality child custody publications available online. These publications are used by mothers, fathers, grandparents, attorneys, mental health professionals and universities.
  • Child Custody Calendar
    TomaWeb's Custody Keeper® is a simple yet very useful custody scheduling software to help plan the time sharing of children between 2 or more guardians. Custody Keeper also lets you keep a daily diary of comments as well as track all of the expenses incured.
  • Grandparents Rights: 2009
    Authored By Custody Experts, Dr. Bricklin & Dr. Elliot. In every state, Grandparents now have the right to ask for visitation or custody. Judges have learned to take seriously the "best interests of the child" concept and this has opened the door for Grandparents...
  • Relocation With Children After Divorce
    This report covers everything about relocating with children when you are subject to a child custody order (189 Pages)...
  • How To Win Child Custody
    How to win child custody by the custody coach. Proven strategies that can win you custody and save you thousands in attorney costs! Overcome the learning curve of a divorce and child custody battle that can cost you a fortune and even your children!...
  • Unmarried Parents And Child Custody
    This Publication covers everything you need to know about having children while not being married. Once you slip on a wedding ring, the law has you covered -- most state statutes outline rights and responsibilities for married couples. Few comparable statutes exist to guide the unmarried...

Coping with Child Behaviors

  • My Out-of-Control Child
    Parenting Children With Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The problem is that most parents of defiant, out of control children have tried very hard to regain control -- but with little or no success. How much longer will you tolerate dishonesty and disrespect? How many more temper tantrums and arguments will you endure?

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