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Some parents have had their children removed for yelling at them, allowing them to miss or be late to school or having a dirty home. ~Social worker Anthony Cavuoti

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Utah CPS News Archive

Utah News Coverage

by Bob Unruh

A Utah woman who was ordered by a juvenile court judge to enroll her children in public school or lose custody of them has abandoned her home, furniture and other possessions to escape the order.

Denise Mafi, a nine-year veteran of homeschooling, has confirmed to WND she and her children packed up their essentials - clothes and homeschool materials - and fled Utah over the weekend, spending more than 50 hours on a bus trip to another undisclosed part of the country.


December 20, 2007

by Kirsten Stewart

ST. GEORGE - Nicole and Lynn choose what they want at the grocery store. They sleep in their own bedroom in familiar surroundings. And when the preteen girls get home from school, someone is waiting with snacks.

The girls, identified by their middle names, might have been spared an extended shelter stay were it not for a new Utah law requiring thorough FBI criminal screens of all adoptive and foster parents, including kin. State officials admit the law went too far...

The Salt Lake Tribune (UT)

September 19, 2007

by Kirsten Stewart

The hurt remains fresh for Roska and her husband, James, who testified tearfully in U.S. District Court last week about harms suffered due to Rusty's wrongful removal May 28, 1999.

Sleepless nights, a missed graduation ceremony, depression and general distrust of governmental authorities were the suffering for which the Roskas said they deserve compensation. It wasn't enough to sway a jury, which Monday rejected the couple's injury claim, awarding $2 in nominal damages.

Salt Lake Tribune (UT)

July 3, 2007

by Debbie Hummel

A woman bringing three injured kittens to the animal shelter said her boyfriend had been getting free kittens from listings in the newspaper with the intent of hurting them.

The link between animal cruelty and domestic violence is becoming increasingly clear. Last April, Maine was the first state to adopt a law including pets in domestic protective orders.

The Salt Lake Tribune

October 24, 2006

by Kirsten Stewart

An extra $5 a day for teaching the kids living skills to end after DCFS found bad paperwork

Last year, 139 homes fostered 453 kids, about 12 percent of the children in state custody. For their efforts to equip youth with living skills in preparation for the day they "age out" of foster care - Medicaid paid them an extra $5 a day on top of the $27 to $29 they received for room and board.

Salt Lake Tribune

October 17, 2006

by Vicki Pierce

Like a lost soul on an endless voyage, Deborah Connor has never given up fighting to regain custody of her 11-year-old son, Ryan Cook.

When Deborah Connor lost custody of her 3-month-old, breast-feeding, infant son, on April 20, 1990, to Mark Cook, a batterer, in Billings, Montana, she couldn't believe that her right to due process was stolen in a court of law.

National Alliance for Family Court Justice

June 15, 2001

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