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In 1990, 2.7 million children were reported abused and neglected. Two-thirds of these reports (including anonymous phone calls to "hot lines") were not substantiated.

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National CPS News Archive

National News Coverage

A teenager who wants to live with his mother has a brought a test case at the Court of Appeal on the rights of children to be heard.

The youngster has been put in long term foster care by Carmarthenshire council after his "stubborn and difficult" mother said she wanted to work abroad. The 15-year-old claims a family judge took an "overly paternalistic approach" when she met him in her chambers. The three appeal court judges are to deliver their verdict at a later date.

November 19, 2012

by Alex Newman

BERLIN, Germany - Countless tears were shed at the first Global Home Education Conference here as homeschooling parents told horror stories of having to flee vicious persecution in their home countries.

One German homeschooling mother, sobbing, explained that it was the second time she was forced to escape oppression in her homeland. First, she fled from the clutches of the brutal communist regime of East Germany. More recently, she went into exile from the now-united Germany to avoid the ruthless persecution of homeschooling families, which can include massive fines, jail time, and even loss of custody over children.

November 6, 2012

by Michelle Cole

A 10-year-old girl is found dead in a footlocker in Arizona and police learn her family had been under investigation by child welfare authorities in Utah.

A teenager is murdered in Eugene, leaving a trail of questions from Sacramento to Salem about who failed to protect her. A baby spends its vital first year with a stranger in Alabama foster care while relatives in Oregon wait for word that they can raise the child.

October 27, 2012

by Sam Taxy

As the current recession continues and millions of jobless Americans are seeing their incomes and wealth disappear, the food stamp program has increased dramatically. The number of participating households has almost doubled since 2005.

The amount of money spent on the program has tripled to $65 billion annually in the same time period. Fast food conglomerate Yum! Brands wants in on this gravy train, and is now lobbying states to allow fast food franchises to accept the stamps.

October 22, 2012

by Kevin Mathews

How are soda companies targeting teenagers these days? By negotiating contracts with school systems for sole "pouring rights." In fact, four out of every five public high schools have agreements with either Coca-Cola or Pepsi.

These contracts stipulate that the soda companies' products will be sold in vending machines, cafeterias, snack bars and at after school functions. Advertisements that promote the sugary beverages are also furnished to the schools to keep the thought of soda on the kids' minds throughout the day.

October 22, 2012

by Lindsay Abrams

Should we allow highly at-risk children in the foster care system who are in need of homes and loving families to be adopted by homosexual couples?

This is the first study to compare children who were adopted out of foster care by gay men, lesbian women, and heterosexual couples, and to track their progress over time, explains lead author Justin Lavner, a doctoral candidate at UCLA. The researchers followed 82 children in Los Angeles County -- 22 of whom were adopted by homosexual parents at the average age of 4 -- and evaluated them after two months, one year, and two years after they were placed with their adoptive families.

October 22, 2012

by Alex Newman

STOCKHOLM - Homeschooling advocates and human rights activists around the world are celebrating after a recent appeals court ruling in Sweden came down on October 17:

A unanimous verdict affirming that a Jewish family in Gothenburg has the right to homeschool in accordance with their faith despite a virtual ban on the practice implemented last year. However, even with the apparent victory, experts and activists say there is a long way to go before most persecuted Swedish homeschoolers can exercise their rights in peace.

October 22, 2012

Patrick Martin, 14, and his brother Mayeso, 15, are safely home for the moment with their mother and other siblings in Kasonya village, Phalombe District in southern Malawi.

They and 12 other children were rescued from being trafficked to neighbouring Mozambique last month by their father. Every farming season, people from Phalombe District are taken to the southern African country of Mozambique to earn their families enough money to buy a bicycle - which is considered a luxury in a country were 65 percent of its 16 million people live below the poverty line.

October 22, 2012

by Harsha Kumari Singh

For the month-old infant Damini, whose father, rickshaw puller Babloo, was forced to earn his daily wage even as he kept her strapped to his chest, it is a struggle between life and death.

At just 1.4 kilos, she is severely malnourished and is also suffering from a blood infection. Doctors say she will probably need transfusion. "Reports shows she has an infection in her blood," said Dr Ashok Gupta, the paediatrician who had been treating her in Bharatpur.

October 22, 2012

by Jon Entine

The talk show health and science advice program hit a new low with Dr. Mehment Oz's recent foray into the debate over genetically modified crops and foods. The Genetic Literacy Project's Jon Entine reports.

The Oz show, which also showcased his endorsement of California Proposition 37, the controversial regulation, widely opposed by mainstream science and health groups, and which would impose mandatory labeling on GM foods, has led to extraordinarily sharp and public reactions from mainstream scientists.

October 19, 2012

The requirements are the same for everybody, but some parts of the admission process are unique to homeschoolers.

We require the same standardized tests for everyone, but homeschool students often take extra tests-say, SAT subject tests-because they find that those tests are an easier way to convey mastery of a subject. We want all the usual recommendation letters, but because parents who homeschool are often their children's teachers, they write letters, too. They want to show the thinking behind the work they did and why.

October 18, 2012

by Gary North

There is exactly one authentically radical social movement of any real significance in the United States, and it is not Occupy, the Tea Party, or the Ron Paul faction. It is homeschoolers...

It stands against the only American institution that can legitimately claim for itself this unique position: it is the only established church in the nation. It has a self-accredited, self-screened priesthood, as every church must. It has a theology. Its theology is messianic: salvation through knowledge. But this knowledge must be screened and shaped in order to bring forth its socially healing power.

October 18, 2012

by Jena Kehoe

Back in the old days, when someone died, you'd have a "wake" for them. While we still do this today, the reasoning isn't the same. These days, we do it to remember our lost loved one, to look at old pictures together and commiserate.

Back then, though, wakes were held to make sure the person was really dead, which is the subject of this story. Earlier this month in Brazil, a two-year-old boy woke up at his own funeral, asked for some water, then laid back down, only this time, he was actually dead.

October 18, 2012

by Sam Macer

I have gained valuable experience in the area of parent engagement. I have had children who absolutely hated school and children who loved the challenge of being the best they could be.

As a PTA leader, I have the opportunity to share some of my thoughts, experiences and perspectives with all parents concerning their efforts to raise and sustain academic achievement and build a strong home/school connection. There are four basic suggestions I share with parents: Make the commitment, make a plan, determine expectations and coordinate effective parent-teacher conferences.

October 15, 2012

by Kathleen Story

On October 12, 2012, Forbes Magazine announced that Zong Qinghou has regained first place on 2012 Forbes list of the richest people in China. The company had a 24 percent increase in sales in 2012 and serves 1.34 billion customers in China.

In 1998, a Canadian company called Nova Group received a permit from Ottawa to sell China Lake Superior water at the rate of 160 million gallons by tanker ship. After much political and public outcry, Ottawa officials canceled the permit in 1999. Concern for protecting the Great Lakes Basin resulted in the 2006 Great Lakes Compact which was signed by President Bush in October 2008. A loophole in the 2006 Great Lakes Compact allows the water to be called a product and sold off outside the basin. The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact, after public interest organizations and politicians campaigned for it for ten years, was an effort to permanently safeguard the Great Lakes' twenty percent of the world's fresh water.

October 12, 2012

by Lois M. Collins

While child protection data heralds a 55 percent decrease in substantiated child abuse nationwide, a new study by Yale School of Medicine researchers found that serious physical abuse of children actually rose slightly from 1997 to 2009.

The researchers used the Kids' Inpatient Database, which tracks discharges from more than 2,500 American hospitals every three years, looking for specific codes that indicated abuse and severe injury such as head trauma. The finding was published this month in the journal Pediatrics.

October 9, 2012

A group of Sri Lankan Tamils based in Norway have demonstrated outside the Norwegian embassy here, claiming that the child welfare service in that country forcibly removed their children from parental care.

T. Anantharajah, one of those who demonstrated on FRiday, told media here that his three children - aged 12, 10 and 8 - had been forcibly taken away by the Norwegian authorities and placed under the care of foster families. Mr. Anantharajah said that aggrieved parents from at least 60 Sri Lankan Tamil families would soon launch a hunger strike in Oslo against the Norwegian authorities.

October 7, 2012

by Stephanie Cureton

A PAIR of Wirral friends who spent years in foster care have joined forces to reach out to other youngsters in similar situations.

Laura Bodinham-Whittaker, from Leasowe, and Sarah French, from Birkenhead, want to help teenagers leaving the care system to come to terms with what they have been through.

October 5, 2012

by Bob Unruh

A judge in Germany has ordered a couple to turn over custody of their four children to the state because their homeschooling practices fail to meet the government's demand for "integration."

Judge Markus Malkmus in the German district court in Darmstadt ordered the four children of Dirk and Petra Wunderlich transferred to the state's "child protective agency," called the Jugendamt. Dirk Wunderlich said he received a letter from the Jugendamt in which the agency explained it doesn't "wish to enforce [the] court's decision by doing terrible things such as taking the children away from us."

October 4, 2012

by Kristina Chew

Cases of physical abuse of children declined by 55 percent from 1992 through 2009, according to national data from child protective services in the U.S. - but a just-published study in Pediatrics offers a very different story.

John Leventhal, MD, and Julie Gaither, RN, MPH, MPhil, of Yale University found that, from 1997 through 2009, hospitalization for physical abuse-related injuries among children 18 and under rose overall by 4.9 percent. Besides finding that hospitalizations due to child abuse have increased, Leventhal and Gaither learned that children who had been hospitalized were more likely to die. Plus, the greatest increase (10.9 percent) in serious injuries was to babies; 54 precent of the hospitalizations were for children under the age of one year old.

October 4, 2012

by Julian Whitaker M.D.

Learn why vitamin D, not a shot, is your best defense against flu. When October arrives, it's time to get ready for winter, pick up some Halloween candy, and line up for flu shots-or so we're told.

Given the hard sell from doctors and government agencies, you may think immunization is your only hope against a bad case of the flu. Nothing could be further from the truth. While immunization may reduce your risk, it's far from a sure thing. And flu shots certainly don't protect against the numerous other bugs that cause the majority of respiratory infections.

October 4, 2012

by Mike Riggs

American drug cops may be exceptionally savage, careless, and contemptuous of the law, but Canadian drug cops have them beat in the stupidity department:

[P]olice still won't admit the plants they seized in what was supposedly the biggest outdoor marijuana bust in Lethbridge history are plain old flowers - daisies, to be precise. All police will concede at this point is the 1,624 plants torn from a suburban Lethbridge garden on July 30 isn't marijuana, as first claimed after a phalanx of police marched in and starting plucking.

October 4, 2012

by Mike Riggs

American drug cops may be exceptionally savage, careless, and contemptuous of the law, but Canadian drug cops have them beat in the stupidity department...

[P]olice still won’t admit the plants they seized in what was supposedly the biggest outdoor marijuana bust in Lethbridge history are plain old flowers — daisies, to be precise. All police will concede at this point is the 1,624 plants torn from a suburban Lethbridge garden on July 30 isn’t marijuana, as first claimed after a phalanx of police marched in and starting plucking.

October 4, 2012

Russia's children's ombudsman Pavel Astahov protested on the country's main TV channel on Saturday over a case in which welfare officials in Vantaa were said to have taken four children into custody from a Russian woman.

Astahova said the children were all less than six years of age. He claimed the children were put in an orphanage and then immediately transferred to a foster family, following "the elder girl's complaint that her father had slapped her". Astahov added Russia might declare Finland to be "a dangerous country" for Russian families with children.

September 29, 2012

There were 29,590 foster children aged 14 and under living in private Canadian households in 2011, the latest census shows - a long-awaited new benchmark that child-welfare advocates hope is the first step on a long road.

The number is as significant for its mere existence - children in foster care have never before been counted in the national census - as for what it may be able to tell social workers about the foster-child landscape in Canada, experts say. Of those households that reported having foster children, 45.1 per cent were home to a single foster child, 28.8 per cent had two foster children and 26.2 per cent reported having three or more, Statistics Canada said.

September 20, 2012

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