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In 86.8% of cases where a child was placed in foster care, Kansas failed to make the required 'reasonable effort' to reunite him with his parents.
National CPS News Archive
National News Coverage
NCYL: Youth Law News
by National Center for Youth Law
Journal of the National Center for Youth Law
NCYL publishes Youth Law News, a quarterly legal journal that raises the visibility of children's issues among youth advocates nationwide, and keeps them informed of key policies and new developments in the law.
September 21, 2006
USA Judges: Can You Afford Justice?
What makes the biggest difference to how your day in court will go? The facts? Your lawyer? The jury? No.
The single biggest factor on whether you receive justice is the judge hearing your case. Lawyers know this.
September 9, 2006
List of State Policy Manuals
National Study of Child Protective Services Systems and Reform Efforts.
Rules and Regulations governing child protective services. Many State policy manuals are continuously updated.
September 9, 2006
Can We Tape?
A guide to legally taping phone calls in all 50 states.
At first, the question of whether or not to tape record a phone call seems like a matter of personal preference. However, there are important questions of law that must be addressed first. Both federal and state statutes govern the use of electronic recording equipment. The unlawful use of such equipment can give rise not only to a civil suit by the "injured" party, but also criminal prosecution.
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP)
September 9, 2006
Police must pay $2.6M
by David Siders
A federal jury returned a $2.6 million verdict Friday against Stockton and two members of the Police Department, siding with a father and daughter who claimed police wrongfully took the girl from day care.
Crystal Keller was 4 years old and the subject of a custody dispute when police collected her from the home of her Orangevale day-care provider in 2002. Her mother lived in Stockton. Police did not have a warrant or proof Crystal was in danger.
Record Net (CA)
April 4, 2006
Parents protest social services
by Millete Birhanemaskel
Their stories would make any parent's heart bleed. "I got my husband to confess to (sexually) assaulting my daughter. He went to jail, and then they took my daughter away from me," one mother says.
"My daughter ran away, and they don't know where she is," another mother chimes in. "They never come back the way they leave." "They believe the state is the mother, the nanny. This is a Watergate, it truly is," said Ray Dixon, a grandfather.
The Greeley Tribune (CO)
April 1, 2006
First-Grader Suspended for Sexual Harassment
by Gitika Ahuja
Boy's Mother Says He's Too Young to Even Understand the Accusation
A first-grader was suspended from Downey Elementary School in Brockton, Mass., after school officials said he sexually harassed a female schoolmate. The young boy is accused of touching a fellow first-grader's skin underneath the rear waistband of her pants.
ABC News
February 7, 2006
Senate Bill 503
by Federal
A bill to expand Parents as Teachers programs and other quality programs of early childhood home visitation, and for other purposes.
To enable States to deliver services under Parents as Teachers programs, or other quality programs of early childhood home visitation, to pregnant women and parents of children from birth until entry into kindergarten in order to promote parents' ability to support their children's optimal cognitive, language, social-emotional, and physical development.
March 3, 2005
Child-porn suspect had worked in day care
by Jonathan Martin
A Pierce County man accused of photographing dozens of sex acts with eight of his foster children worked at a child-care center for 10 years before opening a foster home, according to state records released yesterday.
Pierce County sheriff's detectives who arrested 41-year-old Ronald H. Young last month checked for other potential victims from the Kitsap Peninsula-area child-care center where Young worked in the 1980s but found no allegations.
The Seattle Times
April 23, 2004
Nebraska helps victims of abuse hide from attackers
Open records laws in most states make it difficult for victims of domestic abuse and stalking to hide from potential attackers.
But lawmakers in Nebraska and 12 other states have made it possible for victims to keep their mailing address secret.
November 12, 2003
Taking a young life often means lesser sentence
by Ana M. Alaya
A review finds the average prison time was 11 years for those convicted in child homicide cases
Charles Brown, aka Tweety Bird, an unemployed airbrush painter in Salem County with 35 arrests, repeatedly punched his 18-month-old son because the child was crying. The judge sentenced him to eight years for the boy's death. With good behavior, he will be out in six years and nine months.
The Star-Ledger
August 24, 2003
Mom Jailed for Protecting Kids from Convicted Sex-Offender
by Michele Keller
A Northern California woman who ignored court orders and fled to Texas with her two young daughters to keep them away from her ex-husband, a convicted sex offender, was sentenced Jan. 11 to a year in jail, the Associated Press reported.
Debra Schmidt, who was convicted in December of felony child abduction, has been ordered to return the children to California. She was also sentenced to five years' probation and ordered to pay more than $44,000 in fines and attorney's fees to the children's father, Manuel Saavedra, who has had a variety
National Organization for Women
January 15, 2002
When the state becomes parent
by Mollie Martin
Child protection services agencies accused of abuse.
Five-year-old Deborah Hasson was pulled out of her kindergarten class and taken to the nurse's office. Her ears were bright red, and the child constantly complained of an intense pain. The school, required by law to report anything of this nature, called Child Protective Services in Fromberg, Mont.
July 6, 1999
The Cost of Protecting Vulnerable Children
Understanding Federal, State, and Local Child Welfare Spending
This report is part of the Urban Institute's Assessing the New Federalism project, a multi-year effort to monitor and assess the devolution of social programs from the federal to the state and local levels.
Urban Institute
January 1, 1999
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