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In California, the number of children in foster care increased more than 400%, from 32,288 in 1983 to 175,000 in 2003.

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National CPS News Archive

National News Coverage

by Charlene Muhammad

Recent studies, according to Assembly Majority Leader Karen Bass, indicate that in Calif., disturbing percentages of foster care youth who age out of the system at age 18 face increased homelessness, unemployment and incarceration.

The average young person does not leave home and become fully self-sufficient until age 26, yet at age 18 the state expects foster youth to become entirely independent," she wrote. Assemblywoman Bass co-authored a bill (AB 845) to appropriate $10.5 million for DSS to supplement funding for the Transitional Housing for Foster Youth Program, which was rejected in June by Senate Republicans.

August 8, 2007

by Pat Booth

Imagine the uproar, the state of emergency, the official horror and fear, the Royal Commission, the law changes, the huge emergency budget funding if it happened.

If 48 MPs, police, departmental heads, judges and community and Maori leaders were rushed to a hospital in one year after suspicious incidents. Half of them with injuries from bashings - 'non-accidental head injuries' is the description.

Auckland news on

August 7, 2007

by Wendy Koch

A record number of teens are leaving the foster care system without a family to help them, and many fail to make it on their own, says a report being released today.

The number who leave the system because they turn 18 increased 41% to 24,407 between 1998 and 2005. The spike occurred despite a drop in the number of children in foster care, according to government figures in the report.

USA Today

July 3, 2007

by Wendy Koch

The number of single men adopting foster kids has more than doubled since 1998 to 1,483 in 2005, according to a USA TODAY analysis of government statistics. Single men account for just 3% of all adoptions from foster care, but their share has risen.

Adoptions from foster care are about 40% of the 130,000 adoptions nationwide each year. Information is not available on the marital status of many adoptive parents. Pertman and others who work in child welfare say many of the men adopting are gay.

USA Today

July 3, 2007

by Wendy Koch

Children whose families are investigated for abuse or neglect are likely to do better in life if they stay with their families than if they go into foster care, according to a pioneering study.

Doyle says his research, which tracked at least 15,000 kids from 1990 to 2002, is the largest study to look at the effects of foster care. He studied kids in Illinois because of a database there that links abuse investigations to other government records.

USA Today

July 3, 2007

by Joseph J. Doyle Jr.

An MIT professor has used the analytic tools of applied economics to show that children faced with two options - being allowed to stay at home or being placed into foster care - have generally better life outcomes when they remain with their families.

"My research suggests that children on the margin of foster care placement have better employment, delinquency, and teen motherhood outcomes when they remain at home." Doyle, the Jon D. Gruber Career Development Assistant Professor of Applied Economics, said his study is the first to empirically demonstrate causal effects between placement decisions and long-term outcomes.

MIT News

July 3, 2007

by Laura Collins

Norfolk couple Mark and Nicky Webster last week finally won their landmark legal fight to keep their fourth child, Brandon, after a false allegation of child abuse robbed them of their three older children.

In what has been described as a "gross miscarriage of justice", the Websters' children were taken away by Social Services and forcibly adopted after a family court hearing that lasted just one day.

Mail Online (UK)

July 1, 2007

by Richard Roesler and Thomas Clouse

OLYMPIA - As Carole Ann DeLeon sits in jail, charged with killing her adopted son by depriving him of water, several of her other foster children are filing millions of dollars in claims against the state.

So far, claims totaling more than $55 million have been filed against the state Department of Social and Health Services on behalf of five children, including the estate of 7-year-old Tyler DeLeon, who died in DeLeon's Deer Park-area home in 2005.

Spokesman Review (WA)

June 27, 2007

by Hal Dardick

A Monee woman was being held today in lieu of $100,000 bail at the Will County Jail after she was arrested for allegedly harming her 2-year-old son to make it look like he was ill so she could draw attention to herself.

Traci Criddle, 22, of the 5800 block of West Roosevelt Road was charged with three counts of aggravated battery after she was arrested Monday night, said Pat Barry, spokesman for the Will County Sheriff's Department.

Chicago Tribune (IL)

June 26, 2007

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO

It's interesting how a discussion about vaccination can quickly become heated and sometimes even hostile.

Would the same debate rage over an antibiotic or an antihypertensive medicine if there was evidence the drug was causing harm? When it becomes obvious that thousands have been injured by a drug such as Vioxx, it is removed from the market. We stop the use of drugs until they are proven safe. And we sue.

News With Views

June 26, 2007

by Erica Blake

In a crowded Lucas County Common Pleas Courtroom last week, Weaver was sentenced to serve three years in prison for slowly poisoning her son.

She was convicted by a jury May 4 on one count of child endangering after prosecutors proved that she had been giving her son chronic doses of Ipecac, an over-the-counter drug that induces vomiting.

Scripps News (OH)

June 14, 2007

HARLINGEN -- The family taken into custody after refusing medical treatment for their teen's cancer has filed a federal lawsuit saying their constitutional rights were violated.

Katie Wernecke was 12 in 2005 when she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease, a cancer of the lymph nodes. Her parents refused to allow radiation treatment, arguing chemotherapy already killed the cancer and saying they feared the radiation would do more harm than good. Her doctor contacted Child Protective Services, now the Department of Family and Protective Services.

International Herald Tribune (TX)

June 12, 2007

by James Savage

Ten percent of those Swedes who have travelled outside Europe in the past three years say they have seen signs that fellow tourists were abusing children. Most say they did not report the abuse.

Pollsters from Synovate Temo questioned 1,028 randomly selected Swedes. Of the approximately 400 people who said they had travelled outside Europe in the past three years, 10 percent said they had seen signs that tourists were sexually abusing children.

The Local (Sweden)

June 4, 2007

by First Star

Nearly half of U.S. states fail to provide legal representation for abused and neglected foster children.

The peer-reviewed study - A Child's Right to Counsel. The first-of-its-kind study, found "glaring anomalies" in how states protect the legal rights of foster children, leading to substandard levels of service and unacceptable outcomes in most states. Only five states received A's.

PR Newswire

May 24, 2007

GALVESTON -- A two month old baby has been released from the Shriners Burn Hospital and placed in foster care 11 days after her father allegedly placed her in a microwave oven.

The infant suffered third degree burns on the left side of her face and left handin the incident which occurred May 10. She has received at least two skin grafts. The baby reportedly did not suffer any internal injuries and is recovering.

North Country Gazette (TX)

May 24, 2007

by Peggy Lowe

Seal Beach mother wins case against county, hopes to help families in system.

The threat came first: "If you don't submit to me, you'll never see your kids again." Then the Orange County social worker produced a document, telling her she must sign it.

Orange County Register (CA)

May 20, 2007

An Australian survey of more than 1000 psychiatrists, trainees and medical officers found that 76% had prescribed a combination of antidepressants for their patients.

Indeed, 17% of those who responded reported they had seen serious complications from the combination of antidepressants.

Alliance for Human Research Protection

May 15, 2007

by Nancy Levant

Pull your children out of the public school system immediately. Every excuse that you claim for not homeschooling your children is crap.

Never again support a school levy. If you are devoted to your public school system, you are a complicit player in the destruction of your child's psyche, health, future, and your country. All your excuses are null and void. You want to see "universal" mental health screening go away?

News With Views

April 17, 2007

by Greg Evensen

I charge judges at all levels and all jurisdictions in all of the states and most potently at the federal level of felony jury tampering.

Virtually without exception, judges "instruct" each jury prior to releasing them to "deliberate" the charges against the defendants within the framework of what the judge will allow. These "instructions" are not simple reminders of the charges and the section of statutes violated, or the punishment mandated, they are in fact a series of arbitrary do's and don'ts set forth by the judge

News With Views

April 14, 2007

by Anita Ramasastry

In March, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published draft regulations to establish minimum standards for state-issued driver's licenses and identification cards, in accordance with the REAL ID Act of 2005.

The Act has been touted as a national effort to prevent terrorism and reduce identity fraud. Eventually, the Act will require every person in America to carry a REAL ID-compliant identification document, issued by a State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), in order to fly on commercial airlines, enter government buildings, or simply open a bank account.

FindLaw Legal News

April 6, 2007

So you had a child with a monster. If this monster happens to be a psychopath you have a challenge on your hands. Now what do you do. Take control. How do you that?

First, and foremost, take control of your self. Every time you react to something they do, they are in control. Over and over I hear stories about these monsters and the story teller is stressed out over the whole thing.

Best Syndication

March 27, 2007

by Larry Welborn

Seal Beach woman said her children were improperly taken away from her by OC Department of Social Services

A civil jury has awarded $4.9 million to a Seal Beach woman who claimed that the Orange County Department of Social Services violated her parental rights by taking her two pre-teen daughters away in 2000 and placing them in foster care.

The Orange County Register (CA)

March 27, 2007

Children who got quality child care before entering kindergarten had better vocabulary scores in the fifth grade than did youngsters who received lower-quality care.

Also, the more time that children spent in child care, the more likely their sixth-grade teachers were to report problem behavior. The findings come from the largest study of child care and development conducted in the United States.

The Washington Post

March 26, 2007

by Benedict Carey

A report from the largest study of American child care finds that keeping a preschooler in a day care for a year or more increased the likelihood that the child would become disruptive in class - the effect persisted through sixth-grade.

Every year spent in day care centers for at least 10 hours per week was associated with a 1 percent higher score on a standardized assessment of problem behaviors completed by teachers, said Dr. Margaret Burchinal, a co-author of the study and a psychologist at the University of North Carolina.

The New York Times

March 26, 2007

by Pastor Matt Trewhella

When you marry with a marriage license, your marriage is a creature of the State. It is a corporation of the State!

Therefore, they have jurisdiction over your marriage including the fruit of your marriage. What is the fruit of your marriage? Your children and every piece of property you own. There is plenty of case law in American jurisprudence which declares this to be true.

Family Guardian

March 23, 2007

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