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Families struggling to keep their children out of foster care are stymied by two major problems: homelessness and low public assistance grants, according to two New York City studies.

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National CPS News Archive

National News Coverage

by Miriam Phillips

A man who was given up for adoption as a toddler has been reunited with his long-lost family on Facebook.

Richard Marks, of Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth, last saw his mum Carol when he was a three-year-old boy named John Robert Horridge shortly before he was adopted by a family in Manchester.

Dorset Echo

June 3, 2009

by Mary Ann Cavazos

A former Child Protective Services supervisor who falsely accused a man of molestation must spend 90 days in jail as a condition of her probation. Lopez-Hess was sentenced to two years in state jail, which was suspended for three years probation.

After District Judge Tom Greenwell announced his decision Monday, a bailiff immediately handcuffed Grizelda Lopez-Hess. Her husband, Corpus Christi police detective Michael Hess, then moved to her side and kissed her goodbye.

Corpus Christi Caller-Times

June 2, 2009

by Cahal Milmo

After being 'kidnapped' as a child, Gavin Paros found his family after leaving this note on a website.

Some 25 years earlier, Gavin had said goodbye to his mother, Avril Grube, for what both believed would be a weekend trip to Blackpool with his father, Joseph Paros. The mother and son did not see each other again. Instead of returning the boy to Liverpool, Joseph "kidnapped" his son to his native Hungary and severed all links with his estranged wife.

The Independent (UK)

May 30, 2009

by Andy Humphrey

The US Government Accountability Office released a report detailing hundreds of cases of abuse against children in treatment centers and public and private schools. Shockingly, many of these actions are not illegal under Arizona law.

The fear of a trusted caregiver abusing our kids is one of the worst nightmares any parent - or concerned uncle - could have. It's even worse for a child with severe disabilities who may not be able to tell his parents about the abuse or even understand what is happening.

Phoenix Special Needs Kids Examiner

May 29, 2009

by Brandon Larrabee

Almost 2,700 foster children are on psychiatric medicines, including hundreds in N.E. Florida, even though the Department of Children and Families has no authority to give drugs to more than 16% of those children.

The report follows an ongoing review by DCF after the assumed suicide this year of 7-year-old Gabriel Myers in Fort Lauderdale. Gabriel was taking psychiatric, or psychotropic, medications. But DCF later found that those caring for the boy hadn't obtained the parental consent or court order required by state law.

The Florida Times-Union

May 29, 2009

by Associated Press

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. - State and county authorities are investigating the Memorial Day death of an 8-year-old foster child found hanging from a tree.

Rutherford County Sheriff's Sgt. Dan Goodwin said David "Charlie" Cotten was fishing with his two brothers, ages 7 and 10, and their foster father, reserve deputy Kam Sandstrom, as well as deputy Edwin Fitzgerald and his two sons. A Sandstrom family member told The Daily News Journal they had been told not to comment.

Knoxville News Sentinel

May 29, 2009

by Jon Burstein

DCF Secretary George Sheldon acknowledged there was "no rational basis" for 433 foster children in Florida being administered the psychotropic drugs without the required permission.

The study is more fallout from last month's suicide of 7-year-old Gabriel Myers. The boy hanged himself April 16 with a shower hose in the bathroom of his Margate foster home. At the time of his death, he had been prescribed two psychotropic drugs--Symbyax and Vyvanse--that had not been approved by either his parents or a judge.

South Florida Sun Sentinel

May 28, 2009

by Sherri Ackerman

Foster-care caseworkers were so focused on helping 17-year-old Jasmine Bedwell succeed, they overlooked her romance with an abusive man and underestimated the danger he posed to her infant son.

Early on, they even encouraged her boyfriend, a violent criminal with a history of domestic violence, to help care for her baby. Workers neglected to run a background check on Richard McTear Jr., 21, of Tampa, when he got involved with Bedwell.

Tampa Bay Online

May 28, 2009

by Neal Keeling

AN investigation has been launched after the death of a baby placed in the care of a local council.

The one-year-old boy is believed to have died from natural causes - and there are not thought to be any suspicious circumstances. The youngster had been placed with foster parents in Salford.

Manchester Evening News (UK)

May 27, 2009

A teenager died from a massive overdose of prescription drugs after telling a friend she wanted to "get wrecked".

An inquest heard 16-year-old Rosa-Marie Young, of Weston-super-Mare, acquired two types of anti-depressants which had been prescribed to a friend and took three to four times the upper limit.

Bristol News (UK)

May 27, 2009

by Andras Gergely

Ireland will reform its social services for children in line with the recommendations of a report cataloguing decades of abuse by priests published last week, Prime Minister Brian Cowen said on Tuesday.

Cowen apologized to victims for the state's failure to intervene in what the report described as endemic sexual abuse and severe beatings in schools for much of the 20th century and he urged religious orders to pay additional compensation.

News Daily

May 27, 2009

by Vic Lee

OAKLAND -- High speeds, an arrest for drunk driving, and 3-year-old twins not strapped into car seats. Bad decisions by adults caused a terrible car crash in Oakland Monday morning.

One of the twin boys died from his injuries Monday evening. The other remains on full life support. The boys' mother also died. The driver, Tiffany Reynolds of Richmond, is under arrest after surviving with serious injuries. Reynolds has been charged with a DUI, vehicular manslaughter and driving with a suspended license.

ABC News 7

May 25, 2009

by Rob Young

A Sutter County Child Protective Services employee has been charged with forging a court record and a judge's signature, the Appeal-Democrat has learned.

Sarah J. Powell, 35, will be arraigned June 1 in Sutter County Superior Court, said Assistant District Attorney Fred Schroeder. Powell was not arrested but was sent a letter ordering her to appear in court, Schroeder said.


May 23, 2009

by Patrick George

Hays County sheriff's department officials repudiated a radio report Wednesday that claimed an elementary school student was strip-searched by sheriff's deputies.

But Alex Jones, an Austin-based nationally syndicated radio host, said he thinks the alleged search of an 8-year-old girl Tuesday was unlawful. And the family's attorney, whose fees are being paid by Jones, said he is considering taking legal action.

Austin American-Statesman

May 21, 2009

by Bob Egelko

A federal jury has concluded that a California Highway Patrol officer had no justification for fatally shooting a woman who led patrol cars on a 40-mile high-speed chase that ended on a dead-end street in San Francisco three years ago.

But the same jury awarded only $30,000 each in damages to the woman's two teenage children, who had been in foster care for the previous six years while their mother was in and out of jail on drug and theft charges. Damage awards for the wrongful death of a parent typically run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars...

San Francisco Chronicle

May 20, 2009

by John Toscano

Congressmember Joseph Crowley has introduced a bill to connect children in foster care with responsible, caring adults by funding programs to establish statewide foster care mentoring programs.

Crowley was joined at the announcement of the legislation by movie and television star Rosie O'Donnell, a foster care advocate. "Too many foster children in the United States are growing up without the support and guidance of a close adult," Crowley stated. "This is unacceptable.

The Queens Gazette

May 15, 2009

by Paul Stokes

Chelsey Essex was 12 weeks old and her injuries were inflicted a month before she died in Jan. 2007. She was in the care of foster parents at that time, an official report concluded that the fractures were "as a result of forceful squeezing by an adult".

Chelsey was also found to have had problems with her palate and severe nappy rash. Police carried out an investigation into her death, but no charges were brought. The foster parents, identified only as Mr and Mrs A, had two children of their own and already had two other foster children.

Telegraph (UK)

May 15, 2009

by Austin L. Miller

A week-old baby girl whose mother, Emilia Carr, is being held at the Marion County Jail on first-degree murder and kidnapping charges has been discharged from the hospital and placed in foster care.

The DCF spokeswoman, Elizabeth Arenas, said the baby, who is healthy, was released from Munroe Regional Medical Center on Saturday and was placed in foster care the same day. The agency is trying to find possible relatives with whom to place the infant.

Ocala News

May 13, 2009

by Jeremy Olson

A judge is expected to rule Friday whether a 13-year-old can refuse chemotherapy treatments that doctors believe he needs to stay alive.

Attorneys for Daniel and his parents - Anthony and Colleen Hauser, of Sleepy Eye, Minn. - argued that the teen should be able to choose alternatives to toxic chemotherapy for the treatment of his cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma. Daniel's attorney, Philip Elbert, de-emphasized one of the points in the case that has drawn national public attention: Daniel's refusal of chemotherapy on the grounds that it violates his family's spiritual beliefs.

Pioneer Press

May 12, 2009

by Ruth Rosen

Julia Ward HoweThe hawking of Mother's Day is hardly new. Growing numbers of nonprofits have joined the stampede to use Mother's Day to sell their wares or solicit contributions.

The women who originally celebrated Mother's Day conceived of it as an occasion to use their status as mothers to protest injustice and war. In 1858, Anna Reeves Jarvis organized Mother's Work Days in West Appalachian communities to protest the lack of sanitation that caused disease-bearing insects and polluted water to sicken or even kill poor workers.

Slate Magazine

May 8, 2009

by Kurt Nesbitt

A judge decided Friday morning that the issues being raised by attorneys in a child protection case, stemming from a family's decision not to put their 13 year-old son through a second round of chemotherapy, are issues for trial.

Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg decided the trial of the child protection case involving Daniel Hauser, 13, of Sleepy Eye, will begin next Friday morning. The case comes out of a petition filed in early April by Brown County Family Services, alleging Hauser's parents were medically neglecting him because he was not going to chemotherapy but receiving alternative treatments for his nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

New Ulm Journal

May 2, 2009

Just listen to her. This minute and a half really says it all. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) succinctly explains that not only should the private sector be displaced by the government, accomplishing it isn't a principled fight. The end justifies any means.

She made herself clear. The government will displace the private sector and the government does not intend to fight fair in attaining that goal. I just watched this video again and it sickens me. This is about far more than medical care. This is about the soul of America.

The Real Revo

May 2, 2009

by Adeeba Folami

The suffering endured by Africans who were kidnapped from their native land and brought to America as slaves is sometimes referred to as the Black holocaust, which some say ended years ago but.

That is not the case according to parents who have had their children taken from them by the Denver Department of Human Service (DDHS) or the Adams County Social Service Department (ACSSD). Jo Nash-Conner's son Quentin, 10, currently resides at Mount St. Vincents Children's Home (MSVCH), a facility which proclaims to provide programs and services to "help children with a wide range of emotional and behavioral problems."


May 1, 2009

by Michelle Cole and Susan Goldsmith

SALEM -- Nobody mentioned Adrianna Cram's name during Friday's short House floor debate on a bill requiring more scrutiny when a child from Oregon foster care is sent to live with relatives in another country.

But the legislative sponsor, Rep. Carolyn Tomei, admitted later that she "definitely" had the murdered little girl from Hillsboro on her mind. "There needs to be more follow-up and much more stringent supervision of each child that goes anywhere," said Tomei, D-Milwaukie.

The Oregonian

May 1, 2009

by Grayson County media department

As of May 1, 2009 at 11:00 AM, there have been 28 laboratory confirmed human cases of H1N1 flu in Texas.

A total of 141 cases have been confirmed in the U.S., including the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.

North Texas eNews

May 1, 2009

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