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Once a child is taken from his home and placed into foster care his lot may not improve. Trudy Festinger, found that 28% of the children in foster care had been abused while in the system.

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National CPS News Archive

National News Coverage

by Gavin Lower and Michael Owen

A SOUTH Australian foster mother who made a desperate appeal to welfare authorities for help to care for a nine-year-old girl with high-level needs has instead had her child taken away from her.

Nina Weston, a carer and advocate for the foster mother, said the girl had been with the foster mother and her family for five years, but was suddenly removed by the Families Department a fortnight ago and sent to another family 300km away.

The Australian

September 20, 2009

by Janet Pearson

It's happened to all of us. You're at the grocery story or the drug store and you notice an exasperated parent trying to discipline a child. The exasperation level grows to the point you worry what might happen later.

Should you say something to the parent? Should you mind your own business? Or is the simmering problem your business? A national effort aimed at training people from all walks of life how to appropriately intervene in such circumstances is growing and recently took a step forward in Tulsa, where child-welfare advocates received training in how to implement the American Humane Association's Front Porch Project.

Tulsa World

September 20, 2009

Our data demonstrates that school going children are more likely to suffer child abuse and neglect than electively home educated children, which directly contradicts Mr Badman's alleged findings.

Local home educators in Dagenham reacted angrily to the news that the DCSF has granted Graham Badman extra time to gather 'evidence' for the Select Committee Inquiry into his report on Elective Home Education in England, in which he controversially claimed that home educated children are at greater risk of abuse than schooled children.

About My Area (UK)

September 19, 2009

by Kashiefa Ajam

Police are investigating a Gauteng couple whose baby died after the child was returned to them from foster care.

This is the couple's third child to have died after authorities ordered that the children be returned to the birth parents after they had been in foster care.

Independent Online

September 19, 2009

by David van Gende

I was at Pizza Hut with my three primary-age sons just after an Australian children's program, Play School, aired its lesbian "two mothers" episode.

My youngest son asked very seriously, "Daddy, can two boys marry?" and the middle son stepped in, "No, but two girls can marry. They were talking about it at school". I do not like strangers messing with the minds of my children. I object to anybody inserting disturbing notions into their sanely happy understanding of marriage and family.

Spero News

September 19, 2009

by Denis Cummings

Proposals to increase regulation of home schooling have been met by opposition. Governments in Europe and the U.S. have had difficulty finding the right balance that gives parents the freedom to educate their children as they see fit.

Home schooling advocates in England are prepared to challenge proposed regulations that require homeschooled children to be registered with local officials. The government is also considering regulations that would dictate what subjects parents must teach their children, and require an inspection of home schools.

Finding Dulcinea (UK)

September 17, 2009

Although there is some media discussion about the 17-year-old Muslim girl, Fathima Rifqa Bary, who left Islam for Christianity and now faces a death sentence from her family, there is an overall silence throughout our culture about her case.

Apostasy (Riddah) in Islam is a major 'sin' and numerous Islamic references call for the mandatory death of the person involved (regardless of where the crime/sin is committed). This Muslim child is in serious danger of losing her life for leaving Islam and bringing dishonor to her father and other relatives.

Assyrian International News Agency

September 16, 2009

by Penny Wark

As protesters gather in London today to campaign against tighter restrictions on home schooling, our writer, educated in a council house with her seven siblings, gives a learned riposte to those who doubt its benefits.

The Badman Report, published earlier this year, suggests the compulsory regulation of home-education -- an area of life where, previously, there had been none at all. Campaigners gather today in Central London to protest against the report. Well, of course they do. They don't have to keep their protesting to the weekend - like the Countryside Alliance, or the Poll Tax people, did. If you're home-educating, Tuesday is totally do-able. The whole thing about home education is that you can do any damn thing you please on a Tuesday.

Time Online (UK)

September 15, 2009

by Terry Jones

Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.

The poll contradicts the claims of not only the White House, but also doctors' own lobby - the powerful American Medical Association - both of which suggest the medical profession is behind the proposed overhaul. It also calls into question whether an overhaul is even doable; 72% of the doctors polled disagree with the administration's claim that the government can cover 47 million more people with better-quality care at lower cost.

Investor's Business Daily

September 14, 2009

by Chelsea Schilling

WASHINGTON - The capital was rocked today by a taxpayer march and rally that could be the biggest protest ever - potentially dwarfing the Million Man March and the Promise Keepers Rally.

Though crowd estimates vary from as low as 60,000 to 70,000 according to ABC News to a high of 2 million by London Daily Mail, photographs and videos of the march and rally demonstrate its enormity.

World Net Daily

September 13, 2009

by Daniel Foggo

PARENTS are being threatened with having their children taken into care after questioning doctors' diagnoses or objecting to their medical care.

John Hemming, a Liberal Democrat MP, who campaigns to stop injustices in the family court, said: "Very often care proceedings are used as retaliation by local authorities against 'uppity' people who question the system."

Times Online

September 6, 2009

by Theresa Braine

Women the world over lose out financially in divorce, say custodians of the U.N. treaty on women's rights. That's why they are reviewing what CEDAW says on the matter, with a new general recommendation expected next year.

Guardians of the U.N.'s treaty on women's rights have begun to address the challenge for women the world over: financially surviving divorce. Setting international standards on this issue strikes at the core of cultural identity and even into people's personal sense of self, says Marsha Freeman, who is working with the committee currently reviewing the treaty's position on divorce.

Women's eNews

September 6, 2009

by Owen Bowcott

High public spending in the UK on child welfare and education is failing to deliver results, an international comparative study warns today.

The report, by the Paris-based International Organisation for Economic Development (OECD), points out that Britain, although moderately well placed in the rankings, has relatively high rates of teenage pregnancy, drunkenness and young people not in education, employment or training.

Guardian (UK)

September 1, 2009

by Greg Keller

PARIS -- America has some of the industrial world's worst rates of infant mortality, teenage pregnancy and child poverty, even though it spends more per child than countries such as Switzerland, Japan and the Netherlands, a new survey indicates.

The U.S. spends an average of $140,000 per child, well over the OECD average of $125,000. But this spending is skewed heavily toward older children between 12 and 17, the OECD survey showed. U.S. spending on children under six, a period the OECD says is key to children's future well-being, lags far behind other countries, amounting to only $20,000 per child on average.

KCRA Sacramento

September 1, 2009

Foster parents in the Yukon are getting their first financial boost from the territorial government in 12 years.

A 17 per cent increase will mean foster parents in Whitehorse will receive $31.55 a day to cover basic food and shelter expenses starting Oct. 1. The rate increase will vary in other Yukon communities.

CBC News (Canada)

September 1, 2009

by William C. Duncan

Now children can have multiple legal parents without biology, adoption, or marriage.

In his 1988 book Silent Revolution, Herbert Jacob described how one of the most significant changes to family law in the 20th century, no-fault divorce, began in California and spread through the states with very little public debate or controversy. This remarkable transformation was presented, and largely accepted, as routine policymaking in the domain of legal experts.

National Review Online (NRO)

August 31, 2009

by Prague Daily Monitor

Prague -- The Justice Ministry is seeking changes to legislation which would affect the legal rights of surrogate and biological mothers.

Under current Czech law, biological mothers are not guaranteed parental rights to a child born to a surrogate. The surrogate mother could gain custody rights to the child she carries and delivers.


August 31, 2009

by Deborah Stevenson

Did you know? One of the proposals for health care revision may lead to increased accusations of parental abuse and neglect regarding the upbringing and education of your child.

The House version of the health care legislation, H.R. 3200, entitled, "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009", sponsored by Congressmen John Dingell, Henry Waxman, and Charlie Rangel, among others, contains many provisions that are worthy of questioning, not the least of which is Section 440. That section is entitled, "Home Visitation Programs for Families with Young Children and Families Expecting Children."


August 31, 2009

State Representative Calls For Investigation -- A social worker who was supposed to be helping a Milwaukee woman got her pregnant instead, the woman said. Now, she's fighting to get her daughter back.

The baby's father was assigned to investigate a child neglect complaint about the woman's other children. The agency said the social worker broke rules by having sex with a client and but then placed the child with him after they removed the baby from her mother's home.

WISN Milwaukee

August 29, 2009

by Jasper Fakkert

AMSTERDAM -- Laura Dekker, a 13 year old Dutch girl who wishes to become the youngest person to sail around the globe was whistled back by a Dutch court on Friday.

The Council of Child Protection filed a lawsuit against Laura's parents, who support their daughter's plan. The Council sued to take away their parental rights. On Friday the court ruled that Laura is to be put under supervision of child care officials for two months, but that her parents retain parental rights.

The Epoch Times

August 29, 2009

by Kathryn Joyce

Carol Jordan, a 32-year-old pharmacy technician, was living in Greenville, South Carolina, in 1999 when she became pregnant. She'd already decided against abortion.

Looking through the Yellow Pages for help, she spotted an ad under "crisis pregnancies" for Bethany Christian Services. Bethany, it turned out, did not simply specialize in counseling pregnant women. It is the nation's largest adoption agency, with more than eighty-five offices in fifteen countries.

Pound Pup Legacy

August 26, 2009

Laura Dekker is forged of the kind of material that we say we want our children to have. She is a determined thirteen-year-old Dutch girl who was born on a yacht off the coast of New Zealnd and has been sailing solo since she was six years old.

She now wants to sail alone around the world. If she were eighteen and not as experienced as she is, she could do it and no one would say a word. Laura wants to be the youngest person to sail around the world. But the child protectors, too busy to catch people who abuse their children in horrendous ways, think the voyage is so dangerous they have asked for temporary custody of the girl.

Albany CPS and Family Court Examiner

August 26, 2009

by Dan Newling and Nick Pisa

The toddler son of a millionaire company director died after he fell just a few feet from a hotel balcony on the first day of a family summer holiday in Italy.

After frantically searching their room, Mrs Kremer, 35, discovered the boy lying on a concrete terrace beneath their room's first floor balcony. Although the young boy had not fallen far, he is thought to have landed on his head. He was rushed to hospital but pronounced dead within hours. Yesterday, Italian magistrates opened an investigation into the death.

Mail Online (UK)

August 16, 2009

by Reon Suddaby

A Paengaroa foster caregiver will be sentenced in October for the manslaughter of a toddler she was supposed to be looking after.

Late last month, Karen Alice Robinson went on trial in the High Court at Rotorua for the murder of 14-month-old Melissa Sale. Melissa died on January 8, 2006, at Auckland's Starship Children's Hospital, after her life support was turned off.

Bay of Plenty Times

August 14, 2009

by Ed West

Of everything I've read about Tracey Connelly today, this little titbit stands out:

And when paramedics were called to the house on August 3, 2007, to find Peter blue and cold in his blood-spattered cot, they were horrified when his mother kept the ambulance waiting while she searched for her cigarettes. That says it all.

Telegraph Blogs

August 11, 2009

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