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"We have the laws, but I see them being ignored," said Rep. Bill Otto, R-LeRoy. "Totally ignored."

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District Of Columbia CPS News Archive

District Of Columbia News Coverage

Two British Fathers 4 Justice activists have been arrested at gunpoint by a Swat team at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

Jolly Stanesby and Mike Downes scaled the statue as the tourists gathered around were warned to put their cameras down and stop "encouraging them".

Sky News

August 18, 2007

The Division of Child & Family Services has come under fire recently, particularly on Capitol Hill for interfering with families.

"They have absolutely no personal accountability at all if they do something wrong or a child dies. Well, then changes are simply made to the that DCFS doesn't get in trouble.


February 19, 2004

by Scott Higham and Sari Horwitz

A 5-month-old boy whose family was being supervised by District foster care workers died Saturday and police are investigating, the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency said in a prepared statement issued last night.

The agency provided no details of the death. But the D.C. medical examiner said his office is investigating reports that the infant -- identified by police as Christian Brock-Allen -- was severely allergic to dairy products and died after he was mistakenly given milk-based formula.

The Washington Post (DC)

January 19, 2001

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