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In 1990, 2.7 million children were reported abused and neglected. Two-thirds of these reports (including anonymous phone calls to "hot lines") were not substantiated.

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Arkansas CPS News Archive

The Arkansas news section is your source for the latest in family rights news items, CPS reform efforts, open court demands, abolition of confidentiality laws that judges hide behind, foster care deaths and issues, legal cases and more... Please Email Kidjacked with news and information from the state of Arkansas and I will include it here in our coverage.

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Arkansas News Coverage

by Brian Fanney

The co-chairman of the legislative panel dedicated to uncovering wrongdoing by state government said Thursday that lawmakers should have oversight over individual child welfare cases.

Sen. Alan Clark, R-Lonsdale, didn't explain what he meant by oversight at the meeting, in which a lawyer said Clark was on the cusp of breaking state law and a fellow Republican said Clark was badgering state employees.

September 19, 2016

by Andy Davis

As the mumps outbreak spreads in part of Arkansas, state officials should do more to minimize the disruption in the education of children who have not been vaccinated against disease, some lawmakers said Monday.

Those guidelines call for unvaccinated children to be excluded from schools where an outbreak has occurred until 26 days after the last instance of a person developing the swollen salivary glands often caused by the disease. Students who develop symptoms are excluded until the disease is not considered contagious -- five days after they develop the swollen glands.

September 13, 2016

Officials with Child Protective Services in Wynne, Arkansas have forced a 10-year-old girl victimized by rape to have an abortion.

Juda Myers of Choices4Life, a pro-life group dedicated to supporting mothers who are raped by reject abortion and decide to keep their baby, informed of the situation. Myers indicates CPS officials took the 10-year-old girl to an abortion clinic on Friday to abort her baby.

September 14, 2015

by Matt Agorist

Hot Springs, AR - On Friday, the Hot Springs Fire Department responded to an emergency call about a 2-year-old boy who was left in a car. Tragically, when they arrived on the scene, there was nothing they could do to save him.

The 2-year-old boy's name was Thomas Naramore, the son of Garland County circuit judge Wade Naramore. Thomas was pronounced dead on the scene. According to the Hot Springs Police, earlier that day Naramore had picked his son up from daycare and driven him home. Instead of getting him out of the car, however, Naramore admitted to forgetting about Thomas, for four hours.

July 27, 2015

by Bob Kellogg

After decades of having the law on the books, Arkansas lawmakers have done away with state-mandated testing of homeschoolers.

Dee Black of the Home School Legal Defense Association says the state-mandated testing really served no purpose anymore. "At the time that homeschool laws began to be enacted in the early 1980s, there was still a good deal of skepticism about whether parents could succeed in home instruction - and so these requirements were put into some of the state laws," he explains. Governor Asa Hutchinson signed House Bill 1381 into law earlier this month...

April 16, 2015

by Benjamin Hardy

State Rep. Justin Harris and his wife adopted a young girl through the state Department of Human Services. How did she, six months later, end up in the care of a man who sexually abused her?

On April 4, 2014, a 38-year-old resident of Bella Vista named Eric Cameron Francis was arrested by the Arkansas State Police for the rape of a 6-year-old girl in what the police said was his temporary care. Sexual crimes against children always attract a certain horrified attention, but this particular case earned additional scrutiny because Francis had recently worked as head teacher at a Christian preschool in West Fork owned by state Rep. Justin Harris (R-West Fork) and his wife, Marsha.

March 8, 2015

A Fayetteville man was arrested on suspicion of touching an eight-year-old girl inappropriately, according to court documents.

On Oct. 6, 2013, authorities arrived at a residence in the 1000 block of West Holly Street for a report of a possible sexual assault. The mother of the victim told officers that Omar Saenz, 41, took the victim for a ride on his scooter, and while riding, he touched her inappropriately, court documents state.

June 6, 2014

EARLE, AR - A man is being treated at The MED after being shot by a foster child in his care, according to the Crittenden County sheriff.

Sheriff Mike Allen reports that a 17-year-old foster child shot his foster dad, Arthur Joyce, three times at a home in Earle, Arkansas, Wednesday morning around 8 a.m. Investigators say the teen was angry when he did not get paid for work he did for his foster dad.

August 14, 2013

by Caleb Taylor

Both Paragould and Greene County Tech recently passed policies to officially comply with the new "Tim Tebow" law passed by the state legislature in the previous legislative session.

The new law allows homeschooled students to participate in extracurricular activities in the school district in which the homeschooled student's parent resides.

July 2, 2013

The 20-inch Pegasus pipeline was carrying Wabasca Heavy crude from western Canada when it ruptured.

Crude oil ran through a subdivision of Mayflower, Ark., about 20 miles north of Little Rock. Twenty-two homes were evacuated, but no one was hospitalized, Exxon spokesman Charlie Engelmann said on Saturday.

March 31, 2013

by Devonia Smith

On Sunday, Feb. 17, the Cleburne County Sheriff's Office confirmed the death of country music star Mindy McCready. Reports are the deeply troubled star died of a self-inflicted gunshot to the head following the death of her lover, David Wilson.

McCready's two sons, Zayne and Zander, are currently in foster care and were not with McCready. Although it seems unspeakable, there is no way to know if the judge who removed her children from her home on Feb. 6, saved their lives.

February 18, 2013

LITTLE ROCK - The latest count of home-schooled students in Arkansas shows about 400 more students are learning at home compared to the prior year.

The Arkansas Education Department says 16,405 students completed the 2011-2012 school year as home-schooled students. That's compared to 16,003 in the prior year. The figures are being presented Monday at the monthly Education Board meeting.

September 10, 2012

This month, a 9-year old boy gets the workout of a lifetime when THV's Dawn Scott introduces him to a Razorback football star. This is probably the most attention Davonte's gotten from a male adult in a very long time.

When Lucas learned the state took custody of this young man, leaving him with no mom or dad, and that all three of his siblings had been adopted, leaving Davonte behind, he immediately stepped up and agreed to spend an afternoon with him.

July 3, 2012

by Mindy Mccready

Country star Mindy Mccready's five-year-old son Zander is in foster care while his mother, father and grandma battle for custody of the little boy.

The You'll Never Know singer sparked a manhunt in November (11) when she took Zander from her mother's home in Florida and spent a week hiding out with him in Arkansas, insisting she had every right to be with her son. In fact, MCCready had been stripped of her custody rights when she was jailed in 2008 and her estranged mother Gayle Inge was named the boy's guardian.

February 24, 2012

by Dawn Scott

She is sharing her adoption story in an effort to show that just because you are adopted, just because your start in life may not have been perfect, it doesn't mean you can't accomplish wonderful things.

So many of us have come to know Alyse Eady from her reign as Miss Arkansas 2010, when she was thrust onto the national stage as runner up to Miss America, with a talent for ventriloquism that amazed her fans.

February 24, 2012

by Preston Tolliver

Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) filed a motion this week asking a judge to dismiss or issue for summary judgment in the civil case filed against the agency last year by Dale Young Sr.

Young Sr.'s attorneys filed the suit on May 3, 2011, which claims Young Jr.'s death occurred due to the negligence of CASA. The motion to dismiss, submitted by attorney Stuart Miller, claims CASA employees, as appointees of the Department of Human Services (DHS), are eligible for quasi-judicial immunity. The motion states the immunity "extends to individuals appointed to assist the court as long as that individual is acting within the scope of the Court's Order."

January 7, 2012

by Paul Thompson

The embattled 36-year-old singer was found hiding in a closet with five-year-old Zander last week.

'Every time I wanted to let go and give in, I remember what he did for me. [I love him] more than anything. He is my little angel,' says the singer, who has attempted suicide several times.

December 10, 2011

by John Lyon

LITTLE ROCK - The Arkansas Court of Appeals on Wednesday upheld the state Department of Human Services' decision to terminate the parental rights of an Arkansas man who was serving in the Army in Iraq.

A six-judge panel of the court ruled 5-1 that Edward Glover's appeal of the ruling was without merit. The dissenting judge said the appeal did have merit because Pulaski County circuit judges exceeded their authority in requiring Glover to "jump through various hoops" to retain custody of his son even though he had done nothing wrong.

December 9, 2011

by Robert Stacy McCain

Muslim students at Arkansas State University tried to prevent a critic of Islamic sharia law from speaking as part of a campus lecture series.

More than 100 Musliim students attended Darwish's lecture, according to Emily Alexander of the ASU Herald, and walked out en masse midway through, following the example of MSA president Saddique Abobucker.

The American Spectator

October 14, 2011

by Robert Dean

The Arkansas' 88th General Assembly, proposed Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act was filed today by House member Andy Mayberry, R-Hensley, and has been referred to the Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee for debate.

The bill, which mirrors a Nebraska law that took effect October 15, 2010, will reinforce existing laws that prohibit abortion after 20 weeks and require facilities that perform abortions to provide information to their clients that a fetus at this stage can in fact feel pain as well as how the procedure will be performed.

March 4, 2011

by By the CNN Wire Staff

A school board district member in Arkansas who came under fire for an anti-gay post on a social networking site regrets the comments and will resign his seat.

McCance said that he has received an outpouring of criticism over his comments, including "thousands of phone calls, hate mails, people threatening to kill my family and me." McCance's comments had drawn criticism from education officials in his district and at the state level.


October 28, 2010

by Jaime Powell

ROCKPORT - The parents of an Aransas County toddler who died last week in a hot SUV lost custody of their three children following a ruling Friday morning.

Bills and Hickey must attend parenting classes and undergo random drug testing and pay $50 a month to the state in child support, Yeager ordered. They must release their past medical and mental health records to the court, and both are ordered to counseling and to have psychological/psychiatric examinations. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services will assess the living conditions.

Corpus Christi Caller-Times

July 23, 2010

With economic stress pushing more families than ever to the breaking point, Court Appointed Special Advocates of the 20th Judicial District announces five new advocates.

They will all take on a case involving an abused and neglected child in the coming weeks. Their role will be to provide a consistent presence in the child's life and to speak to their best interests in the court.

Log Cabin Democrat

December 19, 2009

by Lydna Altman

HB 1989 was submitted in March of 2009, withdrawn by the original author in April 2009 and simultaneously recommended to committee for further study.

The bill changes current home school law significantly. It does away with the waiver form thus doing away with homeschoolers relieving the state of Arkansas from the responsibility of educating homeschooled children. If enacted as written, HB 1989 maintains that the state is responsible for the education of all homeschooled children. This gives the state more control over how and what homeschools can teach.

Little Rock Homeschooling Examiner

October 24, 2009

by Daniel Weaver

While the State of Arkansas has presented no evidence that Albert and Miriam Krantz have ever abused or neglected their children, the evidence is starting to mount that the six Krantz children have not fared so well while in Arkansas State custody.

The most recent example of neglect and abuse of the children by the State of Arkanasas and Miller County Department of Human Services occurred recently when two of the younger children, ages 2 and 3, had to sleep on the floor of a DHS office. DHS did not even have blankets for the children and had to call their parents to bring some.

Albany CPS and Family Court Examiner

August 31, 2009

Alert Kidjacked to Arkansas CPS news!

by Bill Sullivan

I sat here really wishing that I had never heard of Child Protective Services. I don't want to think about it, but there are others still going through what I did. For those that will not know what I am talking about, I will try to catch you up briefly.


September 9, 2023

by Annette M. Hall

In this adoption case, we are called upon to decide under what circumstances it is necessary to obtain the consent of a putative father before a child can be adopted.


September 7, 2023

by Annette M. Hall

Arkansas Child Support Amounts and Guidelines to be determined by committee on September 8th, 2005...


June 24, 2012

by Annette M. Hall

Christmas is supposed to be magical time for children. Little Kyle was ripped from his grandparents and families arms just before Christmas, without an investigation, without cause and without regard to his well-being. Social workers couldn't be bothered to do their own job and reunite this family because they were busy celebrating the holidays.


June 24, 2012

by Annette Hall

Do you know what happens to parents, who out of frustration, use duct tape to confine an out of control child?


May 15, 2010

by Annette Hall

Six years ago, I was a recently divorced single mom. I was struggling and turned to my mother for help. I was offered a job out of state and had asked my mother to care for my children long enough for me to be able to find a home where the job was.


May 15, 2010

by Annette Hall

I have to tell you my case about horrible injustice, abuse, and discrimination, constitutional and civil rights violation being committed against my son and me by juvenile court in Arkansas.


May 15, 2010

by Annette Hall

My girlfriend and I got into a heated argument and she was taken to jail for domestic battery.


May 15, 2010

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