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Federal Title IV-E funds foster care on an unlimited basis without providing for services that would prevent the child's removal from the home.

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by Jane Gassner

It's the title of the Sacramento Social Media Club's April presentation. Half the title, actually: Web of Justice: Social Media & Law.

Almost everyday brings a fresh news item or two about the nexus between the law and social media. Privacy issues, social sharing at the speed of fiber optics and server farms in the "clouds" are changing the legal landscape. How does that affect you, the concerned citizen? How does that affect us, the informed public?

Sacramento Press

April 18, 2010

by Rose Godfrey

Walking through a couple of big box stores this past week, I couldn't help but notice the displays of back-to-school gear. Lists for what to buy for each school were conveniently displayed next to the racks of products.

You don't have to go there, either. There is an alternative. Imagine the possibilities of homeschooling. This year, ask yourself this question: "What if we homeschooled?" What if you walked past the lists this year? You could look around for what was interesting and find what appealed to your child. Your children could purchase what they needed for their own use and not worry about recommendations and sharing with the class.

August 1, 2012

by Daniel Doherty

At first, I thought this was satire. Evidently it is not...

I am not an education policy wonk: I’m just judgmental. But it seems to me that if every single parent sent every single child to public school, public schools would improve. This would not happen immediately. It could take generations. Your children and grandchildren might get mediocre educations in the meantime, but it will be worth it, for the eventual common good.

September 2, 2013

by Lydia Warren

Two teachers have allegedly been caught calling a 14-year-old girl with special needs 'dumb' and 'lazy' - after she recorded them.

When the student's parents, from Washington Court House, Ohio, feared their daughter was being bullied, they hid a tape recorder in her clothing. They were stunned to hear teacher Christy Wilt and her aide Kelly Chaffins allegedly poking fun at the teenager's weight and forcing her to run on a treadmill.

November 10, 2011

by Catherine

I am the mother of a 22-month-old boy, and I have been parenting him in a Free-Range style without really having a name for it. He has always been very independent, so I've always given him as much freedom as I feel a toddler can have.

Though I knew my parenting style was more hands-off than most of my counterparts, I always felt confident in my choice to trust my son and let him set his own limits (within reason of course - I have yet to let him sit down to play with cigarette butts in a busy parking lot). But about a month ago, something happened that really made me wonder if I was a terrible parent and wrong to think "stranger-danger" was overblown:

July 14, 2014

by Michelle Davies

A Fort Wayne man accused of neglecting his 2-year-old daughter and a Chihuahua has struck a plea deal with prosecutors that calls for him to serve as much as a year behind bars and a year on probation.

The toddler was placed in her grandmother's care after Child Protective Services intervened. Meanwhile, the Chihuahua, once an emaciated 3 pounds, now weighs about 6 pounds and has a new home. Antonio R. Morales, 19, pleaded guilty Wednesday in Allen Superior Court to felony neglect of a dependent, felony marijuana possession and misdemeanor animal cruelty. A fourth count of drug paraphernalia possession is to be dismissed.

August 18, 2011

by Kelli Kennedy

State figures show that hundreds of welfare applicants in Florida have declined to take drug tests that have been required for the assistance since mid-July.

Thirty-two applicants failed the test, 7,028 passed and 1,597 didn't take it, according figures released Tuesday the Department of Children and Families. People who decline to take the test aren't required to explain...

CNS News

October 11, 2011

by Thomas Korosec

When does a snapshot of a mother breast-feeding her child become kiddie porn' Ask the Richardson police.

The service was fast, the judgments even hastier. Never did Jacqueline Mercado imagine that four rolls of film dropped off at an Eckerd Drugs one-hour photo lab near her home would turn her life inside out, threaten to send her to jail and prompt the state to take away her kids.

Dallas Observer (TX)

July 16, 2011

by Matthew Hansen

Boes and seven other behavioral health-care providers and children's advocates say Nebraska, if it wants to help families in crisis, needs to shorten the lines to existing services and provide new doorways to new programs.

They say such families - similar to the 27 who dropped off children at hospitals before the state narrowed its safe-haven law - number in the thousands. Most of the experts interviewed expect to be named to a blue-ribbon group that will advise the Nebraska Legislature's newly created Children in Crisis Task Force. That task force, announced Thursday, has vowed to design legislation in the next month to solve the problems made evident by the safe-haven cases.

Omaha World-Herald

November 23, 2008

by Cris Rowan

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Society of Pediatrics state infants aged 0-2 years should not have any exposure to technology, 3-5 years be restricted to one hour per day, and 6-18 years restricted to 2 hours per day (AAP 2001/13, CPS

Children and youth use 4-5 times the recommended amount of technology, with serious and often life threatening consequences (Kaiser Foundation 2010, Active Healthy Kids Canada 2012). Handheld devices (cell phones, tablets, electronic games) have dramatically increased the accessibility and usage of technology, especially by very young children (Common Sense Media, 2013).

December 6, 2017


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