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According to a DHHS study of 44 states in 1990, 2.7 million children were reported abused and neglected. Two-thirds of these reports unsubstantiated.

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by Ben Keller

A North Carolina foster kid, who was discovered by a sheriff deputy cuffed to a front porch with a dead chicken tied around his neck, filed a lawsuit last month against the Child Protective Services worker who adopted him.

Wanda Sue Larson was a Gaston County Social Services CPS Supervisor when she adopted the boy at the age of four in 2006. Investigators say Larson submitted false statements in order to manipulate the "process and substance" of the legal hearing determining J.G.'s custody, manipulating the juvenile courts into removing the child from his biological mother, Maria Harris, by deceiving the juvenile court judge overseeing the case. Harris regained custody of her son in 2015 after the information about Larson came to light.

December 21, 2016

by Rick Thompson

Max Lorincz and his wife will have custody of their six-year old son returned to them by court order in a Michigan case that made national headlines over a dispute with the State Police Crime Lab over marijuana testing.

Dante, the Lorincz's son, was removed from his Spring Lake home after investigators charged Max with possession of synthetic marijuana- a felony in Michigan. Lorincz is a registered medical marijuana patient and has always claimed that the substance found by police during a search of his home- a "smear" of substance, so small it's weight could not be quantified- was medicinal and derived from a natural plant source.

December 17, 2016

by Tetona Dunlap

TWIN FALLS -- Kelsey Osborne waved a sign outside the Twin Falls County Courthouse: "Illegal does not equal injury."

She was joined by 10 others including Serra Frank, founding director of Moms for Marijuana International, who held a sign that said, "Parents beware CPS is corrupted. Osborne, 23, pleaded not guilty Tuesday in Twin Falls County Magistrate Court on a misdemeanor count of injury to a child. She was charged after she gave her daughter butter infused with marijuana to treat the girl's seizure-like symptoms. A jury trial is set for Feb. 8.

December 17, 2016

by Graham Hunter

A former Department of Children and Family Services subcontractor went to jail this week for tampering with public records related to case work.

Denny Kern was arrested by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on Wednesday and charged with a a 3rd-degree felony. NBC2 is looking into his arrest and has learned from DCF that Kern was hired by Lutheran Services in April 2013.

December 17, 2016

by Amy Hudak

After a lengthy session Tuesday night, the Monroe County Legislature approved the proposed Monroe County budget for 2017.The measure was passed in a 19-10 vote.The budget contained one amendment which allocated an additional $52,000 for child care.

Many are keeping a close eye on funding for Child Protective Services (CPS) after the death of three-year-old Greece toddler Brook Stagles. Her family, including grandfather John Geer, is adamant that CPS failed the little girl by refusing to return phone calls or go into the house.

December 17, 2016

by Richard Winton, Matt Hamilton

Philip L. Browning, the director of Los Angeles County's child protective services agency and a veteran of county government, announced Wednesday that he is retiring early next year.

Browning, 70, said he recently came to the decision to retire and noted that he is the second-longest serving director for the Department of Children and Family Services. On a trip to Cuba last month with friends, he said he realized that he was the sole person in the group still in the workforce.

December 17, 2016

by Marissa Evans

A board of lawmakers has given final approval for $150 million in funding to help pull the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services out of its crisis mode - but there are strings attached.

In a letter dated Thursday, the Legislative Budget Board has given the agency the go-ahead to hire 829 new caseworkers and give $12,000 raises to existing ones. The funding includes $142.4 million in state dollars and $7.6 million in federal money.

December 17, 2016

After recently withdrawing her son from public school because of safety and education concerns, a New York City mom went through all the required procedures to homeschool her son, but soon found Child Protective Services (CPS) coming after her.

Before CPS showed up at her door and prior to seeking legal advice, the concerned mother received counsel and support from her pastor and his wife - both of whom had homeschooled their own children for years.

December 17, 2016

by Mark Matthews

A homeless woman who gave birth in Golden Gate Park says Child Protective Services is stepping in to take her baby.

Berman and her boyfriend, Jack Stroube, both said they planned to get a home in Santa Cruz. The couple planned to pay for it relying on donations from strangers. "Based on what I've heard from the people who are interested in the fundraising that flipping burgers is not going to be a requirement," Stroube said.

December 17, 2016

Theirs was a spiritual journey of getting back to nature and rejecting the materialism that they felt held them in bondage. Christian and Danielle Holm began their journey together in early 2016 as itinerant missionaries, traveling across the country.

The last thing that they expected was for Child Protective Services to seize their 1 day old baby literally off of his mother's breast in an Alabama hospital. What started out as an apparent case of mistaken identity has turned into a nightmare that the family cannot wake up from. They don't understand why their baby was taken from them, or why he still remains in state custody in foster care while social workers continue to challenge their religious beliefs.

December 4, 2016


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