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On September 30, 2006, there were an estimated 510,000 children in foster care. (Child Welfare Information Gateway 2009)

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by Patricia Callahan and Kirk Mitchell

Eleven children were molested. One was forced to have sex with a dog. One lay injured on a bathroom floor, his face smeared with his own feces. That toddler, Miguel Arias-Baca, later died.

They are the state's dirty little secrets. Foster children, wards of the state taken from abusive or neglectful relatives, suffered again in foster homes that were supposed to keep them from harm. Colorado child-welfare officials have watched these horror stories and many others unfold in foster homes chosen and supervised by private foster-care businesses.

Denver Post (CO)

May 21, 2000

Important Message to All Raw Milk Producers and Consumers:

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) protects your right to provide and obtain raw milk. All raw milk producers should be members of the FTCLDF and we strongly encourage all raw milk consumers to help protect their access to raw milk by becoming consumer members as well.

January 1, 2000

by Howard Mintz

Parents thrust into the child welfare system, most of them poor and unfamiliar with the legal terrain, might then get a few minutes to tell their story before they find themselves in front of a judge.

To juvenile law experts, this fleeting encounter between parents and their court-appointed lawyers illustrates a serious problem provoking debate in Santa Clara County and across California. Critics say overworked, underpaid and often inexperienced lawyers are shortchanging parents in a near-invisible but crucial corner of the justice system.

The Mercury News

December 5, 1999

by Jane Hansen

These empty shoes represent the 844 children who died over 6 years after their families were reported for mistreating a child. Many died suspiciously or from neglect. Most of their lives and deaths went unnoticed. Until now.

In late 1997, the Atlanta Journal- Constitution went to court to force the state to open its files of children who had died after coming to the attention of DFACS. Last year, the newspaper began reviewing the files.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

December 5, 1999

by Howard Mintz

Dependency Court: Those trying to regain custody of children often are represented by inexperienced attorneys.

Critics say overworked, underpaid and often inexperienced lawyers are shortchanging parents in a near-invisible but crucial corner of the justice system.

December 5, 1999

by Barbara White Stack

Every weekend, Jessica Regelman takes her twins for an outing, which would be unremarkable, except that technically, they aren't hers anymore. They belong to Vicky and Dr. Steven Neeley of Brighton Township. The Neeleys adopted Alex and Amber on Sept. 3,

Regelman still gets to see them because she chose the Neeleys to adopt her children, much against the wishes of Beaver County Children and Youth Services. But Beaver County CYS didn't just fight her attempts to choose adoptive parents for her son and daughter. It also acted quickly to end her parental rights, even though she had never been accused of abusing or neglecting her children.


September 14, 1999

by Testimony of Bruce Wiseman

We stand at the dawn of the 21st century with technology hurtling us into a space-age future while an estimated 5 million American children have been legally placed on mind-bending drugs. These drugs are not only addictive but are ti

The use of these drugs - on a dramatic rise amongst school children, particularly over the last two decades - is a primary factor in the creation of acts of random senseless violence among our youth. Indeed, while all manner of reasons have been offered for the recent rash of school shootings, the simple but frightening fact is that the rise of senseless violence in our schools is date coincident with, and directly tied to, the increased use of these prescribed mind altering, mood-changing drugs.

Ecology of Mind

July 20, 1999

by Mollie Martin

Child protection services agencies accused of abuse.

Five-year-old Deborah Hasson was pulled out of her kindergarten class and taken to the nurse's office. Her ears were bright red, and the child constantly complained of an intense pain. The school, required by law to report anything of this nature, called Child Protective Services in Fromberg, Mont.

July 6, 1999

by Wilbur and Pamela Gaston

In 1999, the Oregon Attorney General Hardy Meyers gave an opinion filed in federal court that Oregonians do not have the right to protect themselves if they are the victims of criminal abuse, fraud or abuse of authority by civil servants and authorities.

Mr. Meyers, through assistant Attorney General Cynthia Botsois, also stated that parents have no legal right to stand in the court for the protection of their children when the children are being knowingly abused in State custody, even though their parental rights have not been terminated by the courts.

A Voice for Children

February 23, 1999

Understanding Federal, State, and Local Child Welfare Spending

This report is part of the Urban Institute's Assessing the New Federalism project, a multi-year effort to monitor and assess the devolution of social programs from the federal to the state and local levels.

Urban Institute

January 1, 1999


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