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Students in foster care lose four to six months of academic progress every time they change schools. (Casey Family Programs Research)

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by Ray Thomas

650 Florida foster children, including some that are not under the care of a pediatrician, have been given mind-altering drugs. Drugs that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use with small children.

The state Department of Children & Families naturally disputes the validity of the research. They always do when they're "caught out." They quibble with the findings by saying that "too few children were included in the study's sample." Such studies commonly use small samples of a subject group and that is a recognized, accepted method. This group studied 1,180 foster children out of 15,000 in state care. <br><br>More than half -- 652 -- were on at least one drug. Seventeen of the 652 were preschoolers.

The Sierra Times

November 23, 2003

by Chad Halcom

Years before this week's raid and arrest warrant by California law enforcement, the name Michael Jackson has been tied to suspicion and speculation almost as much as success and fame.

Even in the public arena, officials say Jackson has given possible warning signs of a tendency to be sexual with children, including his statements in a recent documentary in which he admitted sharing his bed and sleeping with a child.

The Macomb Daily (MI)

November 22, 2003

by Norb Franz

A 50-year-old New Jersey man accused of engaging in sexual activity with an 11-year-old girl was arraigned Friday on sexual misconduct charges that could lead to a lifetime prison sentence.

Harlan is charged with four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct - a charge that involves allegations of sexual penetration. He was freed after posting a $100,000 cash/surety bond set by 37th District Judge Dawnn Gruenburg.

The Macomb Daily (MI)

November 22, 2003

A social worker in the Shoals is accused of trying to buy painkillers with a forged prescription.

Narcotic agents say Scott tried to fill a prescription for Lorcet. Scott is a social worker at the Lauderdale County Department of Human Resources. Police say Scott admitted to calling in the prescription. She's free on a $3,500 bond.


November 21, 2003

Since 1983, the North Carolina Guardian ad Litem (GAL) program has served the best interests of thousands of children.

In the past fiscal year, 3,610 trained volunteers served 15,234 children from a total of 8,418 families. These children were in court because a petition had been filed stating they were abused or neglected.

The North Carolina Court System

November 20, 2003

State of Florida - Fifth Judicial Circuit

Thousands of abused and neglected children become the subject of judicial proceedings each year in Florida. Their voices are often unheard, and best interests overlooked in the complicated and overburdened adversarial process. Guardians Ad Litem are citizens who volunteer to become part of a court program to represent the best interests of an assigned child.

Guardian Ad

November 20, 2003

by Mark Ferran

Part 1: Law, a Revolutionary Idea for Peace<br>Part 2: US Supreme Court<br>Permits "Unauthorized Deprivations" and thereby Declares War Against God and Against The People of the United States<br>Rights of NY Landowners to Use Force (Display Guns) to Stop, Expel and Arrest Defiant Trespassers (or Terrorists)<br>The ATV Trespass Problem<br>While Leaving Ground Zero<br> We Must Stop Baseball Bat Violence!<br> A Need For Speed = Justification<br>The Original Intent of the 14th Amendment<br>


November 20, 2003

by Mark Ferran

Lincoln said "Let [Law] be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislatures, and enforced in courts of justice."

The Law Clauses of the Constitution of the United States were adopted by the People to promote enduring Peace, and to Secure Life, Liberty and Property against unlawful deprivations by public agents exceeding the limits of lawful authority. The primary Law Clauses of the Constitution are found in the Fifth Amendment (in the Bill of Rights), and in the Fourteenth Amendment:


November 20, 2003

A Colorado Juvenile Law Website For Licensed Attorneys

This site is directed at attorneys and assumes you thoroughly understand the principles of substantive due process, stare decisis, irrebuttable presumptions, and the Rule Against Perpetuities. If you are not an attorney, this site is not intended to offer anybody legal advice and you proceed with any information herein at your own risk.

Juvenile Law Net

November 20, 2003

3 innocent little children were placed in a home with a convicted child molester.

Every day across America, citizens of the United States log onto the internet and inquire whether there might be child molesters and other kinds of sex offenders living somewhere in their neighborhood. Yet, the State of Michigan has made sure that David and Hege Crowton's children get to live with one.<br><br>Please call the Governor about David's Children at: (517) 373-3400 and ask her to stop the adoption

David's Children

November 20, 2003


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