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"The service that DCFS now provides is worse than the abuse that most abused children ever experienced. The trauma they inflict on ordinary children is unspeakable." ~Social worker Anthony Cavuoti

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A suspected car thief is headed to jail in Fresno and she could face serious charges for ramming a police cruiser.

Sergeant Tim Tietjen with the Fresno Police Department said, "She put the vehicle in reverse, ramming one of the police vehicles. She then fled; officers followed her to an address on Fruit and took her into custody for auto theft." Child Protective Services was also called out because a child was found in the home, along with weapons.

CBS 47

January 6, 2010

by John Vibes

Peck, MI - A woman was arrested this week and had her child taken from her after she called 9-1-1 to report that she was being attacked by her husband. When police arrived on the scene just after noon on Tuesday.

The man was taken into police custody, but they did not stop there. They also attempted to place the child in government custody, and when the mother objected to them taking away her child, they arrested her as well. As any caring mother would do, the woman attempted to prevent the police from stealing her baby, at which point they became violent with her, even using a stun gun on her.

July 24, 2015

by Jake Wasikowski

Channel 6 News looks deeper into the story of a woman who apparently called 911 to come take her children away. Then isn't home with them when police arrive.

Police are looking for a woman who called 911 saying she couldn't care for her children anymore, and then abandoned them when police showed up. Police say a mother on the other end tells them she can no longer afford to take care of her four children, and that they should be taken away by child protective services. When officers arrive they find the kids, between the ages of 2 and 12, in a home they say wasn't fit for children to live. The 30-year-old mother couldn't be reached, and the kids were taken into protective custody. Jacque Schafer says she's seen at least one of the children outside half naked in the cold without supervision.

January 17, 2012

by Jennifer Crossley Howard

Four charges of drunken driving have been filed against the driver of a pickup that struck a car and killed a child and a Social Services worker Friday.

Harrison was a child protective services worker for Pickens County. She and the children were driving back to the children's foster home after visiting a parent. Melton was admitted to Greenville Memorial Hospital. She is being held at the Pickens County Detention Center, with a bond hearing scheduled for Thursday morning.

March 12, 2011

by Lisa Demer and Richard Mauer

An Anchorage woman who was supposed to provide a safe place for her six adopted children confined them in her large, secluded Hillside home and subjected them to years of emotional and physical abuse, police say.

Anya James, 50, is charged with six counts of first-degree assault and 10 counts of kidnapping. An eight-month police investigation culminated in her arrest Tuesday and her first court appearance was Wednesday. Defense lawyer Rex Butler entered not guilty pleas on her behalf and later told reporters that police are only presenting one side of the story. James took in damaged and disturbed children whom many people couldn't handle, Butler said.

May 18, 2011

A Charleston woman is facing a child abuse charge after an elementary school principal noticed severe bruising on her young son's upper body.

Charleston detectives and Child Protective Services workers went to Kenna Elementary School Friday morning to investigate after Karen Price, the school's principal, noticed bruising on a 9-year-old student.

Charleston Daily Mail

June 2, 2010

A Calera woman is accused of chasing and beating a 10-year-old boy with a belt.

Mariyam Eaton, 38, was charged with child abuse following an investigation by Calera Police. Police questioned Eaton who said the boy called her vulgar names and she chased him with a belt but never struck him, the affidavit states.

The Durant Daily Democrat

August 27, 2009

A woman charged with performing sexual acts involving two pets and forcing a 6-year-old-boy to perform sex acts on her is back at work as a deputy director at the Centers for Disease Control.

Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, 44, is the deputy director of the CDC's Laboratory Science, Policy and Practice Program Office (LSPPPO). She is charged with multiple counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality, according to CBS affiliate WGCL in Atlanta. Lindsey was arrested October 10 following a six-week investigation by the DeKalb County police. Police say they unearthed evidence that a 6-year-old boy was involved in sex acts with Lindsey and her boyfriend Thomas Westerman, a fellow CDC employee who is also charged in the case. The child molestation allegedly took place between January and August of 2010 at Lindsey's home in Decatur, Ga.

July 14, 2014

YONKERS - Police have charged a Yonkers woman with reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child after she left her one-year-old child on an outside porch in a stroller unsecured at the top of stairs.

Shayna Williams, 20, had gone to 42 Jackson Street on Wednesday and asked a woman if she could leave her daughter there since that is where her ex-boyfriend, the child's father, lives. The woman told Williams he wasn't there and she closed the door.

January 21, 2012

by Isadora Vail

A 4-year-old girl was recovering Friday after police said her guardian hit the girl so hard that surgeons had to remove half of the child's skull to reduce swelling, according to an arrest affidavit.

Pauline Gonzales, 22, is charged with a first-degree felony of injury to a child from Wednesday's incident. She told police she "slammed her on the ground" after discovering the girl had urinated on a couch, according to the affidavit.

Austin American-Statesman

August 15, 2009


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