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by Alexandra Wax

After the last year produced a spate of terrible cases like the one we told you about Friday, the state of Texas got approval to add 840 caseworker positions to CPS as advocates for abused children both in and out of the system.

Adding to the frustration are concerns about how data is recorded: while more than a 25 percent increase in children removed from their homes was posted in Harris County between 2005 and 2006, other counties don't keep their data in the same format - or sometimes at all - making comparison hard.


August 29, 2006

The Department of Children and Family Services is investigating Monday the death of a 7-month-old boy at a Near North Side hotel where he lived.

Police were notified about 11:30 p.m. Sunday of the death of a 7-month-old who was discovered unresponsive by the mother on the 1500 block of North La Salle Street, according to police News Affairs Officer Amina Greer. Seven-month-old Shmar Stuckey, of the 1500 block of North La Salle Street, was pronounced dead at 2:30 a.m. at the Stein Institute, according to a spokesman from the Cook County Medical Examiner's office.

Chicago Sun-Times

August 29, 2006

by Troy Anderson

Disturbed to learn that Los Angeles County social workers returned dozens of children to parents or caretakers who later killed them, City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo asked the grand jury on Monday to investigate and identify areas for reform.

"We have a child welfare system that is broken," Delgadillo said. "And I'm not going to sit on the sidelines while kids are being harmed by the very system designed to protect them. "We think there are as many, maybe more, than 75 children whose lives have been lost" in the last five years, he said.

Whittier Daily News

August 29, 2006

by Mitchell Sanderson & Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D

Those who work in what was once nobly known as the Civil Service - and what has degenerated into the "bureaucracy" - are required by law and ethics to be politically neutral.

So it is disturbing to learn that Thomas Sullivan, Regional Administrator for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), sent a letter last month to North Dakota state Senator Tom Fisher urging the defeat of a proposed ballot initiative North Dakota citizens are now collecting signatures for a popular measure providing for shared parenting for children of divorce. This would alleviate the problem of fatherless children and ease the impact of family breakup on both children and society.

News With Views

August 27, 2006

by Jill Cohen Walker, J.D.

As the battle for total control over our children escalates, the bastions of social services in almost every nation are working overtime to steal them and turn them into state property.

This is a global effort, not just an assault on American children, and no effort is too great to those who want to brainwash the children and make them citizens of the new global order. The "it takes a village" crowd is thrilled whenever inroads are made by the liberals into parental rights. They'd prefer we didn't have any, but their so-called platform is one grounded in hypocrisy.

News With Views

August 19, 2006

There will be no forced chemotherapy for a 16-year-old Virginia cancer patient, following the announcement of an agreement with social services workers that will allow Abraham Cherrix to determine his own treatment course.

The ruling Wednesday from Circuit Court Judge Glen A. Tyler in Accomack County said he had approved a consent decree that both social workers and the patient and his parents had agreed to follow, according to the Associated Press. The report said the decree will allow Abraham to choose his own Hodgkin's disease cancer expert who must be board-certified in radiation therapy and be interested in alternative treatments.

World Net Daily (VA)

August 16, 2006

by Audrey Barrick

Evangelicals have repeatedly pointed out that gay marriage "damages" children while fighting to protect marriage. A family think-tank brought attention to new evidence that revealed the risks of permitting homosexual foster-parents.

A tally from Illinois and Minnesota (2003-2005) showed that a third of foster-parent molestation perpetrators engaged in homosexuality with their charges - their own foster-children. Both states permit homosexual foster-parents. According to the tally of 40 foster-parents, 12 foster mothers sexually abused their charges, nine of whom molested foster-daughters, and 28 foster-fathers sexually abused their charges. The data showed that 18 percent of foster-fathers sexually abused foster-sons. Overall, 65 percent of foster-parent perpetrators engaged in heterosexuality and 35 percent in homosexuality with their charges.

The Christian Post (IL & MO)

August 14, 2006

by Tom DeWeese

Activist judges have been a plague on American liberty for decades. Many of their rulings, based more on political agendas than the rule of law, are affecting individual states' authority to their 10th Amendment right to republican rule.

So great is the power of activist judges that school boards are literally banning everything from voluntary prayer in schools, to wearing a tee shirt with a Christian message, for fear federal courts will take action against school officials. Across the nation, the outrageous spectacle of communities banned from displaying nativity scenes during the Christmas season is all too common.

News With Views

August 13, 2006

by Courtney Randon

BROCKTON - As Womansplace Crisis Center faces possible closure after a 33-percent budget cut from the Department of Social Services, the United Way of Greater Plymouth County is pledging to do whatever it can to keep the emergency shelter open.

"This is a tragedy in the making. It defies logic," said Dennis Carman, President and CEO of United Way of Greater Plymouth County. As the only emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence in Plymouth county, the area could be losing a "valuable refuge" Carman said. "No one is sure of why." DSS said funding this year changed because of a new set of criteria based on two years of research into services for victims of domestic violence.

The Enterprise (MA)

August 12, 2006

by Monica Mercer and Rachel E. Leonard

A Circuit Court judge has set bond at $75,000 each for a Lyman couple accused of starving three boys.

Scott and Molly McCurry have been held at the Spartanburg County Detention Center without bond since their arrest July 13 on three counts each of child abuse inflicting great bodily injury. On Friday, Circuit Judge Mark Hayes set bond after hearing arguments from attorneys who said the McCurrys are not a flight risk, have no criminal history and pose no danger to the children, who are in custody of the S.C. Department of Social Services.

Spartanburg Herald Journal (SC)

August 12, 2006


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