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Only 50% of the youths who had turned 18 and "aged out" of foster care were employed by their mid-20s.

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by Angela Woolsey

When someone calls the Fairfax County Child Protective Services' hotline for reporting abuse or neglect, a social worker is on hand to screen the report and determine whether or not it's valid.

Fairfax County (and every other jurisdiction in the state of Virginia) uses four criteria to determine whether a report warrants assignment to a CPS specialist: 1. The incident must have taken place in Virginia...

April 12, 2016

by Daryl Cobranchi

The bill which would allow home-educated kids (HEKs) to play public school sports is a step forward and deserves to pass. North Carolina will not be leading the way in allowing this kind of participation.

Many other states already allow HEKs to play on sports teams, cheerlead, or participate in music activities like the marching band. NFL quarterback Tim Tebow was homeschooled in Florida and played for his local high school team. Democratic Rep. Rick Glazier sees serious problems with the bills' workability. (NC)

March 27, 2011

by Heather Catallo

Michigan families are being torn apart and critics blame the privatization of the foster care system. Families desperate to care for loved ones say they are spending thousands of dollars to fight a hostile bureaucracy to get children out of state hands.

"Both federal and state law require that the agency and the court give priority to relatives seeking placement of children in foster care," says attorney Vivek Sankaran, who heads the Detroit Center for Family Advocacy and is an expert on child welfare law. "All too often what happens is that systemic road blocks are created - license, home study, requirements, criminal background checks take time because bureaucracy is taking too long to get them done, the child is living somewhere else," says Sankran. That is what happened to Gant. Fed up, she got a lawyer and has spent $15,000 fighting for Bradley. The private agency finally approved her to adopt-another child. But Gant didn't want just any child.

November 11, 2011

by Lynn B. Cochrane & Jill Davies

Family Problems, DCF, and the Law: Greater Hartford Legal Assistance, Inc.

This free book has two goals. The first is to give parents information that will help them identify a family problem and take steps to fix it. The second is to help parents and their children if DCF and the courts get involved in their lives.

September 9, 2006

by Dr. Peter Breggin

Alaska attorney Jim Gottstein has taken the bull by the horns. It's a bull of many terrifying shapes and forms. First and foremost, it is the raging bull of the Psychopharmaceutical Complex that is goring America's children.

It's also the rampaging state government bull that everywhere runs roughshod over the children in its custody and care. And then it's the "bull" handed out by drug companies and organized psychiatry to justify using drugs to suppress the behavior of children. Jim Gottstein's Law Project for Psychiatric Rights has gone to court to stop the drugging of Alaska's children.

The Huffington Post

February 4, 2009

by Anahad O'Connor

The deaths of Elijaha and David Jr. have also cast the county's Department of Social Services in an unforgiving light.

Dec. 15 - David Maldonado said he woke up on July 29 and laid out some donuts for his two small boys, Elijaha and David Jr., and then returned to bed in his Yonkers apartment to sleep off the effects of a bag of heroin he had shared with his girlfriend. But two hours later, Mr. Maldonado awoke again, this time to a terrifying scene: the walls were radiating steam, the hallway was flooded up to his ankles, and the bodies of the two boys were lying face-up on the bathroom floor.

The New York Times

December 19, 2005

State lawmakers on Thursday handed Mayor Rahm Emanuel broad authority to create special taxing districts to help pay for four major rail projects, but the mayor and his administration would not detail how much money would be diverted.

The legislation, which lawmakers passed as part of a compromise on a stopgap state budget and an education funding bill, is designed to help City Hall come up with money it needs to match requirements to receive federal transportation grants and loans, Emanuel said. But the measure also grants the mayor and City Council wide discretion to create the so-called tax-increment finance districts within a one-mile-wide swath of land along 46 miles of Chicago Transit Authority rail lines throughout the city. The districts, which could remain in place for up to 35 years, would siphon off 80 percent of property tax revenue within their boundaries (with the exception of taxes for Chicago Public Schools) and dedicate the money toward four major transit projects.

July 1, 2016

Here are a few things I want the woman who will one day hold my son's heart to know.

Even though I look at my sons and see my babies, I'm not raising babies. I am raising men. Men who some day will hopefully become fathers and husbands. Some of the most important roles in existence. It's my job as their mother to raise them with the skills necessary to go out into the world and fulfill those roles well. Each and every day I am gifted with these boys, I am committed to that responsibility.

August 25, 2015

by Keith Harmon Snow

A five month investigation reveals an epidemic of violence and corruption facilitated by Family Courts in the United States. Children all over the United States are being taken from their protective mothers and delivered to abusers.

Behind this epidemic of judicial abuse are organized networks involved in racketeering and corruption, channeling and disappearing billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayers money every year. Insurance companies are being defrauded by medical and mental health professionals rewarded handsomely for producing quack studies that criminalize loving mothers and protect abusive fathers. With clear evidence of racketeering and corruption, high court judges and insider lawyers use and abuse the Family Courts system to destroy protective mothers and deliver life sentences of suffering to innocent children. Rich, poor, middle-class... No child in America is safe.

July 16, 2015

by Jack Stripling

Nina Williams doesn't even remember when she entered the foster care system, and at the age of 18 she says she has little interest in learning exactly what put her there.

Now a student at Western Michigan University, Williams has other concerns, like student loans and textbook costs. When Williams came to WMU - a university in Kalamazoo, Mich. - she says she felt like an outcast. One of just seven students on campus who grew up in foster homes, Williams formed friendships that were built in part on mutual frustrations.

Inside Higher Ed

May 27, 2008


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