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Although caseworkers are required to make "reasonable efforts" to keep a family together, a 1989 study found that in 44% of cases no effort had been made to keep the child in the home.

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Two summers ago, when my daughter was only three months old, I made a mistake that ended with my daughter hospitalized and my husband and I suspected of child abuse.

We were visiting the Michigan Renaissance Festival. On our return to our car, we said goodbye to my sister and her family. But, I didn't buckle May back into her stroller. We were only a few feet from the car. It is that rationalization that haunted me in the days to follow. My daughter was born brain-damaged. I didn't think she would fall out because she can not roll or sit even now, at two-years old. But, as we walked, she slipped forward without us seeing. A woman shouted out to me, and I only had time to see her dangling legs and then watch, helpless, as she fell, fall face forward on to the ground.

July 31, 2013

by Michael Greger, MD

In a study highlighted in California Childen Are Contaminated, researchers analyzed the diets of California children ages two through seven to determine the cancer and non-cancer health effects from food contaminant exposures.

It turns out food may be the primary route of exposure to toxic heavy metals, persistent pollutants, and pesticides. "Though food-borne toxic contaminants are a concern for all ages, they are of greatest concern for children, who are disproportionately impacted because they're still developing and have greater intake of food and fluids relative to their weight. Pediatric problems that have been linked to preventable environmental toxin exposures include cancer, asthma, lead poisoning, neurobehavioral disorders, learning and developmental disabilities, and birth defects."

July 9, 2015

Just a few days shy of her 2nd birthday, Chrissa Matthews drowned in a back yard pool. The case has added fuel to a debate between the Clark County district attorney's office and the Family Services Department over the representation of children.

Prosecutors have argued against the department when they disagree with social workers' recommendations in child welfare cases. Lawmakers and the department want District Attorney David Roger to stop that practice and solely represent the department. They say it is a conflict and that disagreements can be resolved in other ways.

Las Vegas Sun

September 9, 2009

by Celia Farber

When her son Bently was six months old, she took him in for a round of vaccinations to his local clinic, in Fort Worth, Texas, where she lived then...

She began to speak, and tell her shocking story. When her son Bently was six months old, she took him in for a round of vaccinations to his local clinic, in Fort Worth, Texas, where she lived then. She had delayed giving him his two-month shots, so his immune system could develop a bit more, and she felt confident that he would fare better now that he was six months old. The pediatrician that day was telling her how important vaccinations were, and how many children died without them in his native country in Africa. He described how mothers would line up to get the shots for their babies, and that many had to have 10 children, just to have a few that survived infancy. Totally unbeknownst to his mother, Bently received a staggering 13 vaccinations that day, including two triple doses of DTap, Hepatitis B, a polio shot, three oral rotavirus doses, and a pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. It was all compressed into three shots and one oral dose. It took the nurses half an hour to prepare all the shots Bently received. The pediatrician told Alisa that her boy perfectly healthy-that he showed above average strength in his stomach and legs.

October 11, 2015

by Nathan Nocera

When Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the medical marijuana bill into law this past July, I assumed my daughter would finally get the help she needs from our state. My 8-year-old Donella, whom we call Donnie, is confined to her hospital bed.

Adding to our woes is an open investigation by Child Protective Services because I obtained and administered medical marijuana in an effort to treat my daughter. It breaks my heart that, as I struggle to get the best treatment for my daughter, the state of New York is spending public resources to pull my family apart. When I was able to give her medical marijuana obtained illegally, I saw the pain lessen.

October 23, 2014

by M. Kaisar-Ul-Haque

A newspaper report of yesterday highlighted certain components of draft child policy that was announced yesterday by government of Bangladesh.

It appears prima-facie from the report - a bunch of child welfare measures have been recommended with a kind of inter-disciplinary flare to deal with, as appropriate, consequences, implications and ramifications that might arise out of and in the course of implementation of relevant components of the draft against the backdrop of say existing laws such as those in areas of criminal justice.

The New Nation

September 17, 2010

by R.L. Stollar

I do not know the Naugler family. I have never met them. All of the following observations are based solely from the information this family posted, publicly, on their blog and public Facebook page.

Much of the "information" being spread about the internet in regards to this family is clearly, factually incorrect. This can be seen through simple observation of posts on the family's public Facebook page and blog.

May 11, 2015

by Michelle Barclay and Mary Hermann, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

This Georgia boy's long stay in the foster care system started when his mother signed a temporary voluntary relinquishment of her parental rights because of her alcohol and drug abuse.

Logan says he will go live with his mother in Texas as soon as he turns 18. He also said going home to his mother is his choice for permanency while in foster care. The Cold Case Project team reviewing his case in 2009, assisted with facilitating movement toward that placement now. Why wait until 18? Logan has even hand written a letter to Texas asking to allow him to go home and live with his mother. All three times, Logan's ICPC request has been denied.

August 10, 2011

by Curtis Krueger

Over three days this week, prosecutors have systematically built a murder case against a former foster mother accused of shaking and killing a baby in her care.

Today a defense attorney will try to build a case against shaken baby syndrome itself. A nationally known critic of shaken baby diagnoses, neurosurgeon Ronald Uscinski of George Washington University Medical Center, is scheduled to testify today for the defense in the case against Tenesia Brown, 42. "There are ... cases all over the country that are being granted new trials because they found out that the science of shaken baby syndrome is flawed," said defense attorney, Ron Kurpiers.

St. Petersburg Times

August 26, 2010

by Alice Park

Among the many mysteries that befuddle autism researchers: why the disorder affects boys four times more often than girls.

But in new findings reported online today by the journal Molecular Psychiatry, researchers say they have found a genetic clue that may help explain the disparity.

Time Magazine

May 19, 2009


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