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In over 9000 divorces in 12 states, child sexual abuse allegations were made in less then 2% of contested divorces involving child custody. (Association of Family Conciliation Courts, 1990)

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by Casey Newton

Despite rising demand for unemployment benefits and food stamps, the Department of Economic Security on Thursday announced furloughs for 9,000 employees and said "a significant number" of layoffs are imminent.

The department, which oversees agencies including Child Protective Services, the food-stamp program and child-support enforcement, previously reduced overtime and travel expenses. But it wasn't enough to avoid steep cuts.

The Arizona Republic

February 13, 2009

NEW YORK (AP) - Witnesses say a fourth-grade boy choked on meatballs during lunch in a New York City school cafeteria this month and later died.

The New York Post reports that 9-year-old Jonathan Jewth fell to the ground during lunch Dec. 5 and was unconscious before help arrived. They say cafeteria workers at Public School 47 in the Bronx didn't know what to do and failed to help him.

CNS News

December 17, 2011

A generous heart, an innovative mind, tireless hands and an independent spirit. Dick died April 21 at age 94, having lived nearly his entire adult life in a cave above the Salmon River outside of Elk Bend.

Dick eschewed electricity and running water for life inside a cave and living off the land. Old windows from pickup trucks covered the front of his cave. He made what he needed -- from the yogurt to a fly swatter. He raised goats and grew his own food. He earned a few bucks by renting out nearby caves to those passing through, or those wanting to stay longer.

Salt Lake Tribune

May 2, 2010

by Bill Esler

Logging fire-damaged trees on Federal land in California's Yosemite and Stanislaus national forests could be quickly okayed under legislation introduced by Congressman Tom McClintock (R-Calif.).

With an estimated 1 billion board feet of quality timber charred by the quarter-million-acre Rim Fire, lumber and logging companies are seeking rights to fell trees in Yosemite Park and Stanislaus National Forest, about 100 miles east of San Francisco. The Rim Fire flamed out around Sept. 26.

October 15, 2013

The section edition of A Child's Right to Counsel: A National Report Card on Legal Representation for Abused and Neglected Children has been released by First Star and the CAI and Maryland ranks higher than D.C. or Virginia.

The report is primarily concerned with what kind of representation kids get when they interact with the child welfare system. The introduction numbers are sobering. Over 300,000 American children entered foster care in the last fully reported year of 2006.

We Love DC

October 15, 2009

by Benjamin Hardy

State Rep. Justin Harris and his wife adopted a young girl through the state Department of Human Services. How did she, six months later, end up in the care of a man who sexually abused her?

On April 4, 2014, a 38-year-old resident of Bella Vista named Eric Cameron Francis was arrested by the Arkansas State Police for the rape of a 6-year-old girl in what the police said was his temporary care. Sexual crimes against children always attract a certain horrified attention, but this particular case earned additional scrutiny because Francis had recently worked as head teacher at a Christian preschool in West Fork owned by state Rep. Justin Harris (R-West Fork) and his wife, Marsha.

March 8, 2015

by Janis Prout

Ever leave on a trip feeling great but return needing to recover from traveling? Chiropractor Janis Prout sees patients in pain daily. When they're getting ready for a trip, she helps them prepare, but often they return home sore and sadly subluxated.

Back pain from sitting is just one of the issues she helps with. Whether you're leaving on a holiday trip, traveling for business or dealing with a daily commute, she shares tips on how to end your trip in great shape.

December 18, 2012

by Matt Hampton

After spending 21 years in New York City's child welfare system, one young man has decided to stand up and fight for a cause he believes has fallen by the wayside during the last two decades in New York City.

Among the changes that Robinson wants to make are the appointment of an independent advisory committee, a tracking system whereby citizens who have aged out can be monitored, and life skills workshops. Robinson also believes that foster parents need to undergo more thorough background checks.

Queens Chronicle

October 9, 2008

by John Richardson

Maine's out-of-control pill habit is among the worst in the nation, and all of us bear the costs of its abuse.

Ten years ago, Maine's former U.S. attorney called prescription pain-pill abuse "the greatest criminal problem and possibly the greatest social problem facing Maine." The problem, as it turns out, was just getting started. Substance abuse in Maine is now estimated to cost $1.18 billion a year, or $900 for every man, woman and child, and much of that comes from misuse of prescription drugs.

October 15, 2011

U.S. Department of Justice studies show about 20 percent of prisoners had been abused or neglected as children.

Carefully constructed surveys of inmates reflecting on their past suggest as many as 70 percent may have experienced some form of neglect or abuse as children.

The Birmingham News (AL)

May 27, 2007


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