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In 2005, there were 31,569 cases of child abuse, neglect or abandonment reported in Orange County, CA.

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by Martha J. Lappe

Had there been better cooperation between the Harford County Police Department and Child Protective Services, accused patricide Robert Richardson III would have received the support he needed and a tragedy might have been averted.

As an educator, what I find the most perplexing and disturbing is the fact that the Harford County Sheriff's Department were called to this residence 12 times in recent years, and not one report was made to Child Protective Services.

January 14, 2012

by Jazz Shaw

In an era where virtually every phone is a combination audio recorder, still shot and video camera, one disturbing trend of late has been the increasing habit of police to arrest citizens who record their activities in the public square.

Glenn Reynolds, in the Examiner, goes on to detail the additional case of Simon Glik in Massachusetts, who recently won an appeal in the United States Court of Appeals For The First Circuit. Mr. Glik was arrested for videotaping police in the act of detaining a suspect on a public street and subsequently charged with "wiretapping." I should say up front that I'm pretty much always a big supporter of the police, having had more than a few of them in our family. But when they conduct their business out in public, they are held to a high standard. If they are dong their jobs properly, they should have nothing to fear from the scrutiny of the rest of the citizens.

Hot Air

September 5, 2011

By now many of you have heard about the Naugler family. Headlines have focused on a homeschooling or homesteading family of 10 children who were taken away from their parents in Kentucky on May 7th.

I have never met the Naugler family in person and have never been to their residence. My connection with the family is through online discussions with Nicole in a private Facebook group the past year. There is much I cannot know about them only knowing them through this forum, although the types of discussions had in the group tend to be fairly in depth and people can get to know one another better than many of the people they see every day. I don't pretend to know them well or claim a close friendship, but I do have some understanding of their views and lifestyle and a great deal of sympathy toward their plight. More importantly, I see how the criticisms against them can be applied to many, many other people who have or will be wrongfully treated and will need help.

May 11, 2015

by Ed Runyan

About 10 members of the public attended a Trumbull County Children Services Board meeting Tuesday to question the board about policies that protect the rights of the parents of children who come into the CSB system.

The group believes Trumbull CSB isn't following one of the Ohio Rules of Juvenile Procedure when a child is removed from a home over allegations of abuse or neglect. Smith said he believes the rules require a judge or magistrate to rule on whether there is probable cause for a child to be removed from a home, but no judge is involved in such cases in Trumbull County.

August 31, 2011

by Christina Giannantonio

The HomeSchool Science Club of Union wrapped up a year of activities recently with a science show for their families and friends.

The extracurricular club, which met weekly during the school year, gave home-schooled students the chance to participate in hands-on science activities. For their end-of-the-year show, club members gave scientific demonstrations and explained the science involved.

June 21, 2012

by Amelia Gentleman

Daily life for 15-year-old Stuart is governed by a complex system of incentives and points that seems to have more in common with a television gameshow than a custodial sentence.

As a participant in an experimental youth justice initiative, he is working out a nine-month sentence for aggravated burglary as a guest in the home of a warmly sympathetic foster parent, instead of being locked up in a young offenders institution (YOI).

The Guardian

April 29, 2009

by Valencia Mohammed

This holiday season was the greatest celebration ever when Jewel Stroman, 23, finally got her daughter back from DC Child and Family Services Administration (CFSA).

In 2005, Stroman approached the AFRO about the struggles she faced trying to get her son out of foster care. Her father, Bruce Smith, suffering from kidney failure, placed his daughter and three-month old grandson in the Montgomery County Child and Family Services.

January 19, 2012

by Kim Dungey

When Dunedin man Clem Wright died a virtual recluse, his stepbrother Vince claimed he was one of many former foster children whose lives had been ruined by abuse.

Mr. Wright was raised by loving foster parents but Clem Wright lived in 14 homes in 14 years, suffered from rickets and was attacked by his foster parents with a stock whip. Convinced that situation was not unusual in New Zealand in the 1930s and 1940s, Mr. Wright sought stories of others in the area who had been fostered.

Otago Daily Times (NZ)

November 7, 2008

OMAHA, Neb. -- Anthony Ray liked to play Game Boy and eat Chinese food. He was a straight-A student who, on the surface, seemed to have everything he needed. Though he never fulfilled a wish he carried in his heart: He wanted to be adopted.

On Saturday night, Ray was shot to death on the couch of his foster mother's home at 37th and Bedford streets. Police arrested a 12-year-old boy for the homicide. Ray's life was not that of a carefree teenager. He was a child of the system since he was 3.

KETV Omaha (NE)

November 11, 2008

by Michael D. Pitman

It's been five years since the death of 3-year-old Marcus Fiesel at the hands of his foster parents that captured the attention of the region, state and nation, sent two people to prison and led to a child welfare system overhaul.

Marcus' death during the weekend of Aug. 4-6, 2006, in the closet of the Carrolls' Union Twp. home in Clermont County placed a giant spotlight on some gaping holes in the child welfare system and led private foster placement agency, the former Lifeway for Youth, from operating in the state. While his death was the breaking point to prompt reform in Ohio's foster care and children services system, other children died while under the charge of Butler County Children Services: Tiffany Hubbard, 3, of Hamilton in 1986; Randi Fuller, 2, of Hamilton, in 2000; Christopher Long, 2, of Middletown, in 2001; Courtney Centers, 3, of Middletown in 2002; Jesus Rodriquez, 7 months, of Hamilton in 2003; and Justin Johnson, 13 months, of Middletown in 2004.

August 7, 2011


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