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Men fight for freedom, then they begin to accumulate laws to take it away from themselves. -- Author Unknown

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by Deanna Boyd

FORT WORTH -- This report contains sexually graphic descriptions. A former military couple is in jail, accused of sexually assaulting two children over several years in an effort to teach the kids about sex.

Both the husband and wife are accused of "watching, coaching and instructing" the children on how to perform and participate in sex acts with the adults, according to arrest warrant affidavits.

September 9, 2016

by Stoyan Zaimov

Seven Christians have been arrested in Nepal for spreading the Gospel by handing out Bible handbooks to as many as 885 students in the Dolakha district.

September 9, 2016

by Diane Bukowski

Despite dismissal of criminal charges vs. Godboldo twice, by two judges, Wayne Co. Prosecutor Kym Worthy continued persecution of mother. On eve of third trial May 16, Godboldo felled by massive brain injury.

Global hero Maryanne Godboldo, who stood off police tanks, helicopters, and assault weapons to save her 13-year-old daughter Ariana from state seizure in 2011, suffered a massive brain aneurysm May 15.

September 9, 2016

by Emerald Pellot

Amanda Walker knew something was off, but she didn't quite know why. One day she received a phone call from a woman saying she was from Child Protective Services. The woman said someone claimed that Walker had neglected her children. This was already a po

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September 7, 2016

by Frieda Powers

Things just got worse for former Congressman Anthony Weiner. After allegedly sending a sexually provocative picture of himself in his underwear while his child lay beside him on a bed, child protective services stepped in, the New York Post reported.

The Administration for Children's Services launched an investigation into Weiner and his conduct with his 4-year-old son Jordan, according to a government source. A worker at the New York City apartment building where Weiner lived with now-estranged wife Huma Abedin confirmed that ACS paid a visit on Tuesday. This is within the agency's 48 hour window to pay a home visit after a child is reported at risk.

September 7, 2016

by Breitbart Texas

A judge in Harris County, Texas, has sanctioned Child Protective Services and ordered the agency to pay $27,500 in attorneys fees. He has also ordered CPS personnel to read the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the Texas Constitution.

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) is charged with protecting children from abuse and neglect while safe-guarding the constitutional rights of parents. In his order, Judge Schmude called the actions by agency representatives in filing a parental custody lawsuit "groundless." He finds that the Department "deliberately misled the Court" during a hearing in 2014 and that the removal of the child without a court order was based on "incorrect assumptions which they made no effort to confirm."

September 7, 2016

Everybody loves a clown - unless it's hovering in the woods at dark.

There were two such reports in Cumberland County on Tuesday - one in Fayetteville and one in Hope Mills - and in Laurinburg, authorities said. In Fayetteville, someone called police about 10 p.m. and reported there were clowns in the area of Fillyaw Road and Applewood Lane, less than a quarter-mile from North Reilly Road.

September 7, 2016

by October 14

Remember Texas Senate Bill 538? It was one of 17 bills proposed last session to remove your freedom of medical choice. SB 538 was quite a doozy, though - a bona fide wolf in sheep's clothing.

You see, SB 538 gave the Governor ultimate authority to declare an epidemic of any infectious disease of his or her choosing. The police could then identify risk groups to quarantine, and those identified would be detained in a facility until the situation was deemed safe. If children were isolated as part of the risk group, they could be forcibly taken from their parents, and the State would be assigned as guardian, with full parental rights.

September 7, 2016

by D. Samuelson

At first this headline appears to be good news, indicating that the American Medical Association (AMA) has finally woken up to the medical tyranny of mandatory vaccines.

The Health Ranger reports, "A mandatory vaccination policy - forced vaccination of unwilling recipients - is, by definition, a medical intervention carried out without the consent of the patient or the patient's parents . This directly violates the very clear language in the Informed Consent section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics which states:

August 26, 2016

Officials of the Montana Fish and Wildlife Agency have closed over 180-miles of the Yellowstone River and hundreds of miles of other waterways. The move came following a massive fish die-off that saw thousands of fish killed.

Fishing guides and rafting operators who run businesses along the river said the move could be catastrophic to the area's sizable outdoor industry, which depends heavily on the busy summer season. One official said the closure could last for months if river conditions don't improve and fish keep dying. The closure extends to hundreds of miles of waterways that feed into the Yellowstone, including the Boulder, Shields and Stillwater rivers.

August 20, 2016


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