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USM's 1992 study of Kansas found that 'reasonable efforts' to keep a family together had not been made in 54.8% of cases.

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by Tegna

After KVUE reported that the commissioner for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services asked for more money to hire hundreds of additional case workers.

The plan laid out in a letter signed by DFPS Commissioner Hank Whitman is a part of his intent to overhaul Child Protective Services. In October, CPS workers didn't see 2,844 children in Texas. Over 500 of those children were at the highest risk of abuse or neglect. Whitman is asking senators for 200 more CPS case workers and 100 special investigators to "assist with the investigations and locate children and their families timely." In addition, he's requesting 250 other case worker positions.

October 28, 2016

by Kristi Tedesco, Paul Birmingham

We have new numbers from the Arizona Department of Child Safety indicating some real progress. Kristi's kids has been a very active player in getting child welfare reform for local kids. Now, it seems, things might actually be improving.

The latest Department of Child Safety figures show the lowest number of open, inactive cases since January, 2010. The figure is now fewer than 5,500. That is a dramatic decrease from the peak more than 16,000 in February, 2015. State Senator Steve Farley, an outspoken critic of D.C.S., tells Kristi's Kids, these numbers are looking pretty good.

October 23, 2016

by Tegna

Four children, all under 10 years old, were found sleeping in a locked car Friday morning near 17th and Dunlap avenues.

According to Phoenix police, the children's father was located nearby in a friend's apartment. The father, who is homeless, told police the children were asleep when he arrived at that location late in the night and he didn't want to wake them all up to move them inside. None of the children were injured or transported. The Arizona Department of Child Safety was notified of the incident.

October 16, 2016

by Kirk Johnson

The Iditarod dog-sled race has gripped the imagination here for a long time, partly because it captures the idea, cherished by Alaskans, that a true-north wildness lies just over the horizon.

In trekking nearly 1,000 miles to the finish line in the old gold-rush town of Nome, mushers and their teams commemorate an event that captivated the world in 1925, when a sled team, led by a dog named Balto, raced through blizzards to deliver lifesaving serum to Nome during a diphtheria outbreak. The rescue made headlines around the world, and earned Balto a statue in Central Park in New York. And since 1973, the competitive race has been run to celebrate that trek.

October 7, 2016

A measure seeking to untie home-schooling from the regulatory eye of the Virgin Islands Board of Education won the favor of all senators gathered at the Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Hall here on Monday.

Though the measure will be amended, senators generally agreed with the measure, with the bill's sponsor, Senator Novelle Francis - who said the bill was specifically for parents and guardians who home-school their children, and not the many learning centers throughout the territory that essentially operate as unlicensed private schools - pointing to the growing interest in home-schooling from parents throughout the territory.

October 5, 2016

by Murray Weiss

MANHATTAN - The number of children placed in foster care in New York City has been cut nearly in half in recent years, statistics show.

Data from the city's Administration for Children Services show a steady decline in the number of children who were sent to foster homes as the city strives to deploy an array of social services to troubled families to keep them whole.

October 5, 2016

by Jason Whitely

Last October, Gibson was caught with drugs. The state's Child Protective Services agency took custody of her nine-year-old daughter.

Gibson cleaned up, and for months has tried to get her child out of foster care. "I was stunned, actually, to get this letter," she said holding two sheets of paper with an apology from CPS.

September 23, 2016

by Tracy Lehr

CAMARILLO, Calif. - A child kept in a cage by the foster mother who adopted her more than a decade ago is now in a unique position to help other children like her.

Cynthia Vasquez,19, works at Casa Pacifica in Camarillo, the same center that helped her when she was an abused and neglected 9-year-old. Casa Pacific CEO Steve Elson said she was one of the worst cases they've seen. " It was horrendous what she and her sister went through," Elson said. Cynthia still remembers what it was like when she first arrived at the shelter. She remembers being asked if she was hungry and getting something sweet to eat.

September 23, 2016

by Rick Nathanson

Reportings of suspected child abuse and neglect have ticked up nearly 20 percent in the wake of last month's brutal killing of 10-year-old Victoria Martens and a campaign by the state.

If the calls about abuse or neglect involve a parent, guardian or someone in the household, it is screened in for investigation by CYFD; if the call involves someone outside the household, such as a coach, teacher or neighbor, then CYFD cross-reports the call to local law enforcement for investigation, Jacobson said.

September 20, 2016

by Brian Fanney

The co-chairman of the legislative panel dedicated to uncovering wrongdoing by state government said Thursday that lawmakers should have oversight over individual child welfare cases.

Sen. Alan Clark, R-Lonsdale, didn't explain what he meant by oversight at the meeting, in which a lawyer said Clark was on the cusp of breaking state law and a fellow Republican said Clark was badgering state employees.

September 19, 2016


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