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15% of a sample of former foster children revealed that someone in their foster home had tried to 'take advantage of them sexually' (Fanshel et al, 1990)

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Sedgwick County, KS

Legislative Public Forum

Parents and Grandparents testify in a Sedgwick County Legislative Forum

Part 1: Stop Warehousing Our Children

Januray 6, 2009, Residents of Sedgwick County, Kansas spoke before Legislators in regards to the illegal seizure of children and violations of State, Federal and Constitutional law against families.

Listen as Louis Goseland - Lead Organizer and Statewide Development Coordinator of Sunflower Community Action speaks at a Sedgwick County, KS legislative forum.

Part 2: Stop Warehousing Our Children

In 2005, the Legislators were told by Social Workers that they were to ignore laws.

Avery Casum speaks out on Sedgwick County lawlessness, and faces jail term, even as County officials are violating code §38-141 Parents' right to exercise primary control over the upbringing of their children;

Sedgwick Court charges mom with truancy for homeschooled child in the middle of summer break.

Part 3: Stop Warehousing Our Children

In 2008, the Secretary of SRS said that Social Workers in Sedgwick County were being bullied by the DA to falsify documents to remove children from their families.

Grandparents approved to have custody of three-year-old grandson over a year ago, yet state of Kansas denies them custody! SRS removes grandparents visitation rights after reporting the sexual abuse of their grandchild by foster parents.

Part 4: Stop Warehousing Our Children

We are asking for an Outside Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute all individuals who have broken the law and violated the rights of children and their families.

Youth advocate and mandatory reporter blows whistle on Liberty Juvenile Facility and was relieved of his duties for reporting child abuse, which took place at that facility, as required by law.


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