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The federal government spent $4.8 billion in 2004 to reimburse States for a portion of their foster care expenditures.

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Family Rights Training Coming To Arizona

Posted November 3, 2005

Arizona Family Rights Advocacy Institute (AZFRAI) is sponsoring Suzanne Shell's Family Rights Seminar in Arizona for the public and a C.L.E. legal professionals seminar (Lawyers, Judges and Legislators only)

Legal Professionals Only

(May attend one or two days for 4 or 8 C.L.E. credits)
December 1, 2005 1pm - 5pm and
December 2, 2005 9am - 12pm


(Legal Professionals may also register to attend)
December 2, 2005 5pm to 8pm and
December 3, 2005 8am to 5pm and
December 4, 2005 9am to 4pm

Advocates registering for Family Rights Advocate Certification Must attend all 3 days of the seminar and complete the training as required for obtaining certification as a family rights advocate.


Phoenix, Arizona (To Be Announced At A Later Date)


Call Robin Scoins (623) 205-1136 or Jim Lombardi (602) 465-8570

For More Information:

Email Robin. Please include Seminar in the subject header of your email along with your email, name, phone number, and questions for a prompt response.

NOTE: This seminar is open to the adult public (persons over the age of 18) and highly recommended for anyone seeking to be proactive about their rights and the rights of their family.

Public Seminar

Learn how to assert your rights and protect your family - A must for every parent, legal guardian, grandparent, teacher, counselors, foster family, attorney, Judge, and church leader.

The Family Rights Seminar will be an intensive Friday evening, and all day Saturday, and Sunday presentation covering information listed below. A separate training will be offered to legal professionals only on Thursday and Friday for C.L.E. credits which will cover Legal Representation for Parents and Children: Reasonable Efforts (4 CLE Hours) and Appropriate Treatment/Case Plans (4 CLE Hours).

The seminar will be highly interactive and includes state-specific information. Questions will be welcomed, however due to time constraints, we will not be discussing specific cases. The intent of this seminar is to empower individuals and those in our community with the knowledge to effectively manage their own cases, and or advocate for themselves and or relatives. Children under the age of 18 are prohibited to attend.

Anyone seeking certification as a family rights advocate must provide the following information to Ms. Shell: A current (no less than 14 days old) NCIC report, a listing of all court cases for the past 10 years (including case number, parties names, state and county, court) a completed volunteer advocate application and a signed non-compete, non-disclosure agreement. An advocate is on probation for a year following training and will not receive their certification until the probationary period is over. Certified advocates must meet all ethical and character requirements before certification.

Legal Professionals Seminar

Judges and Lawyers attending the legal professionals C.L.E. credit seminar will cover the topics below and concentrate heavily on Reasonable Efforts and Appropriate Treatment/Case Planning.


In a message dated 5/6/2004 11:49:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Dear Friends:

There is no one - and I really mean no one - who understands CPS like Suzanne Shell. Reading her book, Profane Justice, is like exploring a great treasure. I have stood in court hearings maybe 200 times, and still don't know all that she has figured out by research, intuition, and inspiration. Every day, I stake my law practice on her being right, and she invariably is.

Gregory A. Hession, Attorney at Law, MA

Topics Covered

  • History of Child Protection Services and outcomes
  • How to combat false allegations
  • Effective Advocacy
  • Unauthorized Practice of Law and other advocacy information.
  • Preventative information
  • Resources, Information and Networking
  • Civil vs. Criminal Court
  • Parental and Family Rights law for the sponsor's state and supporting case law
  • Fight or Cooperate? Benefits and Consequences
  • How to fight smart and win!
  • Managing your case to dramatically increase your odds of speedy reunification.
  • Documentation: How to Document, how to use it, and Why it's a must!

Ms. Shell reserves the right to refuse attendance to anyone for any reason. Due to the persecution the state of Colorado is perpetrating upon Ms. Shell, all attendees will be required to sign a confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement and provide a valid photo ID at the door. This information will remain confidential and in the sole custody of AFAC in the event it is needed to protect Ms. Shell against any further retaliation or malicious prosecution by the state of Colorado.

Suzanne Shell
Robin Scoins
Director, American Family Advocacy Center
Director, AZFRAI
Author: Profane Justice and Knowing My Rules Who Do I Trust