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Children ages 3 and younger are the most likely victims of child maltreatment. (2008 report)

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National Call to Action

Chicago-Based IFCAA Announces National Call to Action for Prosecution of Judicial Corruption by US Attorneys and State Prosecutors

National Call to Action

March 26, 2007 -- Chicago

In the wake of the national exposure of apparent misconduct in the US Attorney's Office in Washington, D.C., Illinois Family Court Accountability Advocates (IFCAA) announces a national call to action for prosecution of judicial corruption by state and federal criminal prosecutors.

IFCAA calls for the nation to back the Congress and Senate to expose why the Executive and Judicial branches of government have not only turned a deaf ear to the lawful cries for help from the nation's victims of judicial corruption but why they have allowed billions of dollars of taxpayers' funds to be extorted for personal financial gain in an estimated 12 billion dollar child trafficking industry in our family courts and child protective services agencies which crosses state lines, thereby engaging federal jurisdiction.

Examine the Evidence

  • Material evidence indicates that epidemic numbers of the nation's children are literally being sold to the highest bidder as well as citizens' property rights in repeated inhuman violations of constitutional and civil rights by state and federal court agents and child protective services agency employees.
  • Material evidence indicates that the nation's taxpayers are shouldering multibillions of dollars of theft of public services and extortion of government funds through family courts and child protective services agencies nation-wide.
  • Material evidence indicates that the nation's taxpayers are being forced to shoulder multibillion dollar pension benefit packages while corporate owners walk off with billions of dollars due to alleged bribery and extortion in the nation's federal bankruptcy courts.

Since its first national press release on June 19, 2006 announcing it had taken on judicial corruption — bribery, extortion, fraud, and coercion under duress in the Cook County Circuit Court Domestic Relations Division, IFCAA has networked with local and national individuals and organizations to compile material evidence indicating that local racketeering enterprises partnered with a national organized crime enterprise have allegedly infiltrated the US judicial system.

Material evidence indicates these local and national organized criminal enterprises have flourished in courts and government agencies with access to private, corporate, and government funds, specifically, bankruptcy, probate, and family courts as well as child protective services agencies for the personal financial gain of corrupt public officials and their criminal counterparts.

By February 2007, IFCAA alleged that as a result of the courageous efforts of the nation-wide civilian team fighting judicial corruption, 21 judges and 7 state directors of child protective services agencies have stepped down in targeted states.

However, in June 2006, IFCAA contended that in Illinois the biggest obstacle to justice is the Illinois Attorney General's unconstitutional representation of alleged corrupt judges in state and federal court against unrepresented citizens criminally impoverished by the defendant judges. That Illinois taxpayers were getting hit on both ends of the local racketeering enterprise that generates private income for alleged criminal state court agents on the taxpayers' tab.

Since June 2006, reports from across the country including the targeted states of Utah, Arizona, and Illinois indicate that FBI investigations are repeatedly stopped at the doorstep of US Attorneys' offices.

With the recent exposure of misconduct in our nation's highest branch of criminal prosecutors, American citizens have the opportunity to stop the epidemic violation of our most basic constitutional rights to family and property and protection from excessive taxation due to war profiteering and other forms of fraud against the government if we empower the Congress and Senate to full hearings and testimony regarding the rash of US Attorney firings and which public corruption cases they were politically pressured to prosecute and which ones they were pressured not to prosecute.

IFCAA alleges that material evidence supplied by organized crime informants and found in public records indicates that until courageous state and federal criminal prosecutors and judges with integrity hold corrupt federal and state court agents, federal and state criminal investigators and prosecutors, and other corrupt public officials allegedly in league with organized crime elements accountable, American's most basic constitutional and civil rights will continue to be for sale by the MOB in black robes.

Dr. Mannix comments, "The use of the word "conspiracy" is not an indication of "paranoia." It is an indication of "crime," for example, pursuant to the Illinois Criminal Code of 1961, Article 8: Solicitation, Conspiracy and Attempt. There is no judicial immunity for criminal acts nor conspiracy to commit same."


Contact: Sheila A. Mannix, PhD
(847) 971-6679