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 Kidjacked | Jacked Up 
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Infants and young children with medical complications and physical and mental limitations constitute the fastest growing group of children in need of foster care.

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Kidjacked Posting Guidelines

Kidjacked accepts link submissions, blog post submissions and article submissions. We are always seeking writers interested in starting a regularly published column.

Link Submission Guidelines

Kidjacked accepts several types of website link submissions. Probably the most common are news submissions. It is helpful if you include the state (if applicable or National) that the link refers to, in the subject line of your e-mail.

We also accept links for resources for both the state pages and the legal resource page (as well as a few others). If you are submitting a link for a certain page on Kidjacked, please include a link to that page. Doing so will help the editor get your link up much faster. While it might be apparent to you where the link should go, it's not always apparent to the editor.

E-mail your Link Submission

Blog Post Guidelines

All blog posts are posted on the Jacked Up Blog. Blog posts are intended to be timely pieces. They can be about your own case, current news items and even events that you are promoting.

  • Blogs posts should generally be kept to around 800 - 1200 words in length. (Obviously, we do post longer ones.)
  • Foul language is not appropriate on Kidjacked, please refrain.
  • Please do not submit your story written in ALL CAPS or written in all lower case. Use sentence case.
  • Please proof your story. Better still, have someone else read your story before you submit it, this will help you find and eliminate possible errors and allow the editors of Kidjacked to get your story posted in an efficient manner.
  • Stick to the facts. Submissions found to be fabricated will be exposed publically. Integrity is a must.
  • If you are in the middle of an investigation or still attending court, you are warned not to use your children's full names (or even your own), it can and often will be used against you in court.
  • We gladly accept videos and pictures to post with your blog post but again, we caution against revealing your identity, if you are involved in a current case.
  • If you choose not to reveal your identity, it will be protected by the editors. We have never revealed anyones identity and you have our assurance that we never will.
  • Posts requiring significant editing will not be considered for publication.

E-mail your Blog Post Submission

Article Submissions

Kidjacked is always looking for good advice articles, pieces with legal resources and even commentaries that will serve well over time. Articles posted should be stand alone articles that are useful today and in the near future. They aren't articles that will be out of date by next month.

  • Articles should generally be kept to around 1200 - 1500 words in length. (Obviously, we do post longer ones, so length is not a major concern.)
  • Please do not submit your article written in ALL CAPS or written in all lower case. Use sentence case.
  • Please proof your article. Better still, have someone else read your piece before you submit it, this will help you find and eliminate possible errors and allow the editors of Kidjacked to get your story posted in an efficient manner.
  • We gladly accept videos and pictures to post along with your article but we caution against revealing your identity, if you are involved in a current case.
  • If you choose not to reveal your identity, it will be protected by the editors. We have never revealed anyones identity and you have our assurance that we never will.
  • Posts requiring significant editing will not be considered for publication.

E-mail your Article Submission


If you are a writer or a wannabe writer and are able to write interesting and timely articles at least on a monthly basis, we encourage you to submit a sample of your work and tell us about yourself and some of the ideas you have for your column.

Submit your Column Ideas

Self Promotion

Kidjacked does not pay for articles, blog posts nor are we able to pay columnists. However, we do allow authors to promote their books, websites and events. Feel free to share links to your site (or your favorite website).

Editor's Note

While we appreciate hearing from you, personal e-mails are not generally answered due to the sheer volume of e-mail we receive. All e-mails received are subject to publication at the discretion of the editor. If you don't want it to appear in print, don't send it.

If you have questions that are not addressed here, please feel free to e-mail me, I will answer as time allows.