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Statements not witnessed by a person usually are not admissible in court. But "Kid's Place" nurses can testify about what children tell them during the medical examination.

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Foster Youth Rights

Did you know that children in foster care have rights? Just because you are living in a foster home does not mean that you have lost all your rights.

In this new section, we will provide links and articles that will help teach you what rights you have and what you can expect from your guardian ad litem, your GAL or CASA worker, the Judge and where your family fits into this messy puzzle you find yourself in, through no fault of your own.

2023/09/08 - Foster Child Bill of Rights
The Foster Child Bill of Rights was voted on and passed, in Pennsylvania (1973) and in Virginia (1983), and has been adopted by various other states in recent years. This is a new section, data will be added regularly so be sure to check back.

2023/09/08 - Your Basic Rights in Foster Care
Your rights while living in a foster home vary from state to state. The following list of rights are basic rights for youth in foster care across the country. Ask your caseworker to explain your rights under the law in your state.