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Statements not witnessed by a person usually are not admissible in court. But "Kid's Place" nurses can testify about what children tell them during the medical examination.

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Foster Youth Letters

Anyone who has ever spent time in foster care can attest to just how lonely and how terrified it can be, to be dumped off at a new "home," with total strangers, often with just the clothes on your back.

If you have been in foster care or are currently in foster care, we'd love to hear about it. Write a letter home, tell about your feelings, share you likes and dislikes. I'll see that your letters get posted. I recommend using initials but if you prefer, we will publish your names. The choice is yours. Speak out — Help put an end to foster care abuse.

2023/09/08 - Kidnapped by the State
On March 7th 2004, I was kidnapped and hurt in more ways then anyone can imagine. My pain is so deep that I will live with it for the rest of my life.

2012/06/24 - Stepping Stones: The Story of My Life in Foster Care
I'm in foster care. My life from what I knew before is now over. My former life wasn't so bad. I now truly appreciate all the things my family did for me. Not a day goes by that I do not wish I could just go back to my parents and tell them that I love them.