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Between 1998-2008, 4801 children died nationwide, while living in foster care. (Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS))

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Foster Care

Or Should That Be Care-Less?

The foster care system is a game at best, at it's worst, foster care placement can mean a death sentence for a child. The majority of children placed in foster care, should never have been removed from their own home. The foster care system more often than not, leads to prison for the unfortuate children caught in it's web of deceit and money schemes.

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2023/09/08 - Foster Youth Rights
Anyone who has ever spent time in foster care can attest to just how lonely and how terrified it can be, to be dumped off at a new 'home', with total strangers, often with just the clothes on your back.

2023/09/08 - Mother Fights For Son's Return
Let me begin by saying this is not a family law issue. This is a case of racial profiling and discrimination, police and government employee misconduct, conspiracy and corruption, extreme defamation and slander. Most importantly, this is a case of civil and constitutional rights being violated which subsequently led to the family courts involvement.

2023/09/08 - Foster Youth Letters
Anyone who has ever spent time in foster care can attest to just how lonely and how terrified it can be, to be dumped off at a new 'home', with total strangers, often with just the clothes on your back.

2023/09/09 - Just Who's Abusing Whom?
Today in America, 935 children were forcibly removed from their home and entered the national foster care system.

2023/09/08 - No Place Like Home
As many as half of local foster youth become homeless shortly after leaving care. That's not a small problem; it's a massive failure. Many leave the system without high school diplomas or are victims of undetected abuse committed by caregivers.

2023/09/08 - Kidnapped by the State
On March 7th 2004, I was kidnapped and hurt in more ways then anyone can imagine. My pain is so deep that I will live with it for the rest of my life.

2023/09/08 - Infant Hospitalized While In Foster Care
Baby A.L., a lively five-month-old baby living in foster care, has sustained a severe head trauma while in the temporary custody of DES.

2023/09/08 - The Goodbye Meeting
As of July 6, 2006, three of my five grandchildren have been permanently taken from my daughter. The Inspector Generals Office in Lexington, Kentucky, led us to believe they were investigating our case; but after continuously trying to get them to at least acknowledge our inquiries, we ran out of time ... this, of course, was the plan to begin with.

2023/09/08 - Heartless Caseworker
Can you imagine the horror of having your child ripped from your arms and not be allowed to say even so much as 'goodbye' or to tell them 'Mommy Loves You?' This type of heartless abuse of children is taking place throughout this country daily.

2023/09/08 - Hearing on Federal Foster Care Financing: Testimony of Barbara Bryan
Taxpayers - federal, state and local - as well as contributors to tax-exempt non-profit groups are being defrauded under color of law as children are injured and innocent families are dis-membered in and because of Americas foster care system.

2023/09/08 - Foster Parents Stand Accused of Abuse
Baby Tylor was born 1-15-2006. The mother and baby were both clean at the time of birth. Tylor went into withdrawals shortly after birth and had to be monitored by a nurse around the clock. I felt so sorry for that little man. It broke my heart. Jefferson County CPS stepped into the picture and after Tylor was released from the hospital they placed him into foster care.

2023/09/08 - A Plea for Jamie: Drugged and Helpless
Approximately 15-months ago, my sisters daughter was taken from her, and put into foster care, since that time the family has went thru hell.

2023/09/08 - Coshocton County Failure to Protect
Meet 8-year-old Bonnie and her guardian, who are fighting Coshocton County officials for necessary services and a chance to return home.

2023/09/08 - Deaf, Dumb and Blind
A mothers heart breaks as she is helpless to put a stop to the torment of her children. Angela Wooten shares the story of just one of the visits with her children, while in state care.

2023/09/08 - Foster Child Bill of Rights
The Foster Child Bill of Rights was voted on and passed, in Pennsylvania (1973) and in Virginia (1983), and has been adopted by various other states in recent years. This is a new section, data will be added regularly so be sure to check back.

2023/09/08 - CPS Worker Takes Revenge Against Foster Parent
Kathi recounts her experience as a foster care worker who manages to get on the wrong side of child protective service workers and finds herself in a web of corruption and lies.

2023/09/08 - DHS Needs a Dose of Common Sense
Three years ago, I had a foster child who was not allowed any contact with his mother. He was diagnosed with Attachment Disorder and Dissociative Personality Disorder. The team decided that he would never attach in his present circumstance until he detached with his past.

2023/09/08 - Your Basic Rights in Foster Care
Your rights while living in a foster home vary from state to state. The following list of rights are basic rights for youth in foster care across the country. Ask your caseworker to explain your rights under the law in your state.

2012/06/24 - Stepping Stones: The Story of My Life in Foster Care
I'm in foster care. My life from what I knew before is now over. My former life wasn't so bad. I now truly appreciate all the things my family did for me. Not a day goes by that I do not wish I could just go back to my parents and tell them that I love them.

2012/06/24 - Video Stories: Abuse in foster care
These video's are not easy to watch. They document a serious problem that continues to get worse as more children are Kidjacked from their families and placed in an ever growing foster care system

2012/06/24 - Video Stories: Drugging Foster Kids
Child Protective Services condones the drugging of children while wards of the state. One thing they all had in common was massive over drugging with psychiatric drugs.

2012/06/24 - Homesick in America
We've posted many stories from heartbroken parents who's children are lost in the system. Today we get a small glimpse into the issues 'Alex' is dealing with. This letter was written to his mother, while he was 'away' from home.