Over half a million children are in foster care or some other kind of out of home placement today. Do these children all really need to be there?
Vindictive Caseworker Plays God
The Story of the Smithe Family in Vermont
Sadly, some DCF caseworkers get so puffed up with the power they
have over others that they begin to suffer from a god complex that leads them down the
path of deceit, down a road paved with lies...
In the beginning
On or about September 14, 2006 Joey and Melody Smithe's son was hit in the head
with a full bottle of water thrown from behind him on the school bus. (Yes, this is
what started this entire mess. Long lost and forgotten about.)
Smithe's son came home rubbing his head with a large lump on his head. When he got
off the bus, Smithe asked his son why he was rubbing his head. He said that he was
hit with a bottle — The same bottle that rolled down the steps when he got off
the bus.
Joey asked him if he knew who threw it and he said he didn't know. The next morning,
Joey spoke to the bus driver about it. The bus driver said "It's the damn high
school kids. The town wants to save money by picking up all the kids in one trip because
of the price of gas."
The bus driver also said that he knew that Smithe's son was hit with a bottle, but
did not know who threw it. The bus driver told Joey to call the school and let Tom
(Asst. principal) know. Joey did call the school and talked to Tom.
Tom told Joey that there was nothing he could do, because the bus driver and
Smithe's son had no idea who threw the bottle.
About three days later, Joey received a call from the school nurse saying that they
needed the Smithe boy's immunization records.
The Smithe boy's shots where not up to date. She asked why and Joey told her that
his son became very sick the last time he got the shots. She said that he must have
them, that it is Vermont state law, and he will
not be allowed back in the school with out the shots. Joey told the school nurse that
he would contact the boy's doctor in PA (where they are from) to get his shot records.
The boy had the minimum shots required to go to school. Then the school nurse said that
was not good enough — "I want all the shots to be up to date, not just
the minimum that he needs for school".
Joey then spoke to Carol Wood, his son's teacher. She said that there is no law that
says that a child must have "all" his shots if you sign a
paper (exemption form) from the state of Vermont. Joey was then given
that paper work by Carol Wood, which he did sign.
Pornographic education on the School Bus
About a week later, Melody and Joey were sitting at their table when their son ran
by with his (Tonka) truck on the hard wood floors. Melody said "What did I tell
you about the truck on the hard wood floors?" The boy responded with "SUCK #####!"
Joey stopped dead in his tracks and said where did you hear that? The boy said "On
the bus from one of the big kids". The boy went on to tell everything there was about
oral sex that some person told him on the bus. He didn't know the person's name and he
described him as having dark hair and big ...
Joey told him that what he said was just as bad as the "F'" word and he
was not to ever say it again. Is that understood? He said yes. And what that kid on the
bus told you was all lies. No woman would ever do that — it's just sick.
The next morning Joey called Tom at the school, and told him what had happened,
and that the son will not be taking the bus as long as there is high school kids on it!
"I'll take him out of that school today and have him home schooled."
Tom response was "My kids learn more on a bus and at school talking to
friends than they do at home about sex and there is no way you can stop it. They will
pick this stuff up, on a bus or in school, so just deal with it. My kids knew all about
sex by 6-years-old".
"Well not my kid," Joey said to him.
He said "Well Joey there is nothing more I can do for you."
From the clear, blue sky — a No Trespass Order
The next day, Middlebury Police showed up at Joey's home with a No Trespass
Order. It said Joey was not allowed near the school because Tom said
Joey had threatened him.
The Smithe boy officially kidnapped
On the 2nd of February, 2007, Officer Fisher showed up with about ten police
officers to take Joey and Melody's son.
Officer Fisher walked into the home without knocking on the door. The dog ran to the
door and Officer Fisher said, "If that dog comes near me, I'll shoot it in the
head!". Melody grabbed the dog and locked him in the other room.
Joey said, "What the hell is going on here? Who gives you the right to just walk
into a man's home and say you will shoot his dog?"
Officer Fisher said, "I do. We have a court order to take (the boy) out of
this house for not going to school!"
Officer Fisher said that "You will have a hearing on Monday February 5th".
I said to the officer, "We did nothing wrong. Why are you doing this?"
He said "Because I can. And it's in my report. And if you give me any shit, you
can go to jail with your kid!".
The 6-year-old son started screaming, "Why am I going to jail I did
nothing wrong!" At that time Officer Merckle went to Officer
Fisher and told him to take it easy you got this kid hysterical!
Joey then told (the boy) that he was not going to jail. Officer Fisher is just taking
you to a friend's house. And you will be spending some time
there. Joey says this is the first time that he had really cried in years. When his son
looked him in the eyes and said, "Dad! Stop Them! I want to stay
with you and mom! You know how to fight, fight them! Fight for me. Don't let them take
All Joey could say to his son was, "I can't son. There is just too many of them.
And it will just make things harder for all of us." And the son said to his dad,
"But you said you would never let anything happen to me, and now they're taking me
away. And you can't stop them."
No food in the FULL freezer and huge storage of staples,
No fuel in the FULL propane tank
Officer Fisher's report said things like Smithe's had no food or fuel in the house. He
said that their land lord told him that.
Just one week before Officer Fisher made this fairy tale report, Joey Smithe had
already had the propane tank filled.
Officer Fisher claimed that Smithe's had no food because Judy Debouter (the landlady)
said she had brought 4-bags of food to them.
When asked about it, Judy Debouter said, "What I said was we were cleaning out our
fridge and I asked Melody if she wanted it."
She also added "Why would I say anything about 'no food' when I know they just
butchered a steer and two 500 pound pigs and gave us 40 pounds of ham steaks because
Smithe's didn't have the room in their freezer?"
John Debouter (the landlord) told Joey Smithe to call Officer Fisher and tell him that
he lied on that report. Judy said, "Don't do that — work with that guy at the
school." John said "I don't care — He lied and tell him
that he did". (Honorable Americans who do not know how far gone America is- think
like that.)
John also said, "As for the fuel, I check that tank all the time because, I just
spent $28,000 dollars in new plumbing in that house. If I thought for one minute that
you didn't have fuel in that house, I would have filled the tank myself for the simple
fact that I don't want the pipes to freeze and break."
When a DCF worker came to the house before the court date of February 5, 2007, Smithe's
showed him the receipt for the propane tank that had already been refilled before Fisher
kidnapped the Smithe's son.
The DCF worker that came to the house to check for food and fuel said "You have
more meat than Shaws". Smithe's also had huge stocks of pasta and canned goods.
Food and fuel were never brought up again by DCF workers or anyone else — not even
the judge.
The evidence appears to show Officer Fisher as a replete liar, motivation unknown.
So, DCF just made up new lies.
On February 5th, Smithe's went to court and the lawyer that Smithe's had, said, "To
get your son back fast, you must plead guilty to medical neglect and truancy". Joey
Smithe asked her, "What about the shots waiver I signed? That's not medical neglect
if the state of Vermont says we didn't have to get them?" The lawyer said, "Look
if you want the kid back just do anything they want and make them happy." Joey asked,
"So why do I need you? I can say OK, OK, OK, just as well as you can. Is this what you
do with them — just give them anything they want?"
Both Joey and Melody agreed to whatever they wanted, just to get their son home.
Boy home, Smithe's take him to the doctor
On February 13, the boy did return home. Smithe's made a doctor's appointment for the boy's
shots. When Smithe's told the doctor what the story was, he said, "We have a waiver for
shots that you can sign that says you don't have to give the shots if you don't want them.
And no one can order you to get them."
Joey said, "Well this Judge did it. So just give him the shots."
And he did just that.
Doctor says the boy's teeth "look fine"
He also checked the boy from head to toe and said that he was in perfect condition.
Smithe's asked him to check his mouth and teeth. Dr. Earle said that his teeth look
fine. "He is in good shape."
Note: The Doctor who examined the Smithe boy, including his
teeth on February 13, 2007 said "He is in good shape!"
Smithe's then made a dentist appointment for August 2nd, as the judge ordered.
Smithe's did everything and jumped through every hoop DCF wanted them to do.
One of the things done by DCF is to write a report that says one thing and another
report saying something totally different.
In one report (the grim reaper) is saying two different things in the same report.
She says on one page, "The long term plan is for (the boy) to return home."
Then in the same report, it says for (the boy) to, "Continue to live in foster
care, have supervised contact with parents, will go to school, work hard, will have
all medical, dental needs met and he will be a happy child."
Another standard swipe at character assassination done by (the grim reaper) was to put
in a report saying she wanted a substance abuse assessment for Joey. Joey has never
used a drug in his life.
The boy's court-appointed lawyer said to Melody. "I think it is time for you to
choose who you want Joey or your son. Because if you want to keep Joey I'll fight to
keep the boy away from you and him. And the sooner you get in your head that men are
only good for one thing (breeding), then you get rid of them."
Melody said she thinks that it's because Joey went to the press and all of these
state official people are trying to shut them up.
Smithe's were all set to go and see (the boy) at DCF on August 10, 2007 (his
Birthday). Melody was at work on the farm in Middlebury. Melody called Joey at camp
crying and said, (the grim reaper) did it to us again! Melody said that Joey
is not allowed to see (the boy). Joey asked why — It's his birthday! She
said because you missed the meeting, and (the grim reaper) said,
"This should teach him not to miss my meetings!"
(The grim reaper) then changed the meeting place to the court house and told the sheriff
there that Joey was not to see his son and not to let him in.
Joey got a call from the sheriff (who is a friend) saying not to come down to the
court house (the grim reaper) is breaking your stones. And he also told Joey
to really look out for (the grim reaper). He said, "I have
known her for years, and I have seen her pull some stuff on people and their kids that
I can't believe she is not in jail for — or at least out of a job."
In their first court appearance, Joey Smithe asked (the "judge") if it
would hurt the boy to to go to Florida with Joey's parents, Joey and Melody. The
judge said, "I don't think so — Just as long as DCF knows when you are
going and coming back."
Summer came and the day the boy came home from his last day of school. Smithe's get a
visit from (the grim reaper) and a pile of papers saying that, "As you can see
(the boy) is enrolled in Mary Johnson summer program three-days a week from 8:00 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. He will be picked up by (driver) and dropped off by her." Melody
asked what about the family trip to Florida? (The grim reaper) said, "That's
out now. I am his legal guardian and I say what he does and does not."
So (the boy) went to camp and never missed a day.
Now, the family is planning a Reunion. Joey called his mom and dad on July 3, 2007 and
told them that Florida was out because of this camp thing. Joey's dad said, "Well
there has been a change of plans there too. Your aunts and the family are coming here to
Philadelphia for the birthday and like a little reunion." Joey said that would be
great we can leave on the August 2nd, after (the boy) gets out of camp, this way
(the boy) doesn't miss any camp. So we planned for that day.
Joey called (the grim reaper) and let her know that they will be going to PA on
August 2, 2007. She said, "I know! (the boy) went to camp and said that he is
going to see his grandmom & grandpop." Joey said "Well is there a problem
with that?" She said "No. I just wanted to see if you were going to let me know
or just take off."
The next day Melody gets a call from a young nice teacher from the school/camp who knows
Melody. She said, "What ever you do look out for (the boy). That (grim
reaper) woman and (other DCF snake) are up to something I heard them talking about
(the boy) and going to Philadelphia. (The other DCF snake) or (the grim reaper)
said, 'Well I don't think that can happen.' So I am just giving you a heads up."
Melody called the teacher, and she was scared to death. She told Melody that they heard
her on the phone and she can not talk to her anymore. She said that the big boss of the camp
and some other people came to talk to her and said, "If you want to keep your job you
will not ever talk to Joey or Melody about anything again."
Melody ran into the teacher again around July 15, 2007 and she said, "I am in so much
trouble about that phone call!" Melody asked why? She said "The next day her boss
came in and said that there is a problem with your contract. It's the wrong one. We have a
new one for you." She said "I got a new contract alright. They cut my hours and it
cost me $500.00 a week". Melody said is there anything you can do? She said "Yes,
Sign the new contract or quit, and not get called to sub or teach the new school year."
She also said that "(the grim reaper) has people in her pocket all over the place.
I can't see any way for you to win with this kind of person."
The Bruise
The teacher called later from the school again only this time it was from her cell phone
in a bathroom to tell Melody that (the grim reaper) did it to us again. That (the
grim reaper) said she got a report that (the boy) had a bruise on his leg that
looked like fingers. (Supervisor) asked (the boy) what happened? (the boy)
said "I fell off my bike." (Now when (the boy) fell off his bike, there were
about 5 of our neighbors standing there), But (Supervisor) D.C.F. said they accepted that report
from (the boy).
When (the grim reaper) got wind of this, she sent (another DCF flunkey) out to the
camp/ School to look into things.
Within minutes of her speaking to (the boy) she had him taken from camp and in a
foster home.
A Vermont state trooper and (another DCF flunkey) sat Joey down and told him that they took
his son again. Joey asked "Why now?" She told him about the bruise. Joey said,
"Did you ask him what happened?" She said yes. Joey asked, "Well what did he
say?" She said, (the boy) said nothing. Now here is three different people with
three different stories. Now you have the teacher said what happened was the bike. (Another DCF
flunkey) said "He just said nothing".
Now (the grim reaper) lies in her reports and she just doesn't finish the story
because it leaves her open to be caught in that lie. Like this report she wrote, "(the
boy) told a teacher that he fell from his bike. (DCF flunkey) was called to investigate.
(DCF flunkey) was told a different story on how (the boy) got to be bruised."
Any normal person would finish the report. But she knows that there is a kid out there that
will tell the truth, and that would catch her in that lie. It's like reading a 400 page book,
getting to the end and finding out there are 4-pages missing.
Then they took him to the emergency room, where 2-doctors looked at the mark and said that
this was not a hand print. The doctor's report says DCF asked several times
for the doc to say it was a hand print or that it could be.
Then DCF took (the boy) to a private doctor, and then two more doctors. All of them
said that it was not a hand print. The doctors again were asked by DCF (grim reaper) to place
that "It was a hand print" in the report. The 2 more doctors said "No, the boy
said he hit his leg on his bike pedal".
DCF (grim reaper's) report to the judge says that (the boy) has an
obvious hand print on the leg that the doctor said so!
After the lawyers tried to get the doctor's report from the doctor's offices and from DCF, DCF
had the Attorney General seal all of them until after the TPR. Smithe's lawyers went to court to
get the reports 3-times, in order to get DCF to give them up.
Then after the doctor's report was given to Smithe's, DCF sent them a letter saying that
(you will love this) — The charge of abuse was being dropped! But! We are still
doing our investigation so we cannot let (the boy) come home.
On July 20, 2007, Smithe's had a meeting to find out when they could get their son back.
Joey Smithe told the Director of DCF that Smithe's had done nothing to
that boy and had given them 12-people to talk to — that see (the boy) and
play with them. Not one of them were called. (DCF flunkey) said she called two people on
the list and got no answer. This is a bald-faced lie. One of the people on the list is in
that campground all the time and has voice mail & caller ID. The other person has a
cell phone with them all the time — also with voice mail and caller ID.
Joey Smithe stressed to the director of DCF how important that trip to see his grandmom &
grandfather was to (the boy) and grandparents.
Joey called his dad and said, "I don't think I'll make the trip on the 2nd."
Joey's dad said to please try your very best, your mother really wants to see (the
boy) and you soon.
Joey called his lawyer countless times. She never calls back. This was August 15, 2007.
Joey called his mom and dad to let them know, "I am so sorry for not getting back to
you sooner. This woman from DCF is just tearing us apart up here."
Joey's dad said, "Joey I really wish you made it here with (the boy). I
don't want to have to tell you this, but your mom died on August 9, 2007. All she wanted
is for the family to be together one last time."
Joey's father said, "Your mother didn't want you to know that she had stage four
cancer, because of all the stress from DCF, and driving all that way with (the boy) and
Melody in the car. I gave her my word that I wouldn't tell you."
So after 4-weeks (grim reaper) takes (the boy) to her family dentist.
(The grim reaper) files a medical neglect charge for four cavities and 16 teeth
to be cleaned. (Please refer back up the page to "Doctor says the boy's teeth
Look Fine"
For this they went to TPR (Termination of Parental Rights) and took the Smithe boy.
More to be added later...
Posted July 28, 2008