"We have the laws, but I see them being ignored," said Rep. Bill Otto, R-LeRoy. "Totally ignored."
Family Abuse
The most common case of Family Abuse is that perpetrated by a system designed
to help children but sorely misses the mark. Each year families are torn apart,
children are separated due a system that is spiraling out of control.
How many more families will suffer at the hands of a state drunk on federal
funding? These horror stories will leave you feeling violated by a system that
was intended to protect children.
The stories you will find here will break your heart. Children have been stolen,
parents have been financially devistated by caseworkers, family courts and even
their local police, many times for little to no reason at all. These illegal
practices must end before every child in America is destroyed.
2023/09/09 - Whitman's CPS War: Dividing the Family What would you do if someone threatened to take your kids away unless you dumped your significant other? If you were anything like Los Gatos resident Charlie Whitman, you'd tell them to back off.
2023/09/08 - Playdate Gone Seriously Wrong A two-year-old visiting with a playmate happened upon pain medication and apparently ate it. The parents immediately rushed the child to the emergency room where CPS was promptly called, along with the police who are charging these parents with endangering the welfare of a child. Maybe the parents should have just let nature take it's course, instead of seeking proper care for an accident.
2023/09/08 - Vindictive Caseworker Plays God | Smithe Family Sadly, some DCF caseworkers get so puffed up with the power they have over others that they begin to suffer from a god complex that leads them down the path of deceit, down a road paved with lies...
2023/09/08 - Prisoners-of-War | Giles County Virginia Despite repeated requests, a court order and unfulfilled promises, CPS officials in Giles County Virginia are hiding children as if they were prisoners-of-war. What do they have to hide?
2023/09/08 - DHR Charged With Medical Neglect Alabama Department of Human Services in violation of court order, charged with Medical Neglect and Parental Interference. This is the sworn affidavit of Jeanne M. Wonders-Kritner, filed with the court on behalf of her children.
2023/09/08 - Compulsory Drug Therapy in Victoria, AU Rebecca Merhav urgently needs to be taken off the Compulsory Treatment Order (CTO), have her Clozapine intake reduced and be allowed alternative drug-free therapy, detoxify her body and return to normal life but Victoria Health Officials refuse.
2014/12/09 - Weddings and Marriages Australian marriages on the rise.
2012/06/24 - Kyle's Stolen Christmas! Christmas is supposed to be magical time for children. Little Kyle was ripped from his grandparents and families arms just before Christmas, without an investigation, without cause and without regard to his well-being. Social workers couldn't be bothered to do their own job and reunite this family because they were busy celebrating the holidays.
2012/06/24 - The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services | Nancy Schaefer In this report, I am focusing on the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS). However, I believe Child Protective Services nationwide has become corrupt and that the entire system is broken almost beyond repair. I am convinced parents and families should be warned of the dangers.
2012/06/24 - Tough Love for Out of Control Teen Annette is having trouble getting through to her teenage son who is trying to run the household, his way. The son uses CPS as a club with which to beat his mother with, when he's out of line...
2012/06/24 - Reunification Not an Option Missing Grandchild - I don't know where they have taken my grandson and they tell me that I am not allowed to visit him.
2012/06/24 - Grandchild Stolen Michelle writes of being helpless to protect her granddaughter from being abducted by CPS workers bent on removing the child.
2012/06/24 - Grandparent Access To Their Grandchildren: A Contemporary Issue A study report addressing denial of child access to grandparents of children of divorce.