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In 1996, more than 5.2 million children lived with one biological parent and either a stepparent or adoptive parent, up from 4.5 million in 1991.

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Foster Care Adoption Program (FCAP)

by: Annette M. Hall

FCAP Intake Tracking

In my wanderings online, I often stumble upon distasteful or offensive material that really makes me stop and think. What I found moments ago really should not have surprised me but it did, so I'm going to share my findings with you.

OCA Technologies, Inc., located in Houston, Texas actually wrote and promotes software to help social service agencies track foster care and adoptions. The scope of this software was what truly shocked me.

This software tracks much more information than any government agency has a right to know about any family. It not only allows recording of a families ethnic background, financial status and employment history but also records personal data that may or may not be based on factual information.

OCA Technologies is so certain agencies are going to love their product, they provide a free 45-day trial version of their software.

FCAP Tracks Financial Data

If you've ever wondered just exactly what kind of information social service workers records contain, now's your chance to find out. The range of information collected by this program is beyond belief and should be considered unlawful. On second thought, what difference would it make, these agencies rarely follow the law as we are well aware.

Be sure to follow this OCA Technology link to explore the contents of this software and discover the types of data being collected and shared with God only knows who.

The moral of this story, be very careful what kind of information you share with anyone, big brother is watching and recording.

Posted: August 12, 2005