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American Indian and Alaska Native children are about three times more likely than Caucasian children to be placed in out-of-home care.

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The Booth Family

Story Update

Since this article ran, Diane has turned herself in. She spent a total of 8-months in jail, twice for the same charge, in Santa Clara County, California. She complied with all the court's orders. Yet, the authorities still refuse to grant Diane an evidentiary hearing to prove this in the juvenile dependency court. Vincent remains institutionalized. Diane has filed her 5th appeal for denial of her constitutional due process rights.
Updated February 3, 2007

Diane Booth continues fight to regain custody of her son.

Diane Booth is a single mother, who, about 6 years ago had her only child, Vincent, then 6, court-ordered into a psychiatric hospital when she refused to accept, for him, a diagnosis of ADHD or a prescription of the drug known as Ritalin. Today, Vincent remains "hospitalized and drugged" and a ward of the court, not having seen his mother or any family members in all these years.

Diane Booth continues to be a fugitive from the law living in Canada because she tried to flee with her own, natural, legal child. Diane found out the hard way about so-called "chemical imbalance" fraud being perpetrated on families across the nation. The criminals who deceive, label and drug children exist in all facets of "legitimate" psychiatry, the medical community at-large and has even crept in the realm of alternative medicine.

2023/09/08 - California Court of Appeals Opening Brief
Appellant, Diane Booth, hereby appeals the judgment of the lower court denying her request for modification without a hearing. Appellant respectfully requests the Court of Appeal to reverse the decision to deny the petition and remand the case to the Superior Court to conduct a hearing on appellant's modification petition and to hear evidence consistent with and as required by the law.

2023/09/08 - Testimony of Diane Mary Booth
I am an American mother who cannot attend this hearing in person because I would be subject to unlawful arrest and sent back to prison for 'violation of probation' because of my testimony against criminal authorities in Santa Clara County, California. My true horror story is so unbelievable to the average citizen that it sounds like a George Orwell novel or an X-Files show.

2023/09/07 - Diane Booth Responds to Abduction Allegations
Diane Booth responds to an article, which ran in the San Jose Mercury News, Wednesday, September 13, 2000. The article contains several inaccuracies and makes abduction allegations against her. Read Diane's response to, 'Boy allegedly abducted by mom returned to U.S.'