In 2000, more than 2.4 million grandparents were the primary adults responsible for their grandchildren.
Kidjacked Archive
2017 Archives
2017/03/28 - Press Kidjacked offers the following press releases for your review. Please feel free to circulate this, with credit and a link to Kidjacked.
2017/03/28 - Foster Youth Rights Anyone who has ever spent time in foster care can attest to just how lonely and how terrified it can be, to be dumped off at a new 'home', with total strangers, often with just the clothes on your back.
2017/03/28 - Foster Youth Letters Anyone who has ever spent time in foster care can attest to just how lonely and how terrified it can be, to be dumped off at a new 'home', with total strangers, often with just the clothes on your back.
2017/03/28 - Falsely Accused: Sylvia Vasquez Follow the case of Sylvia Jovanna Vasquez, who stands falsely accused. Sylvia is currently being held in the Santa Barbara County Jail.
2017/03/28 - Adoption Special Needs children are often adopted out from birth or due to a parents inability to cope. Not all adoptions involve foster care placements. When devotion to your adopted children meets untrustworthy officials.
2017/03/28 - He Family If there is reason to prevent Shaoqiang 'Jack' He and his wife Qin 'Casey' Luo from returning to China with their 4-year-old daughter Anna Mae, it has not emerged publicly.
2017/03/28 - Conspiracy Some may call what is happening to the family unit a conspiracy.
2017/03/28 - Abuse Child abuse doesn't just happen at home. In fact, a child is even more likely to abused in fostercare.
2017/03/28 - Gravelle Family Case: Caged Children The Gravelle family has been accused of abusing 11 special-needs adopted children, placed in their care by the State of Ohio. Judge Timothy Cardwell, of the juvenile division of Huron County Common Pleas Court is the presiding judge.
2017/03/28 - Mother Fights For Son's Return Let me begin by saying this is not a family law issue. This is a case of racial profiling and discrimination, police and government employee misconduct, conspiracy and corruption, extreme defamation and slander. Most importantly, this is a case of civil and constitutional rights being violated which subsequently led to the family courts involvement.
2017/03/28 - Sullivan v. DHS A distraught father fights for his daughter. A motion was filed in juvenile Court today for the Judge to set aside her order giving DHS probable cause for keeping Shelby, my daughter.
2017/03/28 - Tennessee Jails Father We are Paul and Donna Mickles from Rogersville, TN. The Court proceedings are being held in Knoxville, TN under the Chancery Court Judge John Weaver. Paul and I adopted a child four years ago and have raised him from three months old.
2017/03/28 - Luttrell Family Imagine, if you will, dear citizens of the United States of America, a country where you have no civil rights. Imagine living in a country where government agents are free to burst into your home, without a warrant, and drag you out in handcuffs, at gunpoint, because you tried to report a crime perpetrated against you by a government official.
2017/03/28 - Booth Family I am an American mother who cannot attend my hearings in person because I would be subject to unlawful arrest and sent back to prison for 'violation of probation' because of my testimony against criminal authorities in Santa Clara County, California. My true horror story is so unbelievable to the average citizen that it sounds like a George Orwell novel or an X-Files show.
2017/03/28 - Resources and Case Law Legal resources and selected case laws of interest to families facing false child protective service allegations.
2017/03/28 - Fighting Back Addendum to 17 Helpful Tips on how to protect your family - A Kidjacked reader offers these tips for your consideration. Not allowing them seeing the kids opens up the possibility that there may be NO kids there.
2017/03/28 - Coalition Asks Texas Governor to Veto 'Take Away Your Child Act' Parents and children throughout Texas are in greater danger than ever, thanks to a recently passed child-protection measure by Democratic Sen. Kirk Watson - Senate Bill 1440 - that expands the powers of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to make it easier to remove children from their homes and families for investigation of alleged child abuse or neglect.
2017/03/28 - Conducting Forensic Interviews with Children Forensic interviewers generally do not receive adequate training to prepare them to conduct child sexual abuse interviews. Revision of training, facilities and techniques are needed. A forensic interview can modify a child's recall of events they may have experienced. This article recounts major problems found in observations of forensic interviews with children and makes recommendations to increase the reliability of the responses from children and assure quality control.
2017/03/28 - Federal Appeals Court Finds CPS Tactic Unconstitutional As families gather for the holidays, a recent ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals offers hope to hundreds of thousands of parents haunted by the nightmare of unproven child abuse allegations.
2017/03/28 - Losing Faith | Foster care adoption process Outside, I cried telling my attorney that the judge had just made the decision to give a drug addicted baby from two drug abusing parents and placed her knowingly in the custody of a known alcoholic. What chance did she think that the baby would have for a normal life, with that history and that environment?
2017/03/28 - Losing Faith | Foster care adoption process We happily went about our days as a new little family with a beautiful new daughter the following days, adjusting as all parents do to a new baby. We walked into the agency with our new beautiful baby in hand not knowing what was about to begin in our lives.
2017/03/28 - Losing Faith | Foster care adoption process Our Parents as Tender Healers (PATH) classes began in early January and were to last sixteen weeks. Within these classes we were to learn the requirements of foster parents and informed that in order to adopt a child in the foster system that we had to become certified foster parents first.
2017/03/28 - Investigation Request Licensing Consultant, for the Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing with the Michigan Department of Human Services husband accused of molestation.
2017/03/28 - Vindictive Caseworker Plays God | Smithe Family Sadly, some DCF caseworkers get so puffed up with the power they have over others that they begin to suffer from a god complex that leads them down the path of deceit, down a road paved with lies...
2017/03/28 - Kidjacked Posting Guidelines Kidjacked accepts link submissions, blog post submissions and article submissions. We are always seeking writers interested in starting a regularly published column.
2017/03/28 - Defending Child Abuse Cases | Out of Control Prosecutors After 20-years of being involved in criminal law, I sometimes start to believe that I have seen it all. Whenever this happens, I am reminded that I have not. While defending a client charged with multiple counts of sexual battery and rape of a child, where there was no evidence, the prosecutor actually stated, in court that she was not going to provide a copy of the accusers statement to the defense because it could be used by the defendant to prepare a defense.
2017/03/28 - Child Protective Services' out of control? Who is watching? A 12-year-old adopted boy with a history of serious mental and emotional problems went to school one day and told his Garfield-Palouse middle school counselor his mother beat him up. He said she slugged him in the nose, choked him, socked him in the chest, threw him up against the wall, sat on him and hit him 150 times with a board.
2017/03/28 - Foster Child Bill of Rights The Foster Child Bill of Rights was voted on and passed, in Pennsylvania (1973) and in Virginia (1983), and has been adopted by various other states in recent years. This is a new section, data will be added regularly so be sure to check back.
2017/03/28 - Your Basic Rights in Foster Care Your rights while living in a foster home vary from state to state. The following list of rights are basic rights for youth in foster care across the country. Ask your caseworker to explain your rights under the law in your state.
2017/03/28 - Prisoners-of-War | Giles County Virginia Despite repeated requests, a court order and unfulfilled promises, CPS officials in Giles County Virginia are hiding children as if they were prisoners-of-war. What do they have to hide?
2017/03/28 - Playdate Gone Seriously Wrong A two-year-old visiting with a playmate happened upon pain medication and apparently ate it. The parents immediately rushed the child to the emergency room where CPS was promptly called, along with the police who are charging these parents with endangering the welfare of a child. Maybe the parents should have just let nature take it's course, instead of seeking proper care for an accident.
2017/03/28 - DHR Charged With Medical Neglect Alabama Department of Human Services in violation of court order, charged with Medical Neglect and Parental Interference. This is the sworn affidavit of Jeanne M. Wonders-Kritner, filed with the court on behalf of her children.
2017/03/28 - Free Reports and Educational Materials If you are concerned about child rights, foster care and the general state of child protective services and our legal system that grinds on, you may find helpful information in these free downloads.
2017/03/28 - Caseworker Training | The Constitution and Child Protective Services This test on the U.S. Constitution is used as a training tool to instruct caseworkers about your rights under the law and how to do their job, without violating your rights.
2017/03/28 - The Rest of the Story | Sullivan -V- DHS I sat here really wishing that I had never heard of Child Protective Services. I don't want to think about it, but there are others still going through what I did. For those that will not know what I am talking about, I will try to catch you up briefly.
2017/03/28 - Picking Up The Shattered Pieces A mother shares her grueling fight with CPS workers for the sake of her son, who may never get back the childhood that was stolen from him. Where is justice? Who will defend the innocent?
2017/03/28 - Misconduct by Larimer CO Officials An open letter to the Larimer County Sheriff's Department regarding the unreported abuse of their five-year-old child while living in a Fort Collins county foster home. Officials refuse to act...
2017/03/28 - State Statutes, Legal Codes and Legislation at your Fingertips Find links to websites containing full-text state constitutions, statutes (called codes or compiled laws in some states), legislation (bills, amendments, etc.), session laws (bills that have become laws), and administrative rules.
2017/03/28 - U.S. Judicial System Grand Jury Investigation Request Request for Meeting to Address the Initiation of a Grand Jury Investigation into the Organized Crime Infiltration of the U.S. Judicial System and Other Branches of Government Pursuant to the Proposed War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007 and the Effective Corruption Prosecutions Act of 2007
2017/03/28 - National Call to Action for Prosecution of Judicial Corruption Chicago-Based IFCAA Announces National Call to Action for Prosecution of Judicial Corruption by US Attorneys and State Prosecutors
2017/03/28 - The Drugging of Our Children Watch the award-winning film documentary, 'The Drugging of Our Children', featuring Michael Moore, Neil Bush and Diane Booth in its entirety.
2017/03/28 - Take the Child and Run: Tales From the Age of ASFA ASFA was the culmination of an assault on safe, effective programs to keep families together that began in the 1990's. The law has caused untold misery for thousands of children. While supposedly intended to solve the problems of the foster care system, it has, in fact, worsened those problems.
2017/03/28 - CPS's Failure To Protect My Stepdaughter I am writing because I feel that the Wilkes County Department of Social Services has failed in its duty to protect my step-daughter, herein after known as "Belinda". I have listed the reasons for this complaint as follows:
2017/03/28 - State by State Spanking Laws United States statutes as they pertaining to spanking and child abuse.
2017/03/28 - Tennessee Supreme Court Case In Re Adoption of A.M.H. This case concerns the termination of parental rights. The appellants, who are the parents, seek reversal of the termination of their parental rights to the care and custody of their daughter, A.M.H. The trial court predicated the termination on the ground that the parents abandoned A.M.H. by willfully failing to visit her for four months.
2017/03/28 - In Re Adoption of A. M. H. Shelby County, TN: This case concerns the termination of parental rights.
2017/03/28 - 17 Helpful Tips: When They Come After You When the Child Protective Service comes to your door, take it seriously. Never think that it can't happen to you because you're a good parent. It can, and has happened to millions of good parents.
2017/03/28 - Courtroom Demeanor Always put your best foot forward. Remember first impressions count. Use these helpful tips to make your best impression on your day in court.
2017/03/28 - Compulsory Drug Therapy in Victoria, AU Rebecca Merhav urgently needs to be taken off the Compulsory Treatment Order (CTO), have her Clozapine intake reduced and be allowed alternative drug-free therapy, detoxify her body and return to normal life but Victoria Health Officials refuse.
2017/03/28 - Whitman's CPS War: Dividing the Family What would you do if someone threatened to take your kids away unless you dumped your significant other? If you were anything like Los Gatos resident Charlie Whitman, you'd tell them to back off.
2017/03/28 - California CPS News Archive Get the latest in child protective services news, foster care reform articles, events and more. Get informed, Stay informed.
2017/03/28 - Keller v. City of Stockton On July 10, 2002, four-year-old Crystal Keller was illegally taken from her day care provider's house in Sacramento by Stockton Police Officers Kathryn Henderson and Ken Takeda and placed at a children's shelter in Stockton.
2017/03/28 - National Center for Youth Law Files Lawsuit in Nevada to Improve Child Welfare System The National Center for Youth Law (NCYL) filed a class action lawsuit today against Nevada Gov. Kenneth C. Guinn, state Health and Human Services Director Michael Willden, and Clark County officials for failing to protect the health and safety of children in Clark County's child welfare system.
2017/03/28 - Mondale Act: Secrecy in the Juvenile Dependency Courts The Mondale Act of 1974 was the communist manifesto for American children and families. The road of good intentions to protect children from 'abuse' was paved with quicksand. Children, ripped from falsely-accused parents, fall into the quagmire of institutionalization and subsequent abuse by the State. The question is, was this pre-meditated trafficking in children by agents of the State? Or was it just an ill-conceived experiment gone tragically wrong? Facts point to the former.
2017/03/28 - Testimony of Diane Mary Booth I am an American mother who cannot attend this hearing in person because I would be subject to unlawful arrest and sent back to prison for 'violation of probation' because of my testimony against criminal authorities in Santa Clara County, California. My true horror story is so unbelievable to the average citizen that it sounds like a George Orwell novel or an X-Files show.
2017/03/28 - Diane Booth Responds to Abduction Allegations Diane Booth responds to an article, which ran in the San Jose Mercury News, Wednesday, September 13, 2000. The article contains several inaccuracies and makes abduction allegations against her. Read Diane's response to, 'Boy allegedly abducted by mom returned to U.S.'
2017/03/28 - Gravelle Case: Too Many Foxes in Huron County, OH The probe of Sheriff's Detective Matt Spencer by the Huron County Sheriff's Department reminds us of the probe of the Gravelle family by the Ohio Department of Health and Human Services.
2017/03/28 - Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Imagine, if you will, dear citizens of the United States of America, a country where you have no civil rights. Imagine living in a country where government agents are free to burst into your home, without a warrant, and drag you out in handcuffs, at gunpoint, because you tried to report a crime perpetrated against you by a government official.
2017/03/28 - Playing Legal Musical Chairs and Other Games We went back to court in Tennessee on my appeal of the father's petition for custody. The referee ruled in November to give him temporary custody and I appealed that decision. The original hearing was set for February 4th, 2003.
2017/03/28 - Luttrell Children Disappear With Father The most recent update to this matter is that for 6 weeks, I could not reach my children at all. The father had simply disappeared. Having been out of a job for going on a year now, he finally got evicted from his apartment, and had moved in with a friend, and failed to tell me, or give me any way to contact my children.
2017/03/28 - Parents Sue Judge, et al Paul and Donna Mickles have filed a case in Federal Court against the Judge, GAL (Guardian Ad Litem) and others for their negligent and criminal actions against the Mickles family.
2017/03/28 - Gravelle Family: Memaw Dies Huron County won't allow death bed request because 'Not in the best interest' of children
2017/03/28 - Why Eleven Children? Why would anyone intentionally raise 11 special needs children? Who has a heart big enough to love that many children and why would anyone bother to try?
2017/03/28 - Gravelle Case Update: Protecting the Innocent Victims from Zealous State Workers On November 15, 2005 Huron County Judge Timothy Cardwell refused to return 11 special-needs children to their adoptive parents, keeping them in county custody pending a hearing scheduled for Dec. 6 due to allegations that the children were abused and neglected.
2017/03/28 - California Court of Appeals Opening Brief Appellant, Diane Booth, hereby appeals the judgment of the lower court denying her request for modification without a hearing. Appellant respectfully requests the Court of Appeal to reverse the decision to deny the petition and remand the case to the Superior Court to conduct a hearing on appellant's modification petition and to hear evidence consistent with and as required by the law.
2017/03/28 - Dr. Yue Submits Amicus Curiae Brief in He Case Dr. Yue presents a view of the amicus curiae brief recently submitted to the court on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. He.
2017/03/28 - Gravelle Discipline The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
2017/03/28 - Foster Parents Stand Accused of Abuse Baby Tylor was born 1-15-2006. The mother and baby were both clean at the time of birth. Tylor went into withdrawals shortly after birth and had to be monitored by a nurse around the clock. I felt so sorry for that little man. It broke my heart. Jefferson County CPS stepped into the picture and after Tylor was released from the hospital they placed him into foster care.
2017/03/28 - Santa Clara County Named in $400 Million Suit After a Federal False Claims Act suit was unsealed last week, the County of Santa Clara has been served with a summons to appear on charges of defrauding State and Federal Social Security funds for Foster Care.
2017/03/28 - Gravelle Case: Reader Responses On November 15, 2005 Huron County Judge Timothy Cardwell refused to return 11 special-needs children to their adoptive parents, keeping them in county custody pending a hearing scheduled for Dec. 6 due to allegations that the children were abused and neglected.
2017/03/28 - Gravelle Family Life You may wonder how the Gravelles were able to manage 11 special needs children, a family friend talks about how they could care for eleven children. Also, Governor Taft urges lawmakers to pass new legislation aimed at families considering adopting more than five children.
2017/03/28 - Federally Funded Family Terrorism I have been called into question as to how I could still be in support of the Gravelle family after the reports came out in court about the supposed abuse these children endured at the hands of Michael and Sharen Gravelle. I've been in contact with family friends who have since filled in a lot of the blanks for me and I now stand even more convinced that this case is without merit.
2017/03/28 - Legal Strangers Michael Gravelle has been accused of visiting three of his 11 adopted children Friday, March 24. Huron County Prosecutor Russell Leffler said the Gravelles could face criminal charges if the couple contacts any of the children again.
2017/03/28 - An Update from the Family Defense Network of Ohio Today, Ken Myers, the Gravelle's attorney, is filing several motions in two separate courts. The most important motion he is filing in the criminal court is the motion to suppress evidence based on the fact that the social worker lied in her statement in order to obtain the warrant from the judge.
2017/03/28 - Former Child Service Worker Falsely Accused Daycare owner and former child services worker Sylvia Jovanna Vasquez stands falsely accused of child cruelty and the media is having a field day.
2017/03/28 - Tough Lives; Tough Choices In case after case social workers have intimidated, harassed, and even taunted parents with the power they have over their children. Their favorite trick is to threaten the parents that they will never see their children again - and sometimes they even manage to pull it off. Yet, they seem surprised when a loving mother or father - under normal circumstance - simply snaps and becomes hostile and aggressive.
2017/03/28 - Baby Samuel - Stolen but Not Forgotten In 2003 Baby Samuel was taken from the hospital by CPS workers in Podunk, Texas. The mother was informed by a notice placed on her front door...
2017/03/28 - State Sanctioned Prostitution This letter from a loving grandmother is enough to make any God fearing parent or grandparent angry enough to take the law into their own hands. This is nothing less than state sanctioned prostitution of a child. There is nothing else to call it.
2017/03/28 - Man faces neglect charge A Guthrie man has been charged in Logan County District Court with child neglect.
2017/03/28 - CA: AB 519 - Hope Legal Orphans and Their Families AB 519, was signed into law on October 7th, 2005 and will go into effect on January 1, 2006. The bill was introduced to address the problem of legal orphans in the State of California and is a step in the right direction. 'Legal orphans' are dependent children who have been legally freed for adoption but never adopted...
2017/03/28 - Infant Hospitalized While In Foster Care Baby A.L., a lively five-month-old baby living in foster care, has sustained a severe head trauma while in the temporary custody of DES.
2017/03/28 - Heartless Caseworker Can you imagine the horror of having your child ripped from your arms and not be allowed to say even so much as 'goodbye' or to tell them 'Mommy Loves You?' This type of heartless abuse of children is taking place throughout this country daily.
2017/03/28 - Accused sex offender Nathan Fort, Exonerated Accused sex offender Nathan Fort, Exonerated - wins lawsuit against state...
2017/03/28 - Keeping Your Feet on the Ground After a CPS Visit! I have advocated for a long time for parents involved in custody issues. Even trusted our local CPS office, since I have been a part of this community for a lifetime. But as a Mom of four, I was bound to get 'the call' sooner or later. And later finally came January 17!
2017/03/28 - Courts and State Agencies Collaborate against Parents Community partnership taunted as benefiting abused and neglected children in Alachua, Levy and Gilchrist Counties, Florida, aimed at defeating parents in a collaborated effort.
2017/03/28 - No Place Like Home As many as half of local foster youth become homeless shortly after leaving care. That's not a small problem; it's a massive failure. Many leave the system without high school diplomas or are victims of undetected abuse committed by caregivers.
2017/03/28 - The Goodbye Meeting As of July 6, 2006, three of my five grandchildren have been permanently taken from my daughter. The Inspector Generals Office in Lexington, Kentucky, led us to believe they were investigating our case; but after continuously trying to get them to at least acknowledge our inquiries, we ran out of time ... this, of course, was the plan to begin with.
2017/03/28 - Family Court: What Was I thinking? The system is rigged and unless you have more money than God, you can't win, against the state. The deck is stacked and the children are the losers.
2017/03/28 - Family Rights Training Coming To Arizona Arizona Family Rights Advocacy Institute is sponsoring Suzanne Shell's Family Rights Seminar in Arizona for the public and a C.L.E. legal professionals seminar.
2017/03/28 - Single Mother Gets Raw Deal Sarah requested child care assistance to help her keep her job, which allows her to provide for her children alone, the State of California uses her request against her in court to remove her children.
2017/03/28 - Testifying on the Witness Stand Important things to remember when on the witness Stand.
2017/03/28 - C.S. v. Virginia Beach Department of Social Services C.S. (mother) appeals a decision of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach terminating her parental rights to her child, B.B., and awarding custody of the child to the Virginia Beach Department of Social Services.
2017/03/28 - How the System Works First thing to remember is through out this entire process you only have (3) three opportunities for a trial, and only three. Another thing to remember is that if the child is 3 or under they can move for termination of parental rights (TPR) in 6 months.
2017/03/28 - Hearing on Federal Foster Care Financing: Testimony of Barbara Bryan Taxpayers - federal, state and local - as well as contributors to tax-exempt non-profit groups are being defrauded under color of law as children are injured and innocent families are dis-membered in and because of Americas foster care system.
2017/03/28 - Child Custody Issues in Oakland County, Michigan The Judges and their employees have completely lost their focus on what is in the best interests of our children and instead base their important decisions not on the welfare of our children, but on their personal feelings. Avoid the Court System at all cost.
2017/03/28 - Concise Violation of Citizen Rights It is amazing to me to see the representatives of the people rightly so concerned about the fact that President Bush has listened in on those associated with terrorists organizations when they are talking to Americans in this country, while either not knowing or not caring about what has already happened in our country.
2017/03/28 - CPS Worker Takes Revenge Against Foster Parent Kathi recounts her experience as a foster care worker who manages to get on the wrong side of child protective service workers and finds herself in a web of corruption and lies.
2017/03/28 - Sutton: Formal CPS Complaint J.S. files formal complaint against caseworker, Moe Randles and her associated CASA workers. The caseworker is accused of creating falsified reports, lying under oath, etc...
2017/03/28 - Sui Juris - The Truth in the Record Have they taken your children? Have they taken your Land? Your Home? Your Liberty? Pam Gaston walks you through taking over your case, going into court sui juris, learning your rights and the process in the court. Learn how to make the record, get your discovery and win your court case.
2017/03/28 - School Makes False CPS Report: Accuses Mother of Munchausen By Proxy Some school districts will file false allegations with CPS in an attempt to try to intimidate parents of special needs kids from filing complaints about violations of special education laws that cover services for their children.
2017/03/28 - Corruption in Indiana Courts Roxanne Scarlett is fighting an uphill custody battle in an unfair nepotistic and unscrupulous judicial system.
2017/03/28 - Nazi Germany or America? Our granddaughter - age 2-1/2 years old was kidnapped and abducted by C.P.S. workers and the local police department (officers Brum and Frank). Using Gestapo like tactics, police refused to present a warrant or disclose what they were searching for...
2017/03/28 - Molested Children Placed with Perpetrators We reported our children's allegations of molestation by extended family members to the child protective services and the police. We have obtained written reports from the children's counselor and other professionals of the allegations of molestation by extended family members made by our children.
2017/03/28 - Is Bureaucracy Killing a Young Epileptic Woman? Arrogant hospital intern sets off a chain of events that destroys a family, daughter
2017/03/28 - Parental Rights J. Holderbaum responds to Holly Mullen's August 31, 2003, Salt Lake Tribune Opinion/Editorial. Ms. Mullen states in her article, 'Here is an accurate picture that doesn't play well for the TV cameras: In the staggering majority of cases, the state offers parenting classes, counseling, home visits and more before ever taking a child.
2017/03/28 - Rhonda Heise Faces Uphill Battle Rhonda Heise is a loving and devoted mother, of three beautiful children, who are being held prisoner by the state and especially by a very corrupt and abusive caseworker named Moe Randles.
2017/03/28 - Chinese Immigrants Appeal to Get Daughter Back Lawyers for a Chinese immigrant couple on Wednesday appealed a judge's ruling that last year stripped them of parental rights to their daughter, Anna Mae.
2017/03/28 - A shaky legal case keeps family apart If there is reason to prevent Shaoqiang 'Jack' He and his wife Qin 'Casey' Luo from returning to China with their 4-year-old daughter Anna Mae, it has not emerged publicly.
2017/03/28 - Witch Hunt for Dead Beat Dads The Witch Hunt for so called 'dead beat' fathers, must stop, using our children to fund foster care must stop. Live Beat Dads are in the forefront of the fight.
2017/03/28 - A Nation in Crisis Nancee Crowell, California and Nevada State Director of 'National Foster Parent Coalition for Allegation Reform' responds to an article written by Craig Schneider regarding Georgia CPS, expressing her outrage at the treatment of parents by Child Protection Agencies
2017/03/28 - Merced County Officials Involved in Murder Cover-Up Our case involves C.P.S here in the County of Merced, California and how they have covered-up child abuses committed when C.P.S had placed my granddaughter in a household that had almost beaten her to death.
2017/03/28 - CPS Comes Calling Do you know what to do when that knock comes to your door? My best friend, Heather recently had an experience she won't soon forget. She and her son were busy one afternoon, working on his studies when a knock came at the door.
2017/03/28 - A Plea for Jamie: Drugged and Helpless Approximately 15-months ago, my sisters daughter was taken from her, and put into foster care, since that time the family has went thru hell.
2017/03/28 - Coshocton County Failure to Protect Meet 8-year-old Bonnie and her guardian, who are fighting Coshocton County officials for necessary services and a chance to return home.
2017/03/28 - Hospital in Complete Denial Over Epileptic Patient Autistic woman held by bureaucratic stranglehold treated under veil of secrecy. Apparently bent out of shape, the intern called Adult Protective Services and reported that the parents were abusing Nancy by over-dosing her.
2017/03/28 - Caught on Tape Protecting Child Rapists During a two-year investigation, American family planning clinics were caught on tape covering up what they believed was the statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl.
2017/03/28 - Family Torn Apart Carla tells the story of her families intrusion by CPS gestapo agents
2017/03/28 - Black Mom Jailed for Protecting Child Black mom in jail protecting child from sexual abuse of rich white husband.
2017/03/28 - Attorney Shopping Nightmare This is one mothers woeful tale of attempts to find justice for her child who was injured at the hands of CPS and their agents.
2017/03/28 - Mother Sues State for Racketeering Starletta Banks has not seen her three children, Darius, now 11, Danielle, now 7, and Darren, now 5, since the year 2000, but she says she is determined to have them come home again to her loving arms.
2017/03/28 - Michigan Cancer Victim Fights For Children Tammy was just diagnosed with Lung Cancer this week and we do not know if she will recover or how long she will be here if she is deemed terminal. She has committed no wrong, yet CPS refuses to return her children.
2017/03/28 - Deaf, Dumb and Blind A mothers heart breaks as she is helpless to put a stop to the torment of her children. Angela Wooten shares the story of just one of the visits with her children, while in state care.
2017/03/28 - DHS Needs a Dose of Common Sense Three years ago, I had a foster child who was not allowed any contact with his mother. He was diagnosed with Attachment Disorder and Dissociative Personality Disorder. The team decided that he would never attach in his present circumstance until he detached with his past.
2017/03/28 - Parental Rights in Case Law Parenting rights are God given, They are also protected by the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.
2017/03/28 - Adoption Ruling: Supreme Court of Arkansas In this adoption case, we are called upon to decide under what circumstances it is necessary to obtain the consent of a putative father before a child can be adopted.
2017/03/28 - A Criminal Defense Attorney's View of the Domestic Violence Industry - Table of Contents If an argument between spouses was the benchmark for domestic violence, then almost every family in America would be defined as an abusive relationship. This governmental over-reaction and dragnet targeting of normal families and treating them as criminals has led us to massive injustice across the nation.
2017/03/28 - Making Juvenile Court Public Some Want Abuse Hearings Opened; Others Fear Effect On Children - Kathleen A. Blatz in 1998 was just weeks away from being sworn in as Minnesota's chief justice when her predecessor graciously gave her the opportunity to make history: Did she want to sign the order that would open juvenile neglect and abuse proceedings to the public in 12 of the state's 87 counties for a three-year pilot program?
2017/03/28 - Illusion of Openness Our government is out of control. The truth is many have testified as to the atrocities perpetrated by child protection workers across the country and no one is listening.
2017/03/28 - Complaint Against Judge Childers Mr. and Mrs. He file an updated version of their 15-charge complaint against Judge Childers. In Memphis, Tennessee, a wealthy family named Jerry and Louise Baker stole a child from a poor Chinese family four years ago. Judge Childers is under investigation for his judicial conduct in handling this case.
2017/03/28 - Kidnapped by the State On March 7th 2004, I was kidnapped and hurt in more ways then anyone can imagine. My pain is so deep that I will live with it for the rest of my life.
2017/03/28 - Autistic Child, US Citizen mother, and Canadian Injustice I am a single parent facing an ongoing struggle involving the notoriously over-zealous and blatantly corrupt Ministry of Child Protection here in Victoria British Columbia Canada, as well as a Removal Order from Canada issued by the Department of Immigration.
2017/03/28 - Just Who's Abusing Whom? Today in America, 935 children were forcibly removed from their home and entered the national foster care system.
2017/03/28 - Tennessee Adoption Racket - Children for Dollars After neighbors claim children are unsupervised caseworkers at DCS placed Mullenix's grandchildren in fostercare. DHS now refuses to keep the children together or even to place them with capable family members.
2017/03/28 - Foster Care Adoption Program (FCAP) In my wanderings online, I often stumble upon distasteful or offensive material that really makes me stop and think. What I found moments ago really should not have surprised me but it did, so I'm going to share my findings with you.
2017/03/28 - Family Support Connections | Get Involved You can fight CPS and win. Learn from those who have been in your shoes. Attend live support group meetings, rally's, workshops and join in online discussions. There is strength in numbers.
2014 Archives
2014/12/08 - Divorce in America Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Made A Mistake, In Marrying You!
2014/12/08 - Weddings and Marriages Australian marriages on the rise.
2014/12/02 - Divorce: By the Numbers 40% of marriages end with children stuck in the lurch.
2012 Archives
2012/06/24 - Medical In the absence of any objective medical tests to determine who has ADD or ADHD, doctors rely in part on standardized assessments and the impressions of teachers and guardians while they administer a cocktail of drugs to children.
2012/06/24 - Kidjacked Store A good book can inspire, ignite our creative juices and help us see things more clearly. The following list of resources are offered for your enjoyment, edification and to aid in your success.
2012/06/24 - Blue Mountain Wilderness Program Blue Mountain Wilderness Program (BMWP) was a state licensed residential youth treatment facility; youth were placed through county probation, social services, adoption assistance, mental health departments and privately, but closed in July 2005 due to inability to operate a progressive youth program in Calaveras County.
2012/06/24 - Search Use this page to search the contents of for articles or other content.
2012/06/24 - Media Justice is stacked against anyone brought into The System. Sometimes the only way to keep the judges, lawyers, CPS agents and other involved politicos in line is to bring the case into the media, placing their reputations and positions in jeapordy.
2012/06/24 - Hard Won Justice Every parent entering the family court system seeks justice. These are the stories of a few who have succeeded in some approximation. In family court there are not winners and losers, any small victory is a reason to rejoice.
2012/06/24 - Who's To Judge? The courts are full of corrupt, self-important, political cronies who care far less for justice than their pocket book.
2012/06/24 - Family Abuse - By The System These horror stories will leave you feeling violated by a system that was intended to protect children.
2012/06/24 - Defense Tips and strategies to help plan your defense both in and out of court.
2012/06/24 - Foster Care Foster Care puts children in harms way often traumatizing children who may or may not have emotion problems to start with.
2012/06/24 - Contact Thank you for your interest in ! Your feedback is important to us. We will do our best to respond to every email, if you desire a response.
2012/06/24 - HB 371: Ohio's Wolf in Sheep's Clothing HB 371 proposes to authorize child welfare professionals to take children from their homes without constitutional due process, and for virtually any substantive reason. Things like accidental injury, low mental abilities, spanking, poverty conditions, etc... Please join Kidjacked in opposition to HB 371
2012/06/24 - Promote Kidjacked | Banners and Buttons Add these buttons to your website and promote Kidjacked to share this website with visitors.
2012/06/24 - Sedgwick County, KS | Legislative Public Forum Januray 6, 2009, Residents of Sedgwick County, Kansas spoke before Legislators in regards to the illegal seizure of children and violations of State, Federal and Constitutional law against families.
2012/06/24 - Poetry Corner Writing poetry can provide comfort when it hurts too much to express thoughts into words. Both children and adults have put pen to paper in an attempt to make sense of the pain they feel inside. Kidjacked welcomes your submissions to this section.
2012/06/24 - Kyle's Stolen Christmas! Christmas is supposed to be magical time for children. Little Kyle was ripped from his grandparents and families arms just before Christmas, without an investigation, without cause and without regard to his well-being. Social workers couldn't be bothered to do their own job and reunite this family because they were busy celebrating the holidays.
2012/06/24 - Foster Parent on trial for burn death of child When manslaughter defendant Rosemary Davis didn't hear 22-month-old Erickyzha Warner playing in the bathtub a few days before Memorial Day, she entered the bathroom to see if the child was okay.
2012/06/24 - Oppose Senate Bill 3038 Today, more than 513,000 children and young people are in the foster care system - 87% of which should have never been removed from their home. Every day apart from their own family feels like a lifetime to a child.
2012/06/24 - U.S. Congress on Adoption | NO on S. 3038 Congress turns deaf ear to parent and families in favor of chasing federal adoption funds. Ever wonder why no one at the U.S. Senate or U.S. House is listening to the pleas of parents for assistance? The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Caucus membership is composed of 213 Senators and Representatives, representing 47 of the 50 states.
2012/06/24 - Stepping Stones: The Story of My Life in Foster Care I'm in foster care. My life from what I knew before is now over. My former life wasn't so bad. I now truly appreciate all the things my family did for me. Not a day goes by that I do not wish I could just go back to my parents and tell them that I love them.
2012/06/24 - States Commit Federal Fraud | Citizens Demand Investigation Federal law clearly stipulates under what conditions individual states qualify for reimbursement of funding, with which to operate their "child protection" divisions. It is a pretty safe bet that not one single state is in compliance with these laws.
2012/06/24 - Strategies For Winning Over A Dirty Social Worker Don't let the introduction or the amateur nature of this video fool you. This video provides some of the best advice you can find. Do take the time to watch this video.
2012/06/24 - Iraq Vet Abused by California Court System My Name is CPL. Witherspoon Julie and I am in the US Army. I am also a combat veteran I served 15 months in Iraq. CPS of Orange County California has stolen my two children Danny James Witherspoon born 6-17-96 and my daughter Julie Ann Witherspoon.
2012/06/24 - The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services | Nancy Schaefer In this report, I am focusing on the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS). However, I believe Child Protective Services nationwide has become corrupt and that the entire system is broken almost beyond repair. I am convinced parents and families should be warned of the dangers.
2012/06/24 - Video Stories: Abuse in foster care These video's are not easy to watch. They document a serious problem that continues to get worse as more children are Kidjacked from their families and placed in an ever growing foster care system
2012/06/24 - Video Stories: Drugging Foster Kids Child Protective Services condones the drugging of children while wards of the state. One thing they all had in common was massive over drugging with psychiatric drugs.
2012/06/24 - Current Legislative Efforts Pending Federal Legislation concerning our children.
2012/06/24 - Family Preservation and Adoption The federal law that effectively abolished the reasonable efforts requirement, the so-called Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA), also requires states to seek termination of parental rights for many children in foster care for 15 of the most recent 22 months. Yet in many jurisdictions it can take at least 12 months for a judge to decide if the initial placement was justified in the first place.
2012/06/24 - The Effects of ASFA (Adoptions and Safe Families Act) The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), was developed and passed to deal with child abuse and is sometimes called the Mondale Act. The publicity of child abuse in 1974 resulted in the passage of CAPTA, which was justly passed to protect children. The Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) was enacted in 1997/8 to deal with a problem created by CAPTA.
2012/06/24 - Gravelle Family: Gag Orders and Mice Some very interesting things are going on in Huron County. Eric Dumbeck was removed from his position as HCDJFS Director, David Broehl, Administrator of Children's Services will retire and more changes are on the horizens. Michael and Sharen Gravelle continue their fight for justice and you can help...
2012/06/24 - Judge's Retaliate Against Citizens February 5, 2007--Illinois Family Court Accountability Advocates (IFCAA) announces that on February 2, 2007, in an alleged act of retaliation against citizens lawfully fighting to uphold the US Constitution in the face of alleged judicial corruption, a court watcher was falsely incarcerated at Chicago’s Richard J. Daley Center for exercising his constitutional right to be present at a court proceeding involving IFCAA co-founder, Dr. Sheila Mannix.
2012/06/24 - Court denies Baker request The legal tug of war continues in the case of little Anna Mae He, who is caught in the middle of legal battles, which have gone on for over 7 years now.
2012/06/24 - Lost Boys and Girls Memorial Our hearts go out to each of the following children, who have lost their lives while in the supposed care and control of Child Protective Services or as a direct result of their incompetence or neglect.
2012/06/24 - Declaration in Support of Motion for Coordination Two California False Claims Act suits have been filed two California counties, filing under the California False Claims Act, it was believed at that time that cases located in different counties required two separate claims.
2012/06/24 - Blue Mountain Wilderness Program Lawsuit The defendants interfered, subverted or concealed law enforcement investigation (s) that to date are uninvestigated. The defendants colluded with Calaveras officials that resulted in intentionally and excessively failing to uphold a County Host Letter in order for Blue Mountain Wilderness Program, Inc. (BMWP) to obtain and retain AFDC-FC funding as required under state law.
2012/06/24 - Tough Love for Out of Control Teen Annette is having trouble getting through to her teenage son who is trying to run the household, his way. The son uses CPS as a club with which to beat his mother with, when he's out of line...
2012/06/24 - Family Plan of Action Emergencies happen all the time, we do our best to prepare for them. While you may be prepared for the next hurricane, blizzard or flood have you made preparations to protect the most precious thing in your life... your children?
2012/06/24 - State v. T.L.C. A Tennessee Court of Appeals vacated and remanded the trial court's termination of a father's parental rights and concluded that the trial court's finding that the child was in all reasonable probability subject to abuse or neglect by the father was against the great weight of the evidence.
2012/06/24 - Through a Child's Eyes Through a Childs Eyes - I watch the hustle and bustle from my window, everyone is coming and going so fast these days. The streets are lined with huge red bows, the subtle smell of pine wafts in the air from pinecones tied to every bow.
2012/06/24 - Reunification Not an Option Missing Grandchild - I don't know where they have taken my grandson and they tell me that I am not allowed to visit him.
2012/06/24 - Father Protests with Hunger Strike Chul-Mo is on a hunger strike to protest the destruction of his family by this corrupted agency that strip searched and handcuffed his twelve year old daughter for protesting against the removal of her little sister, Yih.
2012/06/24 - Abuse: A Plea For Assistance A terrible thing was done to my little 3 year old girl by a government agency. They stole my child from me on the false allegations of the mother who was trying to frame me to get a free green card (now being deported, verification of removal available).
2012/06/24 - Links to Hurting Children and Grieving Parents Links to websites with more stories of corruption, abuse and lies perpetrated on families by Child Protective Service workers around the nation.
2012/06/24 - Lawyers offer aid to Hes Three university law clinics --- including Loyola in Chicago and Vanderbilt in Nashville -- have asked to submit briefs as a friend of the court in the Anna Mae He case.
2012/06/24 - Accused of bias, judge quits adoption fight over Chinese girl A judge accused of bias said late last week that he is stepping down from presiding over an American couple's attempt to adopt a Chinese girl against her parents' wishes.
2012/06/24 - Anna Mae Case: A Test for the U.S. Judicial System In Memphis, Tennessee, a wealthy family named Jerry and Louise Baker stole a child from a poor Chinese family four years ago. Ironically, the trial judge Alissandratos in Chancery Court shifts the burden of proof onto the He family (defendants). Before Judge Alissandratos, Mr. and Mrs. He have to carry the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that they are fit parents in order to defend their parental rights.
2012/06/24 - Grandchild Stolen Michelle writes of being helpless to protect her granddaughter from being abducted by CPS workers bent on removing the child.
2012/06/24 - O'Reilly Factor Remains Silent Here are a series of letters that I sent to Bill O'Reilly of Fox News. He as of yet has not responded.
2012/06/24 - Arkansas Child Support Guidelines Arkansas Child Support Amounts and Guidelines to be determined by committee on September 8th, 2005...
2012/06/24 - Hardwork and Heartbreak I am a mother of 4 and became involved with CPS when my children were ages 10, 8, 3, and 5 months. I was a single mother and was addicted to methamphetamine.
2012/06/24 - Abducted Child Pulls a Fast One On DHS In Court A young child outsmarts her attorney in order to be allowed to testify to the truth in court, judge discounts child's testimoney and punishes the family by keeping them apart dispite the lack of actual convincing evidence.
2012/06/24 - High-Ranking Tennessee Officials Involved in Kidnapping Cover-Up Tennessee Governor, Phil Bredesen attempted to deflect blame when he recently requested the resignation of Dept. of Children's Services Commissioner, Michael J. Miller, after contempt of court charges were levied against the state.
2012/06/24 - Parent Climbs Artwork at Federal Building New York Parent Climbs Artwork at Federal Building Seeking Help From Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
2012/06/24 - Michigan Family Law Flawed Angered by new state Supreme Court rules requiring attorneys who represent juveniles to visit their clients every three months in their placements, some veteran juvenile court attorneys say they will no longer represent children.
2012/06/24 - Grandparent Access To Their Grandchildren: A Contemporary Issue A study report addressing denial of child access to grandparents of children of divorce.
2012/06/24 - Child Protective Services and the Juvenile Justice System Know your rights before you talk to anyone from CPS, they won't tell you. CPS can not do anything without your permission. A guide to protect the constitutional rights of both parents and children.
2012/06/24 - Set Our Children Free Set Our Children Free - Nationwide Protest December 1, 2004 - On December 1st, 1955, a young African-American woman, Rosa Parks, took a stand against injustice by refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. Her courage, fortitude and determination sparked the fires of protest that gave birth to the civil rights movement.
2012/06/24 - Child Abuse - Aids Experiment Incarnation House has been the site at which high risk, painful, medical experiments are being conducted on children of color--including babies--who were diagnosed HIV positive.
2012/06/24 - Homesick in America We've posted many stories from heartbroken parents who's children are lost in the system. Today we get a small glimpse into the issues 'Alex' is dealing with. This letter was written to his mother, while he was 'away' from home.
2010 Archives
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up Archives 2010 Your Children are at risk and face a sinister threat, which is controlled, funded and supported by every state child welfare agency in the nation. Child Protective Service (CPS) agencies abuse their federally endorsed authority to destroy the lives of 1,000 children each and every day of the year.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up Archives 2009 Some things get better as they mature. Keep an eye on what's happening in 2009 in the child racket.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up Archives 2008 Some things get better as they mature. Keep an eye on what's happening in 2008 in the child racket.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up Archives 2007 Some things get better as they mature. Keep an eye on what's happening in 2007 in the child stealing racket.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up Archives 2006 Some things get better as they mature. Keep an eye on what's happening in 2006 in the child racket.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up Hi, my family's story is quite lengthy so I will try to summarize it briefly.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Arizona Family Broken by CPS Hi, my family's story is quite lengthy so I will try to summarize it briefly.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Help with Custody Battle A reader from North Carolina is seeking assistance obtaining records, perhaps someone can point her in the right direction. Also, she really needs a good attorney, if you know one who will work with her or take the case pro bono, please respond below.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Washington Rally I come from a long line of military veterans. Each male member of my family has served in the military in one fashion or another. My father and husband both served in the Navy, my Uncle served as a Marine in South Korea.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Letters from Home Occasionally, I receive postal mail from readers on various issues. I can't quiet understand why someone would take the time to send snail mail when email is so much faster and easier, not to mention cheaper, but they do.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: No Where To Turn Most states have safe haven laws on the books, permitting a new parent to drop off an infant at a local fire department or hospital without repercussions. This is a laudable service that I am certain has had a positive impact on more than one infants life over the years.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Attorney Needed in Conroe We need an attorney in Conroe, TX who is not afraid to fight CPS. The nightmare has been building daily to the extent that it is destroying the entire family, extended family and the children – all from false allegations that were already discredited in court, yet CPS is not held accountable.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: The Media's Failure As I've been working on Kidjacked today, I was thinking about a conversation I had with a distraught father a couple days ago and how he had tried to generate some media interest in his case.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Get Involved: CPS Reform Happy Good Friday to you!
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Nationwide Mother's Day Protest Help bring national attention to CPS abuse, legal kidnapping, child trafficking, and corruption of epic proportions. Participate in a national event to put CPS on the media hotseat.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Accidents Happen Question: When is an accidental injury considered abuse? Answer: Any time state Child Protective Service workers are called in to investigate a family. How do caseworkers get away with this? Our federal government is paying them to rip our children from our arms. Teisha has experienced this travesty of justice first-hand...
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Preserving the Family Unit Kids are terrific aren't they?
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Foster Care System Broken We can spend millions, I mean billions of dollars paying for foster care and watching as we destroy the fabric of our nation – the family unit – but we cannot seem to fix the problem.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: It's Your Move! Almost nightly, news reports are replete with details regarding dead and injured children at the hands of their capturers, it doesn't seem to matter which side of the fence you sit.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: CPS Violates Law - Attacks Family I recieved the following e-mail early this morning (Thursday, January 14, 2010 5:34 AM) from a distraught father. What kind of cold heartless people can condone this type of behavior? So, this is the type of "protection" our tax dollar buys for our children.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Online Radio: Corruption Exposed Public Policy Bill Discussion Tonight! Listen to Radio Show -- Abuse Freedom Live at 8:00 p.m. EST
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Another Legal Kidnapping My name is Tammy. I am writing about an emotional horror story that is happening to my family at this very moment. Since this story begins over a year ago, I will try to edit and keep it as short as possible but I will need to add detail so this case can be understood and investigated with some intimate knowledge.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Connected Together A mother's poem.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: 10-year-old Stunned! Do you know what happens to parents, who out of frustration, use duct tape to confine an out of control child?
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Mother Vindicated Too Late! My story began on April 18th, 2006; the day my two children, Preston age 7, and AareOna age 2 were abducted by Wright County Child Protection and placed in a licensed foster home in Albertville, Minnesota.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: U.S. Army Man Neglects Family Young mother needs assistance, wouldn't helping the mother be in order here?
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: CPS Denies Infant Milk Is there a breastfeeding advocate or an attorney who will assist Andrea? A child deserves to be fed properly...
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Family Talk Cards My son, who turned 13 today has been voraciously devouring the book starter set collection, which we purchased for him last Christmas.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Someone Playing Games? Back in July a story ran on KPTV's Fox 12 out of Oregon about a father who was accused of kidnapping his own child.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Families Fight Back! Have you had a chance to check out all the new blogs on ? The stories of the families who are fighting back will break your heart.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Problems in Reno! Here is our situation in Reno, Nevada. About a year ago, our son was having behavior problems; he was diagnosed with ADD and ODD and was being tested for autism.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Corruption Reins! On Wednesday evening, my children and I were having bible study at our home. Shortly after the fellowship left, the children and I were enjoying a little family time, watching television, when we heard three hard knocks on our door.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Congressional Hearing Needed Mesa, Arizona -- A 6-year-old little boy was taken from his home by CPS caseworkers, while he was being watched and supervised by his grandfather, a retired LTC USA. His mother had raised him for 6-years, alone as a single mother. False allegations were made to Child Protective Services, by his unwed, absentee, father so, CPS classified it as a dependency case, now the child has became a ward of the state.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Alaska's War on the Family I really need some help here. I have been accused of fracturing my infant's skull, although I have reports saying that doctors don't suspect child abuse.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Kenai Foster Care My son is in foster care due to some behavior with alcohol, while I was away at work and he was with his mother.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Public Records Case Law In a recent Illinois court case the 4th District Court of Appeals in Springfield has ruled internal affairs files are a public record regardless of the outcome of the probe.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: My Child Lives in Fear! My name is Ashley H. and I have a son named Gary. Gary lives with his mom (Miranda) and step-father Chad and brother Joey in Kingsport, Tennessee.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: CPS Inflicts Pain CPS Prevents Mother From Being With Dying Child
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Slash the Budget! Apparently, this concerned doctor simply doesn't realize just how poorly run the DCFS is and how all that money is cheating children our of their family, friends and home. If we really want to help children, we will prosecute abusive parents in criminal court, where the laws of evidence and procedure have a much better chance of getting to the truth.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Media and Mentors Today in Hawaii Helen Altonn reports, " Thwarting meth use is goal of project ."
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Foster Care Life We talk about "in the best interest of the child," you hear it in the news and in court from social workers and judges. What they don't tell you about is the effect foster care has on a child and what that kind of life can do to you.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Why CPS exists! I received the following e-mail today, from someone who obviously has her head stuck in the sand. Please respond to her post and help educate this naive person.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: School Drug Testing Policy? I was contacted by a father in Nevada, who's son was taken from school for a court ordered drug test, without a hearing or proper trial. Perhaps you can help provide some answers for this father? I am at a loss to understand how this treatment of a child is legal.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: WA: Infant Stolen by CPS My name is Kathy A., I live in Tacoma, Washington with my husband. In 2006 I involuntarily lost my rights to my daughter to C.P.S.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: WI: Out of Darkness Report Released on the Seclusion and Restraint of Wisconsin Children
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: DHS Destroys Family! My child was hurt by someone who was babysitting while I was at work. This same person — that I trusted — shook my baby so hard that it gave him brain damage.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Permission Needed! James writes in his thoughts on parenting. Recommends the state define all punishment as abuse. Obviously James has never been a parent. We welcome your comments. Should parents need state permission to discipline their children?
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: In a Former Life... It's not really public knowledge (until now) that I was a little nuts back in my youth. It seemed a perfectly natural thing to me, when I ran gorilla style holding my section of our heavy logging chain. We hurriedly wound our weighty burden around posts, window bars and anything else that was fastened down, after which we locked in with Kryptonite Bicycle Locks.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: SD: Police Shirk Duties I am writing about my 3-year-old son, Lucas. I live in central Minnesota and his mother lives in Lake Andes, South Dakota. We have split 50/50 parenting time.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Fighting Court Bias Six years ago, I was a recently divorced single mom. I was struggling and turned to my mother for help. I was offered a job out of state and had asked my mother to care for my children long enough for me to be able to find a home where the job was.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Where is the Church? A Father's untold story; What's behind Parental Alienation
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Kids Thrive With Family Terri Trice, kinship development at Child Protective Services' Waco office advocates Kinship Care first, to the benefit of the child...
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Foster Victim Gets 23 Years According to an article , which ran in the Asbury Park Press recently, one former foster child, Benny Matthews has been sentenced to 23-years in prison.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Wrong on many levels! Our family lives in Texas. My brother and his wife moved back to Texas in February 2007. They had a one-year-old son and another child on the way. The mom has a mental illness (bipolar with schizophrenic tendencies) and had a breakdown in March of 2007 and went into hiding.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: 2008 Reflections As I sit here at 11:38 p.m. on New Year's Eve and I think about the work we've done over the year and how much has not been accomplished. We must take solace in and rejoice in the small victories that have been waged and won by parents just like you and I.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Foster Parent Critical Your site says "Child Protective Service agencies abuse their federally funded, state endorsed authority to destroy the lives of close to 1,000 children each and every day of the year."
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Going to the top My wife and I have lost 4 children whom we love and miss terribly to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS), but I wont even get into our story yet because we are in an ongoing battle.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Anonymous Callers I recently lost my mother and, as I'm sure this is a familiar scenario; instead of drawing our remaining family closer, my brother and I are now mortal enemies.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: I Want to go Home! My name is Bre'anna I am 12-years-old, me and my 2 sisters and my 1 brother were taken from my mom a year ago from Washington State.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: A Losing Battle! A mother shares her grief and dissolutionment with anyone who will listen. This letter literally went out to hundreds of people. Please take the time to offer words of kindness, support and help if you are able. Our heart goes out to this mom and her children.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Visitation Questionnaire We are a foster family that is frustrated with DHS regarding visitation and we are considering offering to supervise visits to make it easier.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: School Makes Me Sick! I have to tell you my case about horrible injustice, abuse, and discrimination, constitutional and civil rights violation being committed against my son and me by juvenile court in Arkansas.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Attachment Parenting Lost How long does it take for a traumatized child to recover? Who can and should be held accountable for inflicting undo stress and emotional abuse on innocent children? These are questions that must be answered. How many children must suffer before our government takes action?
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Kids In The Middle While parents, foster parents and caseworkers are busy with their own power struggle, it's the children who pay the price. One foster mom weighs in on her experience...
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Denied Due Process Hello from Washoe County, Nevada, My parental rights were terminated without due process April 12, 2005 by a corrupted System here. I joined several Internet AFRA groups and have not been able to get any help.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Disability and CPS Even though we have laws that require employers to make allowances for a workers disability, CPS workers are free to disregard the law and often harrass, belittle and demean those who's only crime is needing a helping hand...
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Please Help! An Open Letter To President Bush
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: MSBP: Witch Hunt Misguided Shield for a Witch Hunt
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Mohave, AZ Family Request $10,000.00 Adoption Bonus offered to Mohave County, AZ social workers -- Adoption Bonus Must End
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Shirley's Story Rutherford County, Tennessee corrupt officials accused of withholding evidence, dereliction of duties, violating civil liberties...
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Teenage Rebellion "If it could happen to us, it could happen to anyone," says savvy Virginia Mom, after social service worker told her not to force her teenager to attend church.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Arkansas Infant Kidjacked My girlfriend and I got into a heated argument and she was taken to jail for domestic battery.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: A Horrible Epiphany I just had a horrible epiphany today as I was researching CPS problems.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Fraud and Deception New Jersey mom fights back against unfair treatment by DYFS system. Requests assistance.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Good News for Reform? Pacific Justice Institute issued a press release yesterday regarding a recent California Supreme Court ruling, which could have an unintended result...
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Court Order Disregarded I am the mother of 4 boys, who were ordered by a Texas court ruling to live with me. At the time of pick up, in Kentucky, I was served with an emergency temporary restraining order, (the emergency being I was going to get the boys).
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: False Memory Allegations Real vs. Imagined Abuse and Mind Games. Can a child's memory be trusted?
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: CPS Worker Brings Lawsuit Ex West Virginia caseworker calls for system reform.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: FLDS: Mass Kidjacking Have you been following the Eldorado, Texas case, in which CPS agents removed 437 children from their parents care? The entire circus of events is simply shocking!
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Depressed City Dwellers How interesting. I was just having a look at the list where the highest percentage of children who are taken away from their parents and I see that all of these states are states which are mentioned often enough during "Election Season."
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: NY Day Care Closures Public Hearing on Day Care Closures in New York City
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Breastfeeding Underfire Young breastfeeding mom is focus for unfounded illicit CPS investigation.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Hardened Criminal In Dec. 2006, DCFS came to my house with a bogus report (again). They had a report that my 4-year-old was outside in his underwear.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Get Nate Home My name is Rufina Shteynberg and I am a member of a group who is trying to help Nate Tseglin and his family. Nate has a Aspersers syndrome (mild form of autism) and has been handcuffed and removed from the loving and caring home of Riva and Ilya in Irvine, CA.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Wrongfully taken in LA My 2 children were removed from my custody 7-years ago, over 45 false allegations were made that were not my fault. I have never had an opportunity to defend myself in court and they have never heard my side of the allegations.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Home in Changsha, Hunan He Family Safely Back Home In China.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: CAMIS/CPS Registry Attention Washington State Families: Join possible class action lawsuit.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: DCFS Scouting Here's an alert to those of you in Illinois. DCFS is at it again and obviously needs to snatch more kids.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Public Education Washington Public Education Opportunity - at Cabelas in Lacey, Washington on Thursday, January 31, 2008
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: The Value of 'Sunshine' A hundred years ago in institutions, anonymity left many at the mercy of the powerful and hidden from the view of society. Today that anonymity is reincarnated under the guise of confidentiality and the siren song of a right to privacy. I believe that confidentiality does not serve the disabled and disadvantaged, but rather serves to maintain the power of the "professionals."
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Wake Up America! You people haven't heard anything yet! Here in Mingo County, West Virginia, the tail end of everything, my child was removed from our home Wednesday evening just because the CPS worker - get this now - "heard" from somebody that my wife is bi-polar.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: A Child's Best Interest An open letter to Julie Shawley urging her to act in the best interest of a child she has been charged with protecting.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Urgent in IOWA If any of you know of or have friends or relatives in IOWA, please get in touch with me ASAP~!!! I have a family that is in an emergency situation that desperately NEEDS help TODAY~!!!
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Yadkin Advocate Needed I have two grandsons, one is 16-months-old, and the baby is 2-months-old. Both of these babies were removed from the hospital when they were born. The oldest one was placed in kinship foster care. The people that have him are not blood related. Both parents want both babies placed with my husband and myself.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Income vs. Skills I have two ex-partners whom have both used cps workers for there own benefit. I have two teenage sons and three smaller children.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Parental Treatment Choice My name is Martha and I have a five-year old child with early onset bipolar disorder among other problems. I also have a three-year old baby girl with no problems.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: CPS Condoned Abuse I just found your site and read a few things that made me sick; For instance, the woman who was in trouble because her son had worn dirty socks to school. So wearing dirty socks warrants an investigation?
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Grieving Mom Seeks Direction Nothing compares to the sorrow a mother feels without her child. Sara grieves the loss of her boys.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Post Parental Termination I am trying to find out information on couples having more children after they have had involuntary parental termination. In other words, if they have more children, will they automatically loose those children or not.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: NY: Freedom Fighters Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) interviews freedom fighter Rolando Bini.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Our Voice in Washington Learn how to lobby your legislator for change.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Michigan Alert Michigan Parents call to action, in support of Midland mother scheduled for TPR hearing.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Catch More Flies A determined young lady has written dozens of e-mails over the past couple of weeks - many of them were simply horrendous (sorry girl). This letter was written in response to one of them.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Confidentiality Protects State State workers often turn deaf ear to abuse reports made by parents who's children have been Kidjacked by the state and reside with strangers in foster care.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Abandonment Law Redefined Tennessee House vote would change abandonment law as it pertains to foster care and adoption.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Loudoun CO Kidjacking My son was recently taken hostage by DFS from his school. He is ten years old and suffers from bipolar disorder and ADHD. He is currently doing well; he is stable on medication and being treated by a private psychiatrist and private therapist.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: OH: DCFS Shenanigans Portage County OH Update from Family Defense Network of Ohio
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Cotton Conspiracy For years now the He family has been splintered, forced to live a sort of half-life. Never really living, with one foot held in a suspended animation that couldn't possibly be real. The other foot going through the motions of life, working, sleeping, eating in a sort of funk that never goes away.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Wash DC Rally 2007 Robert and Rob EQUAL parenting bike trek!
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Drugs and CPS Research Parental Input Needed for Psychotropic medications and CPS/DCFS involvement
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Dirty Sock Charges More CPS reports originate with schools, than any from other place.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: No Legal Recourse New York State wrongly places couple on child abuse registry after couple looses child in accident.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Foster Care Review Too many kids are up a creek and child services workers have stolen their paddle.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Order: Sui Juris Will and Pamela Gaston are well respected for the work they have done over the years in the fight for parental rights. Sadly, Pamela past away several years ago, leaving Wilbur (better known as brother Will) to fight the battle alone.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: MO: Discipline Laws I just visited your website and I appreciate the info. that you provide. I am wanting to learn more about the Missouri laws on discipline (spanking). And my rights if DFS ever falsely accuses me of abuse. If you could help me learn more about this, I would greatly appreciate it.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: PA: Help Needed The Pennsylvania Office of Children Youth and Families (OCYF), are out of control. They are removing children from loving, caring families and letting the real child abusers keep their children. My children were taken over 20 months ago, we have done everything CYS has asked for and are not even close to having our children returned.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Time for Change Will you fight for parental rights?
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Dateline: Faked Death The Sunday night airing of Dateline told the bizarre story of the Texas couple, Clayton and Molly Daniels, who dug up a corpse and faked Mr. Daniels death in order to avoid the consequences of a being labeled a sexual predator.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Who has Jurisdiction? I just wanna go home!
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Gregory K. Update This morning brought the airing of the story of Gregory K. Many of you will remember him as the first child to actually go to court to "divorce" his parents.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Vasquez From Jail This letter (the first of three) was sent to me from jail by Ms. Vasquez, dated September 27, 2006. Minor corrections were made for clarity only.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Loving Dad Convicted Christopher White has been wrongly convicted and sentenced to 35-years in prison for raping his two beautiful little girls.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Medical Abuse or Child Abuse? When medicine and government collide -- children lose every single time.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: AMH Case: Round 2 As far as I can tell everyone is lying in this case. The parties in this article both contest the facts in this case. All comments regarding the disputed facts have been deleted, no new posts will be published on this thread.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Child Tug of War Now comes the Baker's trying to appeal to the public about their heartache and pain over losing little Anna Mae.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Lies and Damn Lies Sharon and Michael Gravelle were sentenced today to two years jail-time and three years probation, in the most egregious judgment that comes to mind. Here is a couple that has been vilified in the media, their good name has been dragged through the mud, and to make matters worse, they were denied a fair trial.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Huron Co. Corruption Sharon Gravelle responds via e-mail to questions that were asked of her. Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of the original e-mail, only her response. But it sheds a great deal of light on the proceedings and answers some questions, which have been asked here.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Drugging Foster Kids Are Drugs Being Misused on Foster Kids?
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: False Allegations Kidjacked owner accused of misrepresenation, stealing and lying.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Stand up for Justice! Many people are wanting to blame Huron County social services, but for the wrong reasons. To put it very simply, the highly trained social services people did not suspect criminal activity by the Gravelles because they witnessed no abuse.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Telephone Privacy There are many reasons to protect your privacy and most of them are good ones.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: The Perfect Family I'm sure many of you are following the Gravelle case in the news. The articles I have read thus far have not been complimentary, to say the least. In fact, every article that has been published begins out horrifically and ends with a single redeeming statement or two about the parents.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Help Wanted I am writing today on behalf of others who are in need. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: California Gold Rush The history of California is a bloody one that explains the brutality of politics in California today.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: WI: Death Investigation Your assistance is requested in this Wisconsin wrongful death case.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: MI: Ricky Holland Maureen Whittmann reports that Michigan Candidate, Mark Meadows vows to restrict homeschooling for Michigan residence.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Oconee County, GA Hi my name is Brandy and I want to warn all parents away from Oconee County, Georgia.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Vasquez From Jail Last week I found out that Sylvia Jovanna Vasquez is back in jail, so I sat down and wrote her a letter of encouragement, letting her know that we are all behind her.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Call For Help I live in Indiana and am trying to get my fourteen-year-old daughter out of residential treatment care. There are daily fights and I fear for my daughters health and safety. She was getting out of control and needed a wake up call, but she's had more than that.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Intervention We often receive emails at Kidjacked from visitors who believe 'the system' ultimately works in their favor. That even if it isn't 100% effective, the majority of the time, it is the best solution. This is, quite frankly, bull crap.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Abusing the Abused I'm a mother who lost her children due to domestic abuse. I didn't know it was going to happen, but it was my fault anyways according to D.H.S.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Therapeutic Fraud I put my handicapped (cerebral palsy and mental retardation) son in therapeutic foster care so he could attend a special education school in another city. I had to work through a state contracted provider agency to get him his service.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Against the Odds My daughter has been in the custody of the state (Indiana) for about 4 weeks and my story is one that I have yet to see. My daughter and I have had some serious issues for about a year and a half. Forgive me if my spelling is a little off, I've been awake for most of the night worrying. I've raised my daughter (and two older kids) by myself for the last seven years.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Family Stuck In Limbo Peggy writes in about her families struggle to obtain reunification services:
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Emancipation I was put into foster care one-week before my 17th birthday because my mom was accused of false charges. Neither one of my parents were notified.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Break the Silence I have just filed my fifth appeal for denial of my due process rights.
2010/05/15 - Jacked Up: Are You Jacked Up? If you are jacked up about the injustice taking place in family courts, having a price placed on the head of your child by our federal government and the ease in which others can drop a dime and anonymously eviscerate a family, you are not alone.