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Gravelle DisciplineApril 2, 2006 The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.In today's world, the media will often take a grain of truth and manipulate it so that they have a sensational story that will sell papers. I will expand on these grains to let Americans know the truth about the Gravelles. Media StoryOne of the Gravelle children was sent to his cage and had to write the entire book of Deuteronomy. The TruthWhen one of the children misbehaved, he was asked to apologize or to go to his room and start copying the Book of Deuteronomy until he did apologize. He had a choice and he chose to go to his room and sit on his bed and start writing. The Book of Deutoronomy was selected because that was the first book in his Bible since he had ripped out the Books of Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. Other options that the Gravelles could have chosen were:
His choice was to start copying the book of Deuteronomy. After writing less than one and one-half pages, he changed his choice and apologized to his sister. A news article in the Sandusky Register on March 21, 2006 regarding Judge Timothy Cardwell's ruling to give permanent custody to Huron County read, "The discipline was excessive and inappropriate; the parents were over-controlling; and the parents defended their abusive behavior, Cardwell wrote." Is this discipline/punishment too strict and abusive? Would you defend your behavior if you were not guilty of the charges? You decide and remember not to believe everything you hear or read in the media. Gravelle Family Friend Please continue to support the Gravelle family with your prayers and a donation of any amount to: Ohio American Family Rights AssociationWhen Children Services Comes KnockingChildren Services was founded to protect abused children. However, they have now become the largest group of child abusers. How do you stop them? Force them to obey the laws of the State and the United States of America. The most commonly broken laws and regulations are:
For more information contact: Clarification regarding social workers talking to your children at Bob Surgenor When a parent sends their children to school, they place the school administrators "In Loco Parentis," which is Latin for "in the place of the parent." The US Supreme Court has ruled that a school teacher or administrator can allow social workers to interview your children without your approval. They do not always need a court order as is indicated above. I know personally, I did it for years as a police officer when speaking to a child victim at a school. I did not need to notify the parents if a child was a victim and needed to be interviewed. In all cases of child abuse and neglect, the child is the victim. A different set of rules apply if the child is a suspect. The law then states that before a child suspect can be interrogated by a government official, the officer must make a "reasonable effort" to contact the parents before any interview takes place. Even then, the parent cannot deny the officer the opportunity to interview their suspect child, but they can insist on being present, much like the right to have an attorney present during questioning. A social worker can talk to your child at school without your knowledge and this is not a violation of the parent's rights. Bob Surgenor |