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On average, a child who enters care will remain in foster care for 32 months, and only about half will return to their parents.

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About Kidjacked and the Editor

This site is owned and edited by Annette M. Hall. You are invited to explore the contents of this site.

Shawn, Annette and Zachary Hall

The Hall Family

Before I explain what you can expect to find here, I would like you to know that I was once a victim of the system. I am not a parent advocate, child advocate or court advocate and I have never had any CPS involvement in my own family. I spent over a year in foster care before I finally ran away, at the age of 14.

My goal is a simple one: Education.

Contrary to a recent rumor, I am not, nor have I ever been an attorney based in Encinitas, CA.

I have also been accused of only trying to make money off the backs of parents hurt by the system. The truth is, I make about $20 a month from advertisements on Kidjacked, barely enough to pay for hosting the site. This is not a money making project. It is a labor of love.

Kidjacked exists to disseminate information to parents and family members, in regards to the way the child welfare industry conducts its affairs. This purpose is served by providing valuable, useable information to those who need it most.

What you will find...

  • Kidjacked contains personal accounts of actual family conflicts with child protective service workers and court personnel, as described by the injured party or their advocate. (Note: "child protective services" is used throughout this site to reflect any and all government organizations that perform the tasks of stripping parental rights from children, including DCFS, DCS, HHS, CPS, DYFS, et al.)
  • Kidjacked contains current and archived news items such as:
    • Foster care issues including:
      • in-care deaths
      • funding
      • research
      • legal and legislative matters
      • abuse; both physical and sexual
      • gender
      • aging out process
    • Child protective service issues including:
      • department audits
      • caseworker misconduct
      • research and statistics
      • placement concerns
      • immunity from prosecution
    • Family Court:
      • conflict of interest
      • judicial misconduct
      • legal representation, or the lack thereof
      • opening closed court rooms
      • adoption
  • Kidjacked also contains legal briefs, case law and resources so that parents may learn strategies, in order to help gain the return of their children after they have been removed from the home.
  • You will also find helpful legal information on what to do, and what not to do, should you ever be threatened by CPS workers.

The list above is not an exhaustive list but one that will give you a general idea of what you will find and how this site can provide assistance.

If you have found helpful online advice please consider sharing your links for placement on Kidjacked. I am always looking for true accounts to share with readers, tell us the good, the bad, and the results. Please use caution when writing your personal or secondhand account, any discovered fabrication of the facts in your case will be publicly exposed on this site.

Please do not send your story written in ALL CAPS or all lower case. It is helpful to have someone else read your story before you submit it, to help find possible errors. Articles needing significant editing will not be considered for publication.

After receiving sometimes as many as a dozen phone calls in a week asking for assistance, with CPS cases. I find I can not longer continue taking phone calls. I find it too emotionally draining and I've included all the information I can get my hands on, on this website. Please use the search function, if you are having trouble finding the answers to your questions.

I am happy to answer e-mails, as time allows, but I find it a much more productive use of my time to post articles and information that can be used by everyone, instead of making feeble attempts to help on individual cases. It breaks my heart to have to limit the time I can spend on helping others battle CPS and their goons but I find myself getting too emotional wrapped up in each case, which just drains all my energy.

I am not a lawyer and I do not practice law. I will however, show you how to find the law in your state so that you may read it for yourself. There is a great deal you can do to shore-up your case in preparation for court, especially if you are being represented by a court-appointed attorney.

I hope that you are able to find helpful information on Kidjacked. I'd love to hear from you. Send me your comments, suggestions and share your story. Please consider posting your comments on the Jacked Up Blog

Finally, for those of you who are wondering about the name I've chosen for the site... well, Kidjacked is a combination of kidnapped and hijacked, I thought it was rather appropriate considering all the facts. If you found this site helpful, please share it with a friend.

~Annette M. Hall